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Last active January 29, 2019 06:10
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  • Save RashidJorvee/0a5a0dae91d6f7ddd69e05afe529985b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RashidJorvee/0a5a0dae91d6f7ddd69e05afe529985b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get all the pages which have property
SELECT * from [cq:Page] AS t
where ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content') and
contains(t.*, 'componentName or URL')
SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS parent
INNER JOIN [nt:base] AS child ON ISDESCENDANTNODE(child, parent)
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(parent, '/content/') AND child.[jcr:title]='config'
Get all the nodes where jcr:title have text config
SELECT * from [nt:base] AS t
where ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content') and
contains(t.[jcr:title], 'config')
Get all the nodes from a directory where sling:resourceSuperType is component path.
SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/apps/weretail/components])
and [sling:resourceSuperType] = 'core/wcm/components/list/v1/list'
Get all the pages from a path by exculding a path as well
SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS parent WHERE (ISDESCENDANTNODE(parent , [/content/screens/we-retail])
AND NOT ISDESCENDANTNODE(parent, [/content/screens/we-retail/channels/]))
Get all the components based on their group.
SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/apps/weretail/components])
and [componentGroup] = 'We.Retail'
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