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Black lives matter.

Lofty Ravenslofty

Black lives matter.
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
python3 "$1" > "test$1.vqm"
../ "$PWD/test$1.vqm" test
cp "test$1/test.sof" "bit$1.sof"
Cyclone V LUT LABCELL_X2_Y1_N0 (SOF format)
LUT bits are inverted.
0x26B47 0x26B48 0x26B49 0x26B4A
1111 1100 1101 1110 1111 1011 0001 1000
^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^
2525 25 3 030 2303 0 25
6879 57 5 342 4312 0 86
Estimate of Logic utilization (ALMs needed) 2523 <= (13356/2) = 6678, assuming ALM logic plays nice <= 4892
Combinational ALUT usage for logic 2509 <= 13218 <= 9768
-- 7 input functions 49 <= 0 (not supported)
-- 6 input functions 420 <= 33 <= 2551
-- 5 input functions 375 <= 39 <= 2114
-- 4 input functions 497 <= 5668 <= 1221
-- <=3 input functions 1168 <= 7478 <= 3900
Dedicated logic registers 4231 <= 4891, assuming this means DFFs
genvar n;
for (n = 0; n < S_COUNT; n = n + 1) begin // Quartus: this block requires a name
assign request[n] = s_udp_hdr_valid[n] && !grant[n];
assign acknowledge[n] = grant[n] && s_udp_payload_axis_tvalid[n] && s_udp_payload_axis_tready[n] && s_udp_payload_axis_tlast[n];
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/cordic_10_16.v
prep -flatten
design -stash gold
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/cordic_10_16.v
prep -flatten
synth -auto-top -lut 4 -run :fine
abc -luts 1,1,1,1,3,6 -dress
design -stash gate
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/counter.v
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/counter_tb.v
prep -flatten
design -stash gold
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/counter.v
read_verilog ~/CPU/benchmarks/counter_tb.v
prep -flatten
script synth_cyclone.ys
design -stash gate
read_verilog ~/yosys/tests/lut/map_and.v
design -stash gold
read_verilog ~/yosys/tests/lut/map_and.v
synth -auto-top -lut 4 -run :fine
opt -full
read_verilog -lib cells_sim.v
techmap -map alu_map.v
techmap -map dff_map.v
synth -lut 6
read_verilog -lib cells_sim.v
techmap -map cells_map.v
stat -width

Rough Retargeting Yosys


You'll want Yosys itself; I am using Yosys 0.8+531 (git commit d4f77d40).

Gather all the information you can about your target; the more, the better.

As an example, I'm going to use the publicly available [Cyclone V Device Handbook][handbook]. Intel have not released any documentation of the Cyclone V bitstream, and reverse engineering

Rough Retargeting Yosys


You'll want Yosys itself; I am using Yosys 0.8+531 (git commit d4f77d40).

Gather all the information you can about your target; the more, the better.

As an example, I'm going to use the publicly available [Cyclone V Device Handbook][handbook]. Intel have not released any documentation of the Cyclone V bitstream, and reverse engineering