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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save Ray901/df092770c0dabc40430f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ray901/df092770c0dabc40430f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
load mongo exam104
setAWSPath <- ""
setDate <- c("")
m<-mongo(db = "ehanlin_104",
collection = "ExamAnswer",
url = paste0("mongodb://",setAWSPath)
ExamAnswer <- m$find(
query = paste0(
ExamAnswer <- m$aggregate(paste0(
{"$match" : {"end":{"$gt":{"$date":"',as.character(setDate[1]),"T15:59:59.000Z",'"},"$lte":{"$date":"',as.character(setDate[2]),"T15:59:59.000Z",'"}}}},
{"$match": {"type":"UNIT"} },
{"$match": {"finished":true} },
{"$match": {"enabled":true} },
m<-mongo(db = "ehanlin_104",
collection = "UserQuestion",
url = paste0("mongodb://",setAWSPath)
UserQuestion <- m$aggregate(paste0(
{"$match" : {"lastUpdate":{"$gt":{"$date":"',as.character(setDate[1]),"T15:59:59.000Z",'"},"$lte":{"$date":"',as.character(setDate[2]),"T15:59:59.000Z",'"}}}},
"reviewedAndRightNum":{"$sum":{"$cond":[ { "$and": [ { "$eq": [ "$reviewed", true ] }, { "$eq": [ "$corrected", true ] } ] } ,1,0]}},
m<-mongo(db = setdb_exam104,
collection = "UserVideo",
url = paste0("mongodb://",setExamhost)
UserVideo <- m$aggregate(paste0(
{"$match": {"seen":true} },
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