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Created August 28, 2020 10:28
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import base64
import click
import requests
from lxml import etree
def noi(uri):
return '' + uri
def login(email, password):
auth ='/api/auth/login'), data={'email': email, 'password': password})
print('login success with email ' + email)
return auth.cookies
def get_answer(chapter_dic, problem_id):
answer_url = '{}/{}.cpp'.format(
chapter_dic, problem_id)
return requests.get(answer_url)
def submit_problem(contest_id, program_number, answer, credential):
submitted_response ='/api/solution/submit'),
'contestId': contest_id,
'problemNumber': program_number,
'sourceEncode': 'base64',
'language': 'G++',
'source': base64.encodebytes(answer.text.encode('UTF-8'))
}, cookies=credential)
submitted = submitted_response.json()
if not submitted_response.ok:
print('\t -> ERROR [submitting {}]'.format(submitted["message"]))
print('\t -> {} [{}]'.format(submitted["result"], submitted["message"]))
@click.option('--chapter', required=True, help='Chapter ID of problems, e.g. ch0101')
@click.option('--email', required=True, help='Email of your NOJ account.')
@click.option('--password', required=True, help='Password of your NOJ account.')
def auto_judge(chapter, email, password):
chapter_dic = '{}.{}'.format(int(chapter[2:4]), int(chapter[4:6]))
problems = requests.get(noi(chapter)).text
problem_ids = etree.HTML(problems).xpath('''//tbody/tr/td[@class='problem-id']//text()''')
credential = login(email, password)
for problem_id in problem_ids:
print('now processing: ' + problem_id)
submit = etree.HTML(requests.get(noi('{}/{}/submit'.format(chapter, problem_id)), cookies=credential).text)
contest_id = submit.xpath("//input[@name='contestId']/@value")[0]
program_number = submit.xpath("//input[@name='problemNumber']/@value")[0]
print('\t contest_id=' + contest_id)
print('\t program_number=' + program_number)
answer = get_answer(chapter_dic, problem_id)
if not answer.ok:
print('\t -> ERROR [answer_2 {}]'.format(answer.text))
submit_problem(contest_id, program_number, answer, credential)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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