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Created January 3, 2018 11:20
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documentclass: report
title: DOCUMENT NAME with Hipsum and Riker Ipsum

    - \usepackage{paracol}
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\section{I.} <!-- Optional: for breaking down text into chapters/sections-->

\begin{paracol}{2} % SOURCE LANGUAGE
Lorem ipsum dolor amet art party single-origin coffee minim gluten-free adaptogen do.
Hell of post-ironic vexillologist, letterpress ea cred sustainable narwhal venmo cardigan.
Eiusmod pitchfork chicharrones, portland nostrud normcore proident duis literally trust fund qui vegan mixtape sunt.
Iceland scenester readymade polaroid 8-bit small batch kogi occaecat tempor eiusmod banjo dreamcatcher reprehenderit do slow-carb.
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Occaecat post-ironic drinking vinegar venmo.
Eu ea wayfarers, heirloom bespoke stumptown polaroid drinking vinegar gluten-free pok pok try-hard sartorial disrupt biodiesel messenger bag.
\switchcolumn  % TARGET LANGUAGE
I recommend you don't fire until you're within 40,000 kilometers.
My oath is between Captain Kargan and myself.
Your only concern is with how you obey my orders.
Or do you prefer the rank of prisoner to that of lieutenant?
I am your worst nightmare!
Damage report!
Why don't we just give everybody a promotion and call it a night?
Maybe if we felt any human loss as keenly as we feel one of those close to us, human history would be far less bloody.
We're not at all alike!
That might've been one of the shortest assignments in the history of Starfleet.
We know you're dealing in stolen ore.
But I wanna talk about the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf.
Mr. Worf, you do remember how to fire phasers?
A surprise party?
Mr. Worf, I hate surprise parties.
I would *never* do that to you.

\begin{paracol}{2} % SOURCE LANGUAGE
Sint wolf adaptogen +1 woke lo-fi est bicycle rights tumeric chambray biodiesel id live-edge.
Affogato cardigan letterpress messenger bag, slow-carb art party DIY dolor.
La croix actually gentrify est listicle, shaman wolf.
Tousled ugh farm-to-table four loko aliqua 3 wolf moon occupy meditation food truck brunch duis plaid.
Quis pitchfork ut health goth sed banh mi.
Green juice knausgaard sartorial, taiyaki +1 hell of proident poutine.
Distillery mollit umami magna ex single-origin coffee vinyl.
\switchcolumn % TARGET LANGUAGE
I can't.
As much as I care about you, my first duty is to the ship.
Captain, why are we out here chasing comets?
What's a knock-out like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?
The Federation's gone; the Borg is everywhere!
Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.
I'm afraid I still don't understand, sir.
The unexpected is our normal routine. Some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you.
Maybe if we felt any human loss as keenly as we feel one of those close to us, human history would be far less bloody.

\begin{paracol}{2} % SOURCE LANGUAGE
Succulents ullamco nisi, kogi etsy asymmetrical leggings keytar food truck pabst air plant aute.
Kogi excepteur fixie, ennui flannel brooklyn live-edge roof party before they sold out humblebrag bitters authentic ipsum culpa.
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Wayfarers quis ipsum drinking vinegar lyft minim thundercats humblebrag typewriter activated charcoal vaporware austin.
Pour-over squid anim pug vice lyft knausgaard kitsch.
\switchcolumn % TARGET LANGUAGE
For an android with no feelings, he sure managed to evoke them in others.
Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy.
Yesterday I did not know how to eat gagh.
This is not about revenge.
This is about justice.
They were just sucked into space.
This should be interesting.
I'll be sure to note that in my log.
You enjoyed that.
Sorry, Data.
Shields up!
Rrrrred alert!

\begin{paracol}{2} % SOURCE LANGUAGE
\switchcolumn  % TARGET LANGUAGE
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