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Forked from floehopper/
Created February 4, 2020 19:53
Show Gist options
  • Save RaphaelDDL/3941380907cb0a6fb1e077d59218ad6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RaphaelDDL/3941380907cb0a6fb1e077d59218ad6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Installing OSX Catalina from scratch

List & install software updates

softwareupdate --list
sudo softwareupdate --verbose --install --all

Set computer name

sudo scutil --set ComputerName $COMPUTER_NAME
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName $COMPUTER_NAME
sudo scutil --set HostName $COMPUTER_NAME

Screen saver / lock

  • System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver > Hot Corners > Top Right
    • Start Screen Saver
  • System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General
    • Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins


  • System Preferences > Accessibility > Zoom
    • Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom
  • System Preferences > Accessibility > Pointer Control > Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad Options
    • Check "Enable dragging"
    • Select "three finger drag"

Dock settings

defaults write static-only -bool TRUE
defaults write autohide -bool TRUE
defaults write showhidden -bool TRUE
killall Dock

Trackpad gestures

  • System Preferences > Trackpad > Point & Click > Tap to click
    • Check checkbox (now the default)

Keyboard shortcuts

  • System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts > All Applications
    • Click "+" to add "Zoom" with shortcut cmd-shift-M

Date & time

  • System Preferences > Date & Time > Clock > Date options
    • Check "Show date" checkbox


  • System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects > Alert Volume
    • Move slider to minimum

Battery usage

  • Click on battery icon in status bar
    • Enable "Show Percentage" option


  • System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard
    • Set "Key Repeat" to maximum ("Fast")
    • Set "Delay Until Repeat" to minimum ("Short")
    • Tick "Show keyboard and emoji viewers in menu bar" checkbox


  • System Preferences > Bluetooth
    • Check "Show Bluetooth in menu bar"

Finder preferences


sfltool add-item file:///Users/jamesmead/Code


  • Copy ~/.ssh directory from backup drive


  • Copy ~/.gem directory from backup drive


  • Copy ~/.aws directory from backup drive


Set default shell to bash (default is now zsh)

chsh -s /bin/bash
sudo chsh -s /bin/bash # sets default shell for `root`
  • Add export BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=1 to ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/Code
cd ~/Code
mkdir floehopper
cd floehopper
git clone
cd dotfiles
  • Copy ~/bin directory from backup drive # maybe move this into dotfiles
  • Copy .env* files from relevant projects from backup drive

Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Note: This installs "Command Line Tools for XCode"

Install tools

Follow post-install instructions in each case.

brew install git
# brew install hub
brew install bash-completion
brew install wget
brew install trash
brew install nmap
brew install rclone
brew install ag
brew install tree
# brew install phantomjs
# brew install neovim
# brew install vim --with-override-system-vi
brew install awscli
# brew install jq
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
# brew install postgres
# brew install tldr
# brew install openshift-cli
# brew install elasticsearch
# brew install kibana
# brew install grv
# brew install tidy-html5
# brew install httpie
# brew install ffmpeg
brew install openssl
# brew install fd
# brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
# brew install youtube-dl
# brew install fzf
# brew install gnupg
brew install go
brew install imagemagick
brew install ffmpeg
brew install cmake # for rugged/libgit2
brew install yarn



cd ~/Code/
mkdir lysyi3m
cd lysyi3m
git clone
cd osx-terminal-themes
open "schemes/Solarized Dark.terminal"
open "schemes/Solarized Light.terminal"
defaults write "Default Window Settings" "Solarized Dark"
defaults write "Startup Window Settings" "Solarized Dark"
killall Terminal


brew install rbenv && rbenv init
  • Follow instructions to update dotfiles if necessary.


  • Follow these instructions to install nvm.
  • Update dotfiles if necessary (installation will not overwrite existing configuration)
  • Note installation using Homebrew is not currently supported.
  • Install latest version of node & npm: nvm install node

Install apps


brew cask install 1password
  • Disable notifications
  • Sign in using account


  • Preferences > Extensions
    • Enable 1Password extension
  • Preferences > Advanced
    • Check "Show Develop menu in menu bar"

Google Chrome

brew cask install google-chrome


brew cask install firefox


brew cask install dropbox
  • Sign in
  • Click through introduction
  • Disable notifications
  • Start smart syncing
  • Add the following folders to Finder sidebar
    • ~/Dropbox/Inbox%20-%20Personal
    • ~/Dropbox/Inbox%20-%20Work

Google Drive

brew cask install google-backup-and-sync
  • Open app
  • Disable access to Desktop, Download, Pictures/Photos
  • Sign in using account
  • Sync "My Drive" to default location (~/Google Drive)

Kindle for Mac


brew cask install kindle
  • Sign in
  • Setup
  • Start syncing


brew cask install chromedriver


brew cask install slack
  • Sign in to relevant workspaces


brew cask install doxie

Atom editor

brew cask install atom
apm install language-elm
apm install language-diff
apm install language-docker
apm install language-puppet
apm install language-groovy
apm install markdown-pdf
apm install linter
apm install linter-ruby
apm install linter-eslint
apm install linter-shellcheck
apm install linter-tidy
apm install formatter
apm install formatter-tidy # set options from freerange/site `Spider#normalize_artefacts`
apm install atom-ternjs


brew cask install docker


brew cask install spotify

Calibre eBook reader

brew cask install calibre

Vienna RSS reader


brew cask install vienna

Tunnelblick (VPN client)


brew cask install tunnelblick

Mac App Store CLI

brew install mas


mas search Pages
409201541 Pages (8.2)

mas install 409201541


mas search Numbers
409203825 Numbers (6.2)

mas install 409203825


mas search Keynote
409183694 Keynote (9.2)

mas install 409183694

Quicklook plugins

brew cask install qlmarkdown quicklook-json
  • Open Finder
  • When you see warning: "QLMarkdown.qlgenerator" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
    • Click "OK"
    • System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General
      • Check "Open Anyway"

Real VNC viewer

  • Used for sharing screen with Raspberry Pi
brew cask install realvnc


  • Used to create bootable SD drives for Raspberry Pi
brew cask install balenaEtcher

BBC iPlayer downloader

brew cask install bbc-iplayer-downloads
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