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Last active September 11, 2020 22:00
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Android template Names

Naming Convention

In order to make the code look consistent cross modules, we have decided to come up with naming conventions.

Item Naming Convention Example
Modules Bank-<name> Bank -login
Packages <main_package>.<name>
Android/Architecture Components <name><component> LoginViewModel
Arguments ARG_<name> ARG_EMAIL = "email"
Preferences KEY_<name> KEY_EMAIL = ""
XML Files <what>_<description>
  • activity_login.xml
  • fragment_login.xml
  • dialog_change_password.xml (layouts for any kind of dialog)
  • content_login_header.xml (specific layouts to be used within other layouts)
  • menu_login.xml
  • view_login.xml (custom views XML base specification)
  • item_login.xml (items for lists)
  • Resource Strings <what>_<description>
  • label_username (Messages, warnings, descriptions)
  • hint_username (Default description that appears within any kind of input)
  • title_login (For titles/subtitles and any kind of header text)
  • Resource Drawables <what>_<description>
  • ic_user_profile_photo.xml (Images/Icons)
  • bg_rounded_blue.xml (Backgrounds / Selectors)
  • color_button_blue (Colors under color directory)
  • view_circle_loading.xml (Custom drawable views)
  • Resource Dimensions {where}_<what>_{size}
  • size_10dp
  • width_10dp
  • toolbar_height
  • notification_header_padding_top_30dp (Works for padding & margins)
  • text_size_10sp
  • Resource Colors <name>_<value> blue_light
    Resource View IDs <prefix> + <description>
  • ly + Login (Any kind of layouts such as Constraints/AppBar/Linear and so on)
  • btn + Login (Any kind of button, such as Button, ImageButton, RadioButton, ToggleButton and so on)
  • tv + Username (All sort of non-editable labels such as TextViews)
  • et + Username (All sort of editable text inputs such as EditTexts)
  • chk + Policy (All views that require a check/uncheck interaction such as CheckBoxes)
  • img + Photo (All views that are used to show images such as ImageViews)
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