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Created April 1, 2021 10:52
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The configuration of the mail server with their credentials to send the alert to the student and parents regarding their attendance status.
def send_mail():
test_append = str(request.form['folder_name'])
teacher_name = str(session.get('user'))
excel_dir = APP_ROOT+"/excel/"+test_append+"/"+teacher_name+"/"
excel_date = request.form['fname']
time = request.form['ftime']
time = time[:2]
final_send = glob(excel_dir + "/" + excel_date+ "@" + time +"*.xlsx")[0]
df = pd.read_excel(final_send)
roll_id = list(df['Roll Id'])
cursor = conn.cursor()
for i in range(len(roll_id)):
cursor.execute("SELECT student_email,parent_email from student_login where binary roll_id=%s",[roll_id[i]])
email = list(cursor.fetchone())
msg = Message('GCT-IT Attendance',recipients= [email[0],email[1]])
msg.body = "Hi.. " + str(roll_id[i]) + " is present for the lecture of " + "Prof. " +str(teacher_name.split('.',1)[0]) + ", which is held on " + excel_date + "@" + time + "hrs"
msg.html = "Hi.. " + str(roll_id[i]) + " is present for the lecture of " + "Prof. " +str(teacher_name .split('.',1)[0])+ ", which is held on " + excel_date + "@" + time + "hrs"
return "<h1>mail sent<h1>"
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