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[Batch] Extract Variable Set
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Setup
set "ResultsFolder=results"
set "ExportFile=output.txt"
:: Verify that the Results folder exists
if not exist "%ResultsFolder%\*" md "%ResultsFolder%"
set "OutputFile=%ResultsFolder%\%ExportFile%"
:: Set the Working Directory
cd data
:: Empty the results file.
<nul set /p "=">%OutputFile%
:: Loop through the directory /a:d and its subdirectories /s.
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /a:d /b /s') do if exist "%%~fF" (
call :Reset
rem Loop through the file contents and parse each line.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%L in ("%%~fF") do (
for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %%X in ("%%L") do (
rem Keep track of the variables.
if "%%Y"=="!namenum!" set "name=%%Z" & set /a "count+=1"
if "%%Y"=="!hostnum!" set "host=%%Z" & set /a "count+=2"
if "%%Y"=="!yearnum!" set "year=%%Z" & set /a "count+=4"
if "%%Y"=="!monthnum!" set "month=%%Z" & set /a "count+=8"
if "%%Y"=="!daynum!" set "day=%%Z" & set /a "count+=16"
if "%%Y"=="!hournum!" set "hour=%%Z" & set /a "count+=32"
if "%%Y"=="!minutenum!" set "minute=%%Z" & set /a "count+=64"
if "%%Y"=="!secondnum!" set "second=%%Z" & set /a "count+=128"
if /i "%%X"=="@name" set "namenum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@host" set "hostnum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@year" set "yearnum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@month" set "monthnum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@day" set "daynum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@hour" set "hournum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@minute" set "minutenum=%%Y"
if /i "%%X"=="@second" set "secondnum=%%Y"
rem When a full set is reached print it out.
if "!count!" equ "255" (
echo %%~nF !name! !host! !year! !month! !day! !hour! !minute! !second!>>%OutputFile%
call :Reset
if "!count!" gtr "255" (
echo %%~nF Error Incomplete Data Set>>%OutputFile%
goto :eof
:: Reset all of the variables for the next set.
set "name="
set "namenum="
set "host="
set "hostnum="
set "year="
set "yearnum="
set "day="
set "daynum="
set "month="
set "monthnum="
set "hour="
set "hournum="
set "minute="
set "minutenum="
set "second="
set "secondnum="
set "count=0"
goto :eof
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