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Last active August 11, 2020 17:09
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Simple way to find inversions count in an array using python (with comments step by step) by augmenting the Merge Sort by simply adding a inversion count value. Week 2 Divide and Conquer Algorithms Stanford University Coursera(Specialization Part-1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor
Created on Tue Aug 11 22:37:02 2020
@author: Ravi
def merge_lists(left_sublist,right_sublist):
#augmentaion starts here
#initialize a inversion count variable to zero
count_inv = 0
#initialize both the pointer to zero
#inititalize empty list in which both the sublists will be merged
merged_list = []
#iterate through both right and left sublists and compare
#and append accordinly to the merged_list
while(i<len(left_sublist) and j<len(right_sublist)):
#if the left value is lower than the right value then append the left
#to the merged_list and increment the left pointer
if left_sublist[i]<=right_sublist[j]:
#if the right value is added to the merged_list that means
#all the remaining values in the left sublist are greater than
#the current value in the right sublist so just add that count
#i.e total elements left in left - 1
count_inv += (len(left_sublist)-i)
#now add all the remaining elements from left to right
merged_list += left_sublist[i:]
merged_list += right_sublist[j:]
#and finally return the merged list with the inversion_count
return merged_list,count_inv
def merge_sort(main_list):
#if the list only contains one element return it
if len(main_list)<=1:
return main_list,0
#splitting the list recursively into sublists and also collecting the
#inversion count for the left sublist + right sublist and the middle
#last splitted array
midpoint = len(main_list)//2
(left_sublist,a) = merge_sort(main_list[:midpoint])
(right_sublist,b) = merge_sort(main_list[midpoint:])
#return the merged list using the merge_list function
(sorted_list,c) = merge_lists(left_sublist,right_sublist)
#simply add all 3 counts and return along the sorted list :)
return (sorted_list,a+b+c)
input_list = [1,20,6,4,5]
sorted_list, inversion_count = merge_sort(input_list)
print('Sorted list ->',sorted_list)
print('Inversion count ->',inversion_count)
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