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Created May 9, 2019 06:31
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Flareplot main script with tracks moved toward center
* Creates a flareplot svg in the container matched by the `containerSelector`, sets its width to `width` pixels,
* and associates it with the contents of `json`
* @param width
* @param inputGraph
* @param containerSelector
* @returns {{getNumFrames, setFrame, framesIntersect, framesSum, setTrack, setTree, getTreeNames, getTrackNames, addNodeToggleListener, addNodeHoverListener, addEdgeToggleListener, addEdgeHoverListener, graph}}
function createFlareplot(width, inputGraph, containerSelector){
var w = width;
if (width === "auto") {
const containerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(;
const containerPadding = parseFloat(containerStyle.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(containerStyle.paddingRight);
w = parseFloat( - containerPadding;
var h = w;
var rx = w * 0.5;
var ry = w * 0.5;
var rotate = 0;
var discRad = 55;
if( typeof inputGraph == "string" ){
inputGraph = JSON.parse(inputGraph);
var svg;
var div;
var bundle;
var line;
var nodes;
var splines;
var links;
var graph;
var selectedTree = 0;
var selectedTrack = 0;
var toggledNodes = {};
var visibleEdges = [];
var splineDico;
return (function() {
function create_bundle() {
cluster = d3.layout.cluster()
.size([360, ry - discRad])
.sort(function(a, b) {
if (!a.sortKey && !b.sortKey) {
var aRes = a.key.match(/\d+$/);
var bRes = b.key.match(/\d+$/);
if (aRes && bRes) {
return d3.ascending(parseInt(aRes[0]), parseInt(bRes[0]));
let aKey = a.sortKey?a.sortKey:a.key;
let bKey = b.sortKey?b.sortKey:b.key;
return d3.ascending(aKey, bKey);
graph = preprocessGraph(inputGraph);
nodes = cluster.nodes(graph.trees[selectedTree].tree[""]);
bundle = d3.layout.bundle();
//links = graph.trees[selectedTree].frames;
//splines = bundle(links[0]);
//splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
links = graph.trees[selectedTree].allEdges;
splines = bundle(links);
splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
line = d3.svg.line.radial()
.radius(function(d) { return d.y; })
.angle(function(d) { return d.x / 180 * Math.PI; });"position","relative");
div ="div")
.style("width", w + "px")
.style("height", h + "px")
.style("-webkit-backface-visibility", "hidden");
svg = div.append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + rx + "," + ry + ")");
//// Find the width of the node-name track. Temporarily add all text, go through them and get max-width
//var tmpTexts = svg.selectAll("g.node")
// .data(nodes.filter(function(n) { return !n.children; }), function(d) { return d.key; })
// .enter().append("svg:g")
// .attr("class", "node")
// .attr("id", function(d) { return "node-" + d.key; })
// .append("text")
// .text(function(d) { return d.key; });
//var maxTextWidth = d3.max(svg.selectAll("text")[0], function(t){ return t.getBBox().width; });
var path = svg.selectAll("")
.data(links, function(d,i){
var key = "source-" + d.source.key + "target-" +;
return key;
.attr("class", function(d) {
var ret = "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +;
if( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes) {
ret += " toggled";
return ret;
return 0;
.style("stroke",function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); })
.on("mouseover", function(d){ fireEdgeHoverListeners(d); })
.on("click", function(d){ fireEdgeToggleListeners(d); });
.data(nodes.filter(function(n) { return !n.children; }), function(d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("id", function(d) { return "node-" + d.key; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")"; })
.attr("dx", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? 8 : -8; })
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? "start" : "end"; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? null : "rotate(180)"; })
.text(function(d) { return; })
.on("mouseover", mouseoverNode)
.on("mouseout", mouseoutNode)
.on("click", function(d){ toggleNode(d); });
var arcW = 250.0/(graph.nodeNames.length)*Math.PI/360;
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
var sz = d.size;
if(!sz) { sz = 0.0; }
var or = ry-55+sz*15;
return or;
.data(graph.tracks[selectedTrack].trackProperties, function(d){ return d.nodeName; })
.attr("class", "trackElement")
.attr("id", function(d) { return "trackElement-" + d.nodeName; })
.attr("transform", function(d) {
var x = graph.trees[selectedTree].tree[d.nodeName].x;
return "rotate("+x+")" ;
.style("fill", function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", arc)
.on("mouseover", function(d){
//Locate corresponding node
nodes.filter(function(n){ return; })
.forEach(function(n){ mouseoverNode(n); });
.on("mouseout", function(d){
//Locate corresponding node
nodes.filter(function(n){ return; })
.forEach(function(n){ mouseoutNode(n); });
.on("click", function(d){
//Locate corresponding node
nodes.filter(function(n){ return; })
.forEach(function(n){ toggleNode(n); });
* Preprocess the graph and return its reference but with additional fields:
* - nodeMap: a map associating each node name (string) with a node reference
* - nodeNames: list of string-representation of nodes in no particular order
* - edges: list of (not necessarily distinct) interactions with interaction timepoints (frames)
* - tracks: ...
* - trees: ...
function preprocessGraph(graph) {
"use strict";
// ======= Create defaults, trees, and tracks if they don't exist ==========
if (!graph.defaults) {
graph.defaults = {};
if (!graph.trees) {
graph.trees = [{"treeLabel": "default", "treeProperties": []}];
if (!graph.tracks) {
graph.tracks = [{"trackLabel": "default", "trackProperties": []}];
// For backwards compatibility: Create treeProperties from treePaths if they are present
graph.trees.forEach(function (t) {
if (!t.treeProperties){
t.treeProperties = [];
if (t.treePaths) {
t.treePaths.forEach(function (p) {
t.treeProperties.push({"path": p});
// =========== Construct `nodeNames` list =========== \\
graph.nodeNames = [];
//Fill nodeNames from edges
graph.edges.forEach(function (e) {
if (graph.nodeNames.indexOf(e.name1) == -1) {
if (graph.nodeNames.indexOf(e.name2) == -1) {
//Fill nodeNames from trees
graph.trees.forEach(function (t) {
t.treeProperties.forEach(function (p) {
var name = p.path.substring(p.path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (!(graph.nodeNames.indexOf(name) > -1)) {
//Fill nodeNames from tracks
graph.tracks.forEach(function (t) {
t.trackProperties.forEach(function (c) {
var name = c.nodeName;
if (!(graph.nodeNames.indexOf(name) > -1)) {
// =========== Parse `edges` section ========== \\
//Go through edges and ensure that default widths have been assigned and frames are sorted
graph.edges.forEach(function (e) {
e.width = e.width || graph.defaults.edgeWidth || 1;
// Sort e.frames, but only if its out of order
let last = -100;
for (let i=0;i<e.frames.length; i++){
let cur = e.frames[i];
if (last > cur){
last = cur;
// e.frames.sort();
// =========== Parse `trees` section ========== \\
function addToMap(nodeMap, fullName) {
var i = fullName.lastIndexOf(".");
var name = fullName.substring(i + 1);
var node = nodeMap[name];
if (!node) {
node = {name: name, children: []};
nodeMap[name] = node;
if (name.length) {
node.parent = addToMap(nodeMap, fullName.substring(0, i));
node.key = name.replace(/:/g, "_");
return node;
graph.trees.forEach(function (t) {
var addedNames = [];
//Ensure that each tree-object has a `tree` attribute with the hierarchy
t.tree = {};
t.treeProperties.forEach(function (p) {
var n = addToMap(t.tree, p.path);
//addedNames.push(p.path.substring(p.path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1));
if (p.key){
n.sortKey = p.key;
//Ensure that even nodes not mentioned in the treePaths are added to the tree
graph.nodeNames.forEach(function (p) {
if (addedNames.indexOf(p) === -1) {
addToMap(t.tree, p);
//Go through graph.edges and convert name1, name2, and frames to target and source object arrays.
graph.trees.forEach(function (t) {
t.frames = [];
var summaryEdges = {};
t.allEdges = [];
graph.edges.forEach(function (e) {
//Set source and target of edge
var edge = {
source: t.tree[e.name1],
target: t.tree[e.name2],
key: "" + t.tree[e.name1].key + "-" + t.tree[e.name2].key,
color: e.color || graph.defaults.edgeColor || "rgba(100,100,100)",
opacity: e.opacity || graph.defaults.edgeOpacity || 1,
width: e.width || graph.defaults.edgeWidth || 1
var edgeKey = edge.key;
if (!summaryEdges[edgeKey]) {
summaryEdges[edgeKey] = {
source: edge.source,
key: edge.key,
color: edge.color,
opacity: edge.opacity,
width: edge.width
source: edge.source,
key: edge.key,
color: edge.color,
opacity: edge.opacity,
width: edge.width
} else {
summaryEdges[edgeKey].width += edge.width;
//edge.source = t.tree[edge.name1]; console.assert(edge.source);
// = t.tree[edge.name2]; console.assert(;
//edge.key = ""+i;
//Add interaction frames
e.frames.forEach(function (f) {
while (t.frames.length <= f) {
t.summaryEdges = summaryEdges;
// =========== Parse `tracks` section ========== \\
graph.tracks.forEach(function (track) {
//Ensure that nodes not mentioned in the trackProperties are created with default values
var remainingNodeNames = [];
graph.nodeNames.forEach(function (n) {
track.trackProperties.forEach(function (p) {
//Remove from remainingNodeNames
var idx = remainingNodeNames.indexOf(p.nodeName);
if (idx > -1) {
remainingNodeNames.splice(idx, 1);
remainingNodeNames.forEach(function (n) {
var color = graph.defaults.trackColor || "white";
var size = graph.defaults.trackSize || 0;
track.trackProperties.push({"nodeName": n, "color": color, "size": size});
// =========== Parse `defaults` section ========== \\
function insertCSSrule(selector, property, value) {
for (var i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length;i++) {//Loop through all styles
try {
document.styleSheets[i].insertRule(selector+ ' {'+property+':'+value+'}', document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length);
} catch(err) {//IE
try {
document.styleSheets[i].addRule(selector, property+':'+value);
} catch(err) {}
if (graph.defaults.edgeOpacity) {
insertCSSrule(".link", "stroke-opacity", graph.defaults.edgeOpacity);
insertCSSrule(".link", "opacity", graph.defaults.edgeOpacity);
return graph;
* @param clusterDefinition {}
* keys are the key of the cluster
* values are array that correspond to node keys
function assignCluster(clusterDefinition, oldCluster, graph) {
var nodesMap = clusterDefinition.tree;
var root = nodesMap[""];
var rootNodes = root.children;
// recursively copy x and y propery from the old cluster
function copyAndGoThruChildren(node) {
var newNode;
var nodeKey = node.key;
if (nodesMap[nodeKey]) {
newNode = nodesMap[nodeKey];
var oldNode = oldCluster.tree[nodeKey];
if (oldNode) {
newNode.oldX = oldNode.x;
newNode.oldY = oldNode.y;
} else
// it could happen that an new node come (in case of intermediate level)
newNode = nodesMap[nodeKey];
newNode.clusterName = nodeKey;
if (newNode.children && newNode.children.length > 0) {
* Find the total number of frames in the graph.
* @returns {number}
function getNumFrames(){
var maxFrame = -1;
// maxFrame = Math.max(maxFrame, Math.max.apply(Math, e.frames));
maxFrame = Math.max(maxFrame, e.frames[e.frames.length - 1]);
return maxFrame+1;
* Change the state of the flareplot so it reflects the interactions in the indicated frame.
* @param frameNum a number indicating the frame to set.
function setFrame(frameNum){
frameNum = parseInt(frameNum);
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the intersection over a range.
* @param rangeStart first frame to include (must be less than `rangeEnd`)
* @param rangeEnd first frame after `rangeStart` that should not be included
function rangeIntersect(rangeStart, rangeEnd){
//splines = bundle(links);
//splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
var path = svg.selectAll("");"stroke-width",
var count = graph.edges[i].frames.rangeCount(rangeStart, rangeEnd-1);
return count==(rangeEnd-rangeStart)?(2 * graph.edges[i].width):0;
.attr("class", function(d) {
var ret = "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +;
if( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes) {
ret += " toggled";
return ret;
//.attr("class", function(d) { return "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +; })
.style("stroke",function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); });
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the sum over a range.
* @param rangeStart first frame to include (must be less than `rangeEnd`)
* @param rangeEnd first frame after `rangeStart` that should not be included
function rangeSum(rangeStart, rangeEnd){
//splines = bundle(links);
//splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
var path = svg.selectAll("");
var widthScale = d3.scale.linear()
visibleEdges = [];"stroke-width",
var count = graph.edges[i].frames.rangeCount(rangeStart, rangeEnd-1);
if (count>0){
var e = {edge:graph.edges[i], weight:count/(rangeEnd-rangeStart)};
e.toggled = e.edge.name1 in toggledNodes || e.edge.name2 in toggledNodes;
return widthScale(count) * graph.edges[i].width;
} else {
return 0;
.attr("class", function(d) {
var ret = "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +;
if( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes) {
ret += " toggled";
return ret;
//.attr("class", function(d) { return "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +; })
.style("stroke",function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); });
// fireFrameListeners(visibleEdges);
fireFrameListeners({type:"sum", start:rangeStart, end:rangeEnd});
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the intersection over a subset.
* @param subset a list of numbers indicating which frames to include
function subsetIntersect(subset, subtract){
//splines = bundle(links);
//splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
var path = svg.selectAll("");
visibleEdges = [];"stroke-width",
function(d,i) {
for (var c = 0; c < subset.length; c++) {
var frame = subset[c];
var iud = graph.edges[i].frames.indexUpDown(frame);
if (iud[0] != iud[1]) return 0;
if (subtract) {
for (var c = 0; c < subtract.length; c++) {
var frame = subtract[c];
var iud = graph.edges[i].frames.indexUpDown(frame);
if (iud[0] == iud[1]) return 0;
var e = {edge:graph.edges[i], weight:1};
e.toggled = e.edge.name1 in toggledNodes || e.edge.name2 in toggledNodes;
return 2 * e.weight;
.attr("class", function(d) {
var ret = "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +;
if( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes)
ret+=" toggled";
return ret;
.style("stroke",function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); });
fireFrameListeners({type:"intersect", intersected:subset, excluded:subtract});
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the sum over a subset.
* @param subset a list of numbers indicating which frames to include
function subsetSum(subset){
//splines = bundle(links);
//splineDico = buildSplineIndex(splines);
var path = svg.selectAll("");
visibleEdges = [];
var widthScale = d3.scale.linear()
var count = 0;
var iud = graph.edges[i].frames.indexUpDown(f);
if( iud[0] == iud[1] ){ count++; }
var e = {edge:graph.edges[i], weight:count/subset.length};
e.toggled = e.edge.name1 in toggledNodes || e.edge.name2 in toggledNodes;
return count==0?0:(widthScale(count) * e.weight);
.attr("class", function(d) {
var ret = "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +;
if( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes) {
ret += " toggled";
return ret;
//.attr("class", function(d) { return "link source-" + d.source.key + " target-" +; })
.style("stroke",function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); });
fireFrameListeners({type:"setsum", set:subset});
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the intersection over the specified selection. If
* `selection` and `optionalSelection` are both numbers then the intersection will be taken over the range of
* frames spanned by the two. If `selection` is an array of numbers the intersection will be taken over the
* frames in the array. If the arguments don't satisfy these requirements an error is thrown.
* @param selection
* @param optionalSelection
* @returns {*}
function framesIntersect(selection, optionalSelection) {
if (typeof selection === "number" && typeof optionalSelection === "number") {
return rangeIntersect(selection, optionalSelection);
if ( === "[object Array]" && optionalSelection === undefined) {
return subsetIntersect(selection);
throw "framesIntersect must take either two integers (range), or an array (subset) as argument";
function framesIntersectSubtract(intersectSelection, subtractSelection) {
return subsetIntersect(intersectSelection, subtractSelection);
* Update the state of the flareplot so it reflects the sum over the specified selection. If `selection` and
* `optionalSelection` are both numbers then the intersection will be taken over the range of frames spanned by
* the two. If `selection` is an array of numbers the intersection will be taken over the frames in the array.
* If the arguments don't satisfy these requirements an error is thrown.
* @param selection
* @param optionalSelection
* @returns {*}
function framesSum(selection, optionalSelection) {
if (typeof selection === "number" && typeof optionalSelection === "number") {
return rangeSum(selection, optionalSelection);
if ( === "[object Array]" && optionalSelection === undefined) {
return subsetSum(selection);
throw "framesSum must take either two integers (range), or an array (subset) as argument";
function toggleNode(node){
var svgNodeElement = svg.selectAll("g.node#node-"+node.key).node();
var toggled = !"toggledNode");
.classed("toggledNode", function(){return toggled; });
var name = node.key.substring(node.key.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
delete toggledNodes[name];
toggledNodes[name] = "";
path = svg.selectAll("")
.classed("toggled", function(d) {
return ( d.source.key in toggledNodes || in toggledNodes)
if(e.edge.name1==name || e.edge.name2==name){
e.toggled = toggled;
fireNodeToggleListeners({"name":, "key": node.key});
function mouseoverNode(d) {
svg.selectAll("" + d.key)
.classed("target", true)
.each(updateNodes("source", true));
svg.selectAll("" + d.key)
.classed("source", true)
.each(updateNodes("target", true));
function mouseoutNode(d) {
svg.selectAll("" + d.key)
.classed("source", false)
.each(updateNodes("target", false));
svg.selectAll("" + d.key)
.classed("target", false)
.each(updateNodes("source", false));
function updateNodes(name, value) {
return function(d) {
//if (value) this.parentNode.appendChild(this);"#node-" + d[name].key).classed(name, value);
function getTreeNames(){
var ret = [];
for (var t=0; t<graph.trees.length; t++ ){
return ret;
function setTree(treeIdx){
var oldTreeIdx = selectedTree;
selectedTree = treeIdx;
assignCluster(graph.trees[selectedTree], graph.trees[oldTreeIdx], graph);
var recomposedSplines = [];
nodes = cluster.nodes(graph.trees[selectedTree].tree[""]);
links = Object.values(graph.trees[selectedTree].summaryEdges);
.data(nodes.filter(function(n) { return !n.children; }), function(d) { return d.key})
//.attr("transform", function(d) { return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")"; })
.attrTween("transform", function(d) {
var oldMatrix = "rotate(" + (d.oldX - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";
var newMatrix = "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")";
return d3.interpolateString(oldMatrix, newMatrix);
.attr("dx", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? 8 : -8; })
.attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? "start" : "end"; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? null : "rotate(180)"; });
var arcW = 250.0/(graph.nodeNames.length)*Math.PI/360;
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
var sz = d.size;
if(!sz) sz = 0.0;
return ry-15+sz*15;
.attrTween("transform", function(d) {
var node = graph.trees[selectedTree].tree[d.nodeName];
var oldMatrix = "rotate(" + (node.oldX) + ")";
var newMatrix = "rotate(" + (node.x) + ")";
return d3.interpolateString(oldMatrix, newMatrix);
.style("fill", function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", arc);
// transition the splines
var newSplines = bundle(Object.values((graph.trees[selectedTree].summaryEdges)));
var newSplinesDico = buildSplineIndex(newSplines);
var done = false;
var path = svg.selectAll("").data(links, function(d){
return d.key;
// i dont understand how d3 orders the spline array, so we need
function(d, i, a) {
//if (i != 2) return;
// make a copy of the targeted Spline, and put all x to the value of OldX..
var oldSpline = [];
var key = d.key;
var oldSplineIdx = splineDico[key];
var newSplineIdx = newSplinesDico[key];
if (oldSplineIdx === void 0 || newSplineIdx === void 0) {
console.log("Not found Spline with key", key);
for (var j = 0; j < splines[oldSplineIdx].length; j++) {
var s = Object.assign({}, splines[oldSplineIdx][j]);
oldSpline = {
return {x: s.x, y: s.y};
var simpleSpline = newSplines[newSplineIdx].map(function(s) {
return {x: s.x, y:s.y, key:s.key}
// now if oldspine is missing controlpoints
var delta = simpleSpline.length - oldSpline.length;
if (oldSpline.length < simpleSpline.length) {
//positive delta
var recomposedOldSpline = [];
// we make the assumption that we start with 3 control points
// but they may be more complicated situations
// if delta = 2 0 - 0, 1-0, 2-1, 3-2, 4-2 (3 to 5 )
// if delta = 4 0-0 1-0 2-0, 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-2 ( 3 to 7 )
// if delta = 2 ( 5 to 7) what happens ?
// if delta = 4 ( 5 to 9) what happens ?
for (i = 0, currentIndex = 0; i < simpleSpline.length; i++) {
recomposedOldSpline[i] = oldSpline[currentIndex];
if (i <= delta/2 || currentIndex >= oldSpline.length - 1) { } else {
} else if (delta < 0) { // (5 < 3)
// newer spline has less target point than older spline
var recomposedNewSpline = [];
// -2, 5 to 3 => 0 -0, 1-0, 2-1, 3-2,4-2 (simplespline 3, oldSpine = 5)
// -4 ,7 to 3 => 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-1, 4-2 5-2 6-2
delta = Math.abs(delta);
for (i = 0, currentIndex = 0; i < oldSpline.length; i++) {
recomposedNewSpline[i] = simpleSpline[currentIndex];
if (i <= Math.floor(delta / 2) || currentIndex >= simpleSpline.length - 1) {} else {
simpleSpline = recomposedNewSpline;
recomposedOldSpline = oldSpline;
} else
recomposedOldSpline = oldSpline;
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(recomposedOldSpline, simpleSpline);
// we can update the splines at the next loop, or it will mess D3
if (!done){
done = true;
splines = recomposedSplines;
splineDico = buildSplineIndex(recomposedSplines);
// we do not want to rebind data here
}, 500);
return function(t) {
return line(interpolate(t))
* For all splines in the array, create an index that match the key of
* the link and the index in the spline array.
function buildSplineIndex(splines) {
var linkKeyToSplineIdx = {};
splines.forEach(function(spline, idx){
var source = spline[0].key;
var target = spline[spline.length-1].key;
var key = source + "-" + target;
linkKeyToSplineIdx[key] = idx;
return linkKeyToSplineIdx;
function getTrackNames(){
var ret = [];
for(var t=0;t<graph.tracks.length;t++){
return ret;
function setTrack(trackIdx){
selectedTrack = trackIdx;
var arcW = 250.0/(graph.nodeNames.length)*Math.PI/360;
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
var sz = d.size;
if(!sz) sz = 0.0;
return ry-15+sz*15;
.data(graph.tracks[selectedTrack].trackProperties, function(d){ return d.nodeName; })
.style("fill", function(d){ return d.color; })
.attr("d", arc);
function setTension(tension){
var path = svg.selectAll("")
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(splines[i]); })
function getEdges(){
return visibleEdges;
var nodeToggleListeners = [];
var nodeHoverListeners = [];
var edgeToggleListeners = [];
var edgeHoverListeners = [];
var frameListeners = [];
function addNodeToggleListener(l){ nodeToggleListeners.push(l); }
function addNodeHoverListener(l){ nodeHoverListeners.push(l); }
function addEdgeToggleListener(l){ edgeToggleListeners.push(l); }
function addEdgeHoverListener(l){ edgeHoverListeners.push(l); }
function addFrameListener(l){ frameListeners.push(l); }
function fireNodeToggleListeners(n){ nodeToggleListeners.forEach(function(l){l(n);}); }
function fireNodeHoverListeners(n){ nodeHoverListeners.forEach(function(l){l(n);}); }
function fireEdgeToggleListeners(n){ edgeToggleListeners.forEach(function(l){l(n);}); }
function fireEdgeHoverListeners(n){ edgeHoverListeners.forEach(function(l){l(n);}); }
function fireFrameListeners(f){ frameListeners.forEach(function(l){l(f);}); }
return {
getNumFrames: getNumFrames,
setFrame: setFrame,
getEdges: getEdges,
framesIntersect: framesIntersect,
framesSum: framesSum,
framesIntersectSubtract: framesIntersectSubtract,
setTrack: setTrack,
setTree: setTree,
getTreeNames: getTreeNames,
getTrackNames: getTrackNames,
setTension: setTension,
addNodeToggleListener: addNodeToggleListener,
addNodeHoverListener: addNodeHoverListener,
addEdgeToggleListener: addEdgeToggleListener,
addEdgeHoverListener: addEdgeHoverListener,
addFrameListener: addFrameListener,
graph: graph//, for debugging purposes
}) ();
function upload_button(el, callback) {
var uploader = document.getElementById(el);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var contents =;
uploader.addEventListener("change", handleFiles, false);
function handleFiles() {"#table").text("loading...");
var file = this.files[0];
* Gets the index of the value just above and just below `key` in a sorted array.
* If the exact element was found, the two indices are identical.
function indexUpDown(key) {
"use strict";
var minIdx = 0;
var maxIdx = this.length - 1;
var curIdx, curElm, resIdx;
while (minIdx <= maxIdx) {
resIdx = curIdx = (minIdx + maxIdx) / 2 | 0;
curElm = this[curIdx];
if (curElm < key) minIdx = curIdx + 1;
else if (curElm > key) maxIdx = curIdx - 1;
else return [curIdx,curIdx];
return [minIdx,maxIdx];
/** Get the number of entries whose value are greater than or equal to `start`
* and lower than or equal to `end` in a sorted array*/
function rangeCount(start, end){
var startIdx = this.indexUpDown(start)[0];
var endIdx = this.indexUpDown(end)[1];
return endIdx-startIdx+1;
Array.prototype.indexUpDown = indexUpDown;
Array.prototype.rangeCount = rangeCount;
// var list = [1,2,5,10,15,16];
// function testRange(l,s,e, expected){
// var res = l.rangeCount(s,e);
// console.log("["+l+"].count("+s+","+e+") -> "+res+" expects "+expected+(res==expected?" PASS":" FAILED"));
// }
// testRange(list, 0, 0, 0);
// testRange(list, 0, 1, 1);
// testRange(list, -10, -1, 0);
// testRange(list, 1, 1, 1);
// testRange(list, 1, 2, 2);
// testRange(list, 2, 2, 1);
// testRange(list, 2, 4, 1);
// testRange(list, 2, 5, 2);
// testRange(list, 16, 16, 1);
// testRange(list, 16, 20, 1);
// testRange(list, 17, 17, 0);
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