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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Serveurs: . Linux . Putty . Apache . Nginx . Php . Mysql . Varnish . Vagrant puppet chef . Wamp

Réseau: . HTTP protocol . URL . REST . DNS . TCP/IP protocol . Serveur setups

Langage: . POO . SOLID . Design Pattern . Refacoring

Testing: . Différents type de test . Lib .. PHPUnit .. Selenium .. Mink .. Behat .. Atoum .. ? . Techniques d’écriture .. Mock, Stub, etc .. AAA .. FIRST .. TDD .. BDD .. PHP Test Coverage

Lib: . Frameworks .. Symfony .. Zend framework . CMS .. Drupal .. Wordpress . Workers . Caches .. Memcache .. Redis . ORM .. Doctrine .. Propel . Templating

Versionning: . Git . Repository .. Github .. GitLab

CI: . Composer . Serveur .. Jenkins .. Travis .. Capistrano

DB: .. MySQL .. MariaDB .. Migrations



Project management: . Agile .. Scrum .. XP . DDD

IDE: . PHPStorm

Documentation: . Languages .. Markdown .. AsciiDoc . Generator .. PHPDocumentor

Files . Mime . EOL . charset . directory separator

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