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Last active February 5, 2021 21:53
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Text Augmentation: Word Replacement Using BERT Contextual Embeddings
!pip install numpy requests nlpaug
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import nlpaug.augmenter.word as nlpaw
from tqdm import tqdm
def augment_sentence(sentence, aug, num_threads):
Constructs a new sentence via text augmentation.
- sentence: A string of text
- aug: An augmentation object defined by the nlpaug library
- num_threads: Integer controlling the number of threads to use if
augmenting text via CPU
- A string of text that been augmented
return aug.augment(sentence, num_thread=num_threads)
def augment_text(df, aug, num_threads, num_times):
Takes a pandas DataFrame and augments its text data.
- df: A pandas DataFrame containing the columns:
- 'comment_text' containing strings of text to augment.
- 'isToxic' binary target variable containing 0's and 1's.
- aug: Augmentation object defined by the nlpaug library.
- num_threads: Integer controlling number of threads to use if augmenting
text via CPU
- num_times: Integer representing the number of times to augment text.
- df: Copy of the same pandas DataFrame with augmented data
appended to it and with rows randomly shuffled.
# Get rows of data to augment
to_augment = df[df['isToxic']==1]
to_augmentX = to_augment['comment_text']
to_augmentY = np.ones(len(to_augmentX.index) * num_times, dtype=np.int8)
# Build up dictionary containing augmented data
aug_dict = {'comment_text':[], 'isToxic':to_augmentY}
for i in tqdm(range(num_times)):
augX = [augment_sentence(x, aug, num_threads) for x in to_augmentX]
# Build DataFrame containing augmented data
aug_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(aug_dict)
return df.append(aug_df, ignore_index=True).sample(frac=1, random_state=42)
# Define nlpaug augmentation object
aug10p = nlpaw.ContextualWordEmbsAug(model_path='bert-base-uncased', aug_min=1, aug_p=0.1, action="substitute")
# Upsample minority class ('isToxic' == 1) to create a roughly 50-50 class distribution
balanced_df = augment_text(downsampled_df, aug10p, num_threads=8, num_times=3)
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