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Created April 13, 2019 10:12
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import Data.List (sort, group)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad
sampleN = 103 :: Integer
sampleNums = [217, 1891, 4819, 2291, 2987, 3811, 1739, 2491, 4717, 445, 65, 1079, 8383, 5353, 901, 187, 649, 1003, 697, 3239, 7663, 291, 123, 779, 1007, 3551, 1943, 2117, 1679, 989, 3053] :: [Integer]
sampleNums2 = [9, 9, 9, 21, 217, 1891, 4819, 2291, 2987, 3811, 1739, 2491, 4717, 445, 65, 1079, 8383, 5353, 901, 187, 649, 1003, 697, 3239, 7663, 291, 123, 779, 1007, 3551, 1943, 2117, 1679, 989, 3053] :: [Integer]
sampleNums3 = [15, 15, 15, 35, 217, 1891, 4819, 2291, 2987, 3811, 1739, 2491, 4717, 445, 65, 1079, 8383, 5353, 901, 187, 649, 1003, 697, 3239, 7663, 291, 123, 779, 1007, 3551, 1943, 2117, 1679, 989, 3053] :: [Integer]
sampleNums4 = [9, 9, 9, 15, 15, 15, 35, 217, 1891, 4819, 2291, 2987, 3811, 1739, 2491, 4717, 445, 65, 1079, 8383, 5353, 901, 187, 649, 1003, 697, 3239, 7663, 291, 123, 779, 1007, 3551, 1943, 2117, 1679, 989, 3053] :: [Integer]
alphabetChars = ['A'..'Z'] :: String
factorizeCiphertext4 :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
factorizeCiphertext4 (n:nums)
| isEdge = (scanr (\n1 n2 -> n1 `div` n2) (head factorTail) groupHeads) ++ (tail factorTail)
| otherwise = factorTail
where groupHeads = groupHead ([n] ++ nums)
isEdge = if (length groupHeads) > 0 then True else False
listToScan = groupTail ([n] ++ nums)
firstFactor = (head listToScan) `div` (commonFactor (head listToScan) (head $ tail listToScan))
factorTail = scanl (\f n -> n `div` f) firstFactor listToScan
groupHead :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
groupHead (x:xs)
| x == (head xs) = [x] ++ (takeWhile (==x) xs) ++ groupHead (dropWhile (==x) xs)
| otherwise = []
groupTail :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
groupTail (x:xs)
| x == (head xs) = groupTail (dropWhile (==x) xs)
| otherwise = [x] ++ xs
commonFactor :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
commonFactor a b
| remainder == 1 = 1
| remainder == 0 = if a > b then b else a
| otherwise = if a > b then commonFactor b remainder else commonFactor a remainder
where remainder = if a > b then snd (quotRem a b) else snd (quotRem b a)
getPlainText :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Maybe String
getPlainText nums lnums = sequence [M.lookup num charmap | num <- faclist]
where faclist = factorizeCiphertext4 nums
primes = map head (group $ sort faclist)
charmap = M.fromList (zip primes alphabetChars)
checkFactorization :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [Integer] -> Bool
checkFactorization faclist orig = recovered == orig
where recovered = map (\fs -> (fst fs)*(snd fs)) faclist
primeFactorize2 :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
primeFactorize2 num = (f1 ,f2)
where lim = floor ((sqrt (fromIntegral num)) + 2) `div` 2
nums2check = [2*x + 1 | x <- [1..lim]]
f1 = (head $ dropWhile (\x -> (mod num x) /= 0) nums2check)
f2 = num `div` f1
printMaybe :: Show a => Maybe a -> IO ()
printMaybe (Just x) = print x
printMaybe n = print n
printCaseSolution :: Integer -> Maybe [Char] -> IO ()
printCaseSolution i (Just x) = putStrLn ("Case #" ++ show i ++ ": " ++ x)
printCaseSolution i x = putStrLn ("Case #" ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show x)
solveCase :: (Integer, Integer, Integer, [Integer]) -> IO ()
solveCase (i, nMax, listLen, lst) = printCaseSolution i (getPlainText lst listLen)
readCase :: Integer -> IO (Integer, Integer, Integer, [Integer])
readCase i = do
dl <- getLine
let [nMax, listLen] = (map read (words dl)) :: [Integer]
lstline <- getLine
let lst = (map read (words lstline)) :: [Integer]
return (i, nMax, listLen, lst)
main = do
t <- getLine
let tn = read t :: Integer
cases <- forM [] readCase
mapM solveCase cases
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