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RaphaelManke / Restore dynamodb table with
Last active June 3, 2022 12:16
step by step guide how to restore a dynamodb table into an existing stack. Example after refactoring the cdk code structure.

Restore DynamoDB in cdk

  1. create a backup of the old table
aws dynamodb create-backup --table-name <old-table-name> --backup-name <some-backup-name>

and remember the arn of the backup -> BACKUP_ARN

  1. deploy the cdk app with the new target table. This table will be empty.

Keybase proof

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  • I am raphaelmanke on github.
  • I am raphaelmanke ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA_f5k26806bAfrw_hTpZ2RF37u9wFxQnBsA6sbzcDWSAo

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