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import sys # import sys | |
sys.path.insert(1, "./lib") # add the lib folder to sys so python can find the libraries | |
import epd2in7b # import the display drivers | |
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont # import the image libraries | |
import time | |
from gpiozero import Button # import the Button control from gpiozero | |
btn1 = Button(5) # assign each button to a variable | |
btn2 = Button(6) # by passing in the pin number | |
btn3 = Button(13) # associated with the button | |
btn4 = Button(19) # | |
epd = epd2in7b.EPD() # get the display object and assing to epd | |
epd.init() # initialize the display | |
print("Clear...") # print message to console (not display) for debugging | |
epd.Clear(0xFF) # clear the display | |
# Print a message to the screen | |
# @params string | |
def printToDisplay(string): | |
# Drawing on the Horizontal image. We must create an image object for both the black layer | |
# and the red layer, even if we are only printing to one layer | |
HBlackImage = Image.new('1', (epd2in7b.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in7b.EPD_WIDTH), 255) # 298*126 | |
HRedImage = Image.new('1', (epd2in7b.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in7b.EPD_WIDTH), 255) # 298*126 | |
# create a draw object and the font object we will use for the display | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(HBlackImage) | |
font = ImageFont.truetype('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/google/Bangers-Regular.ttf', 30) | |
# draw the text to the display. First argument is starting location of the text in pixels | |
draw.text((25, 65), string, font = font, fill = 0) | |
# Add the images to the display. Both the black and red layers need to be passed in, even | |
# if we did not add anything to one of them | |
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackImage), epd.getbuffer(HRedImage)) | |
# Handle button presses | |
# param Button (passed from when_pressed) | |
def handleBtnPress(btn): | |
# get the button pin number | |
pinNum = btn.pin.number | |
# python hack for a switch statement. The number represents the pin number and | |
# the value is the message we will print | |
switcher = { | |
5: "Hello, World!", | |
6: "This is my first \nRPi project.", | |
13: "Hope you liked it.", | |
19: "Goodbye" | |
} | |
# get the string based on the passed in button and send it to printToDisplay() | |
msg = switcher.get(btn.pin.number, "Error") | |
printToDisplay(msg) | |
# tell the button what to do when pressed | |
btn1.when_pressed = handleBtnPress | |
btn2.when_pressed = handleBtnPress | |
btn3.when_pressed = handleBtnPress | |
btn4.when_pressed = handleBtnPress | |
@gudongfeng I'm also having this issue. Where do you insert the pause() command? I've put it just after the epd.Clear() but then nothing happens when I press the buttons, it pauses indefinitely.
@emilyboda Can you try to append it at the end of the file?
I really appreciate you putting together this little demo for beginners, especially the use of the buttons. It wasn't working for me directly as written from your dev.to site, kept getting the "no parent package" error, but I was able to get it to work by borrowing WaveShare's latest code in their demo programs, and saved my program in the same folder as the waveshare test files for now.
For anyone else having this issue, i got around it by using the first few lines of code from the waveshare demo files. Since I have the 2.7in black only HAT, i just swapped out everything above Try: in the epd_2in7_test.py file and then used Rane's code below that. If you also have the 2.7 grayscale only display, make sure to reference the correct epd in the code (epd2in7, not epd2in7b), and to change HBlackImage to HImage.
I've encountered one issue with this code. I need to append the following code to pause the program, otherwise, it will just stop the execution and not listening to any button click.