* @notice Calculate COMP accrued by a supplier and possibly transfer it to them
* @param cToken The market in which the supplier is interacting
* @param supplier The address of the supplier to distribute COMP to
function distributeSupplierComp(address cToken, address supplier) internal {
// TODO: Don't distribute supplier COMP if the user is not in the supplier market.
// This check should be as gas efficient as possible as distributeSupplierComp is called in many places.
// - We really don't want to call an external contract as that's quite expensive.
CompMarketState storage supplyState = compSupplyState[cToken];
uint supplyIndex = supplyState.index;
uint supplierIndex = compSupplierIndex[cToken][supplier];
// Update supplier's index to the current index since we are distributing accrued COMP
compSupplierIndex[cToken][supplier] = supplyIndex;
if (supplierIndex == 0 && supplyIndex > compInitialIndex) {
// Covers the case where users supplied tokens before the market's supply state index was set.
// Rewards the user with COMP accrued from the start of when supplier rewards were first
// set for the market.
supplierIndex = compInitialIndex;
// Calculate change in the cumulative sum of the COMP per cToken accrued
Double memory deltaIndex = Double({mantissa: sub_(supplyIndex, supplierIndex)});
uint supplierTokens = CToken(cToken).balanceOf(supplier);
// Calculate COMP accrued: cTokenAmount * accruedPerCToken
uint supplierDelta = mul_(supplierTokens, deltaIndex);
uint supplierAccrued = add_(compAccrued[supplier], supplierDelta);
compAccrued[supplier] = supplierAccrued;
emit DistributedSupplierComp(CToken(cToken), supplier, supplierDelta, supplyIndex);
April 19, 2023 14:10
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