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Created November 9, 2010 01:25
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Save RandomEtc/668577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shape rendering in nodejs with LearnBoost's node-canvas
// node.js geo polygon map tile rendering!
// requires and GeoJSON data files
// e.g.
// data from converted to GeoJSON with GDAL's ogr2ogr
// or from, reprojected too:
// ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON sfbay.js sfbay.shp -t_srs EPSG:4326
var Canvas = require('./vendor/node-canvas/lib/canvas'),
http = require('http'),
fs = require('fs');
var project = {
'FeatureCollection': function(fc) { fc.features.forEach(project.Feature); },
'Feature': function(f) { project[f.geometry.type](f.geometry.coordinates); },
'MultiPolygon': function(mp) { mp.forEach(project.Polygon); },
'Polygon': function(p) { p.forEach(project.LineString); },
'MultiLineString': function(ml) { ml.forEach(project.LineString); },
'LineString': function(l) { l.forEach(project.Point); },
'MultiPoint': function(mp) { mp.forEach(project.Point); },
'Point': function(c) {
c[0] = 256.0 * (c[0] + 180) / 360.0;
c[1] = 256.0 - 256.0 * (Math.PI + Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+c[1]*(Math.PI/180)/2))) / (2*Math.PI);
function Layer(filename, styles) {
var data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
data.styles = styles;
return data;
var bgColor = '#ffffee'; //'#ddddff';
console.log('loading layers...');
var layers = [
Layer('./datasf/sfbay.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ddddff' } ]),
Layer('./datasf/sflnds_parks.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ddffdd' } ]),
Layer('./datasf/phys_waterbodies.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ddddff' } ]),
Layer('./datasf/StClines.js', [ { strokeStyle: '#aaa', lineWidth: 1.0 } ])
/*var layers = [
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_land.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ffffee' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_glaciated_areas.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ffffff' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_rivers_lake_centerlines.js', [ { strokeStyle: '#ddddff' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_lakes.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ddddff' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_us_parks_area.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ddffdd' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m-urban-area.js', [ { fillStyle: '#eeeedd' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_railroads.js', [ { strokeStyle: '#777777' } ]),
Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_roads.js', [ { strokeStyle: '#aa8888' } ])
// TODO more boundaries from
// Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_geography_regions_polys.js', [ { strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)' } ]),
// Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_populated_places_simple.js', [ { fillStyle: '#ffffee' } ]),
// Layer('./naturalearthdata/10m_roads_north_america.js', [ { strokeStyle: '#888888' } ])
console.log('done loading');
console.log('projecting features...');
var t = +new Date
console.log('done projecting in', new Date - t, 'ms');
var canvasPool = [];
function tile(req, res) {
var d = new Date();
var coord = req.url.match(/(\d+)/g);
if (!coord || coord.length != 3) {
console.error(req.url, 'not a coord, match =', coord);
coord =;
//console.log('got coord', coord);
console.log('canvas pool size:', canvasPool.length);
var canvas = canvasPool.length ? canvasPool.pop() : new Canvas(256,256),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = bgColor;
renderData(ctx, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
console.log('rendering done in', new Date - d, 'ms');
d = new Date();
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png'});
var stream = canvas.createPNGStream(); // createSyncPNGStream();
stream.on('data', function(chunk){
stream.on('end', function() {
console.log('streaming done in', new Date - d, 'ms');
// NB:- these functions are called using 'this' as our canvas context
// it's not clear to me whether this architecture is right but it's neat ATM.
var renderPath = {
'MultiPolygon': function(mp) {
mp.forEach(renderPath.Polygon, this);
'Polygon': function(p) {
p.forEach(renderPath.LineString, this);
'MultiLineString': function(ml) {
ml.forEach(renderPath.LineString, this);
'LineString': function(l) {
this.moveTo(l[0][0], l[0][1]);
this.lineTo(c[0], c[1]);
}, this);
'MultiPoint': function(p) {
console.warn('MultiPoint geometry not implemented in renderPath');
'Point': function(p) {
console.warn('Point geometry not implemented in renderPath');
function renderData(ctx, zoom, col, row) {
var sc = Math.pow(2, zoom);
ctx.translate(-col*256/sc, -row*256/sc);
layers.forEach(function(layer, i) {
layer.styles.forEach(function(style) {
ctx.fillStyle = style.fillStyle || '';
ctx.strokeStyle = style.strokeStyle || '';
ctx.lineWidth = 'lineWidth' in style ? style.lineWidth / sc : 1.0 / sc;
layer.features.forEach(function(feature) {
var coordinates = feature.geometry.coordinates;
renderPath[feature.geometry.type].call(ctx, coordinates);
if (style.fillStyle) {
if (style.strokeStyle) {
http.createServer(tile).listen(3000, "localhost");
console.log('listening on 3000');
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