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Created December 29, 2023 07:15
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Filter out GitHub Runs that contains certain log line
import asyncio
import json
import os
import aiohttp
from gidgethub import aiohttp as gh_aiohttp
Token = os.getenv("PINPOINTER_GITHUB_TOKEN")
Repo = "cloudberrydb/cloudberrydb"
MaxRuns = 100000 # unlimited
ResultFile = "failures.ndjson"
async def process_log(gh, run_id, j, f):
cmit, job_id = j['head_sha'], j['id']
desc = await gh.getitem(f"/repos/{Repo}/commits/{cmit}")
desc = desc['commit']['message'].splitlines()[0]
obj = {'found': False,
'completed_at': j['completed_at'],
'workflow_job_name': j['name'],
'desc': desc,
'head_sha': cmit,
'run_id': run_id,
'job_id': job_id}
log = await gh.getitem(f"/repos/{Repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/logs")
except Exception as e:
msg = f"screening job {job_id} failed for run {run_id}"
raise Exception(msg) from e
for line in log.splitlines():
if "ERROR: Failure encountered in upgrading" in line:
print("FOUND", end=' ')
obj['found'] = True
obj['line'] = line
ndjson_append(obj, f)
# not found
ndjson_append(obj, f)
async def process_run(gh, run_id, f):
jobs = await gh.getitem(f"/repos/{Repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/jobs")
except Exception as e:
msg = f"retrieving jobs for run {run_id} failed"
raise Exception(msg) from e
jobs = jobs['jobs']
for j in jobs:
if j['name'] != 'build' and j['conclusion'] == 'failure':
await process_log(gh, run_id, j, f)
print(run_id, end=" ")
return run_id
async def main():
with open(ResultFile, "w") as f:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
gh = gh_aiohttp.GitHubAPI(client, requester="Ray-Eldath", oauth_token=Token)
print("Processing failed run... ", end="")
runs = gh.getiter(f'/repos/{Repo}/actions/runs?status=failure&per_page=100', iterable_key='workflow_runs')
tasks = []
i = 0
async for r in runs: # TODO: any better style?
if i >= MaxRuns:
tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(process_run(gh, r['id'], f)))
i += 1
print(f"len(tasks) = {len(tasks)}")
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
except Exception as e:
for t in tasks:
print("Exception thrown. Cancelling remaining tasks to preserve API rate limit quota")
raise e
def ndjson_append(obj, f):
print(json.dumps(obj), file=f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
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