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Created December 11, 2011 13:16
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* @file dsort.c
* @author Ondřej Hošek (0925631)
* @brief DSort
* @details Concatenates the output of two programs, sorts it, and outputs
* duplicate lines.
* @date 2011-04-12
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "msa.h"
/** Maximum line length, sans NULL. */
#define MAX_LINE_LEN 1023
/** The environment with which this process has been launched. */
extern char **environ;
* The name of the program binary (from argv[0]).
* @note Unscrupulously global because it is only set once, is common to all
* threads, and its globality strongly simplifies access.
const char *progname;
* Launch a program and open a pipe to its standard input and output.
* @param argstrings Array of argument strings, including the program name.
* @param progin By-ref to writable file object pointer representing the
* launched program's standard input.
* @param progout By-ref to readable file object pointer representing the
* launched program's standard output.
* @return PID of the spawned child process; -1 on failure.
static pid_t pipeprog(char * const *argstrings, FILE **progin, FILE **progout)
int p2cpipe[2];
int c2ppipe[2];
pid_t fk;
/* set up pipes */
if (pipe(p2cpipe) != 0)
"%s: Couldn't open pipe: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
return -1;
if (pipe(c2ppipe) != 0)
"%s: Couldn't open pipe: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
return -1;
fk = fork();
if (fk == -1)
/* fork() failed */
"%s: Couldn't fork process: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
return -1;
else if (fk == 0)
/* I'm the child */
/* close unneeded pipe ends */
/* turn pipe ends into stdin (0) and stdout (1) */
if (dup2(p2cpipe[0], 0) == -1)
"%s: Error replacing stdin: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
if (dup2(c2ppipe[1], 1) == -1)
"%s: Error replacing stdout: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
/* execute the program */
if (execve(argstrings[0], argstrings, environ) == -1)
"%s: Error executing program: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
/* execve doesn't return */
assert(0 && "execve returned...");
/* I'm the parent */
/* close unneeded pipe ends */
/* prepare the file objects */
*progin = fdopen(p2cpipe[1], "w");
if (*progin == NULL)
"%s: Couldn't open file descriptor: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
return -1;
*progout = fdopen(c2ppipe[0], "r");
if (*progout == NULL)
"%s: Couldn't open file descriptor: %s\n",
progname, strerror(errno)
return -1;
/* done */
return fk;
* Launch a command through a shell and open a pipe to its standard input and
* output.
* @param cmd Command string to pass to shell.
* @param progin By-ref to writable file object pointer representing the
* launched program's standard input.
* @param progout By-ref to readable file object pointer representing the
* launched program's standard output.
* @return PID of the spawned child process; -1 on failure.
static pid_t pipeprogshell(const char *cmd, FILE **progin, FILE **progout)
char *args[4];
args[0] = "/bin/sh";
args[1] = "-c";
/* this const-stripping is kinda stupid, but I don't know a better way */
args[2] = (char *)cmd;
args[3] = NULL;
return pipeprog(args, progin, progout);
* The main entry point of the application.
* @param argc Number of commandline arguments.
* @param argv Array of commandline arguments.
* @return Exit code.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *pin;
FILE *pout;
char ln[MAX_LINE_LEN+1];
msa_t lines;
size_t i;
pid_t uniqpid;
progname = argv[0];
if (argc != 3)
(void)fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s COMMAND1 COMMAND2\n", progname);
/* allocate MSA */
/* for both commands */
for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
pid_t subpid = pipeprogshell(argv[i], &pin, &pout);
/* launch command */
if (subpid == -1)
/* diagnostics already provided by pipeprog */
/* provide no input */
/* read output line by line and place it in the array */
while (!feof(pout))
if (fgets(ln, MAX_LINE_LEN+1, pout) != NULL)
msa_add(&lines, ln);
/* close output */
/* waitpid is an antidote for BRAAAAAAAINS */
(void)waitpid(subpid, NULL, 0);
/* sort the array */
/* launch uniq -d */
uniqpid = pipeprogshell("uniq -d", &pin, &pout);
if (uniqpid == -1)
/* diagnostics already provided by pipeprog */
/* feed it with our lines */
for (i = 0; i < lines.count; ++i)
(void)fprintf(pin, "%s", lines.arr[i]);
/* forget our lines again */
/* read and print output from uniq -d */
while (!feof(pout))
if (fgets(ln, MAX_LINE_LEN+1, pout) != NULL)
(void)printf("%s", ln);
/* close uniq's stdout */
/* zombie string theorist: "BRAAAAAAAAAANES" */
(void)waitpid(uniqpid, NULL, 0);
return 0;
* @file msa.c
* @author Ondřej Hošek (0925631)
* @brief Magical String Array
* @details A string array which automagically expands its contents as needed.
* @date 2011-04-12
#include "msa.h"
#include <string.h>
/** Default MSA capacity. */
static const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 2;
/** MSA capacity increment size. */
static const int CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 8;
/* utility functions */
* Compare two strings using strcmp. Useful for qsort(3), bsearch(3), et al.
* @param left Pointer to the first string (pointer-to-pointer-to-char).
* @param right Pointer to the first string (pointer-to-pointer-to-char).
* @return Less than zero if left ordered before right.
* Zero if left and right equally ordered.
* More than zero if right ordered before left.
static int comparator_strcmp(const void *left, const void *right)
return strcmp(*(char * const *)left, *(char * const *)right);
/* public-facing functions */
int msa_create(msa_t *msa)
msa->capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
msa->count = 0;
msa->arr = malloc(msa->capacity * sizeof(char *));
if (msa->arr == NULL)
/* malloc failed */
msa->capacity = 0;
return 0;
return 1;
void msa_destroy(msa_t *msa)
size_t i;
/* free all strings */
for (i = 0; i < msa->count; ++i)
/* reset structure */
msa->capacity = 0;
msa->count = 0;
msa->arr = NULL;
int msa_add(msa_t *msa, const char *str)
char *dupedstr;
if (++msa->count > msa->capacity)
/* not enough space; expand array by CAPACITY_INCREMENT */
char **newarr;
msa->capacity += CAPACITY_INCREMENT;
newarr = realloc(msa->arr, msa->capacity * sizeof(char *));
if (newarr == NULL)
/* realloc failed; return 0 and don't touch the existing array */
return 0;
/* array reallocated successfully; store new pointer */
msa->arr = newarr;
/* store new element */
dupedstr = strdup(str);
if (dupedstr == NULL)
/* strdup failed */
return 0;
msa->arr[msa->count - 1] = dupedstr;
return 1;
const char *msa_get(msa_t *msa, size_t idx)
if (idx >= msa->count)
return NULL;
return msa->arr[idx];
int msa_replace(msa_t *msa, size_t idx, const char *str)
char *dupedstr = strdup(str);
if (dupedstr == NULL)
/* strdup failed */
return 0;
/* free old and store dup'ed new string */
msa->arr[idx] = dupedstr;
return 1;
void msa_sort(msa_t *msa)
qsort(msa->arr, msa->count, sizeof(char *), comparator_strcmp);
* @file msa.h
* @author Ondřej Hošek (0925631)
* @brief Magical String Array
* @details A string array which automagically expands its contents as needed.
* @date 2011-04-12
#include <stdlib.h>
/** The Magical String Array structure. */
typedef struct
/** How many items can the array house? */
size_t capacity;
/** How many items is the array housing right now? */
size_t count;
/** The string array itself. */
char **arr;
} msa_t;
* Create an empty Magical String Array.
* @param msa Pointer to fill with a MSA structure.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure (setting errno appropriately).
int msa_create(msa_t *msa);
* Destroy a Magical String Array.
* @param msa Pointer to a MSA structure.
void msa_destroy(msa_t *msa);
* Add a duplicate of a string to the end of a Magical String Array.
* @param msa Pointer to a MSA structure.
* @param str String whose duplicate is to be appended to the MSA.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure (setting errno appropriately).
int msa_add(msa_t *msa, const char *str);
* Obtain a specific element in the Magical String Array.
* @param msa Pointer to a MSA structure.
* @param idx Index to fetch from.
const char *msa_get(msa_t *msa, size_t idx);
* Replace a specific string in the Magical String Array with another one.
* @param msa Pointer to a MSA structure.
* @param idx Index to replace at.
* @param str String whose duplicate will replace the element.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure (setting errno appropriately).
int msa_replace(msa_t *msa, size_t idx, const char *str);
* Sort the Magical String Array using qsort(3) and strcmp(3).
* @param msa Pointer to a MSA structure.
void msa_sort(msa_t *msa);
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