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Last active March 7, 2024 19:21
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  • Save RaymondBalise/40e8e1cc0dec94b225b7cb307f4fa959 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Quarto Analysis with Examples
title: "your_title_goes_here"
author: "your_name_goes_here"
date: last-modified
self-contained: true
opts_chunk: ############ set global options ############
collapse: true # keep code from blocks together (if shown)
echo: false # don't show code
message: true # show messages
warning: true # show warnings
error: true # show error messages
comment: "" # don't show ## with printed output
dpi: 100 # image resolution (typically 300 for publication)
fig-width: 6.5 # figure width
fig-height: 4.0 # figure height
digits: 3 # round to three digits
editor: visual
bibliography: [references.bib, packages.bib]
csl: the-new-england-journal-of-medicine.csl
```{r tidyverse-tidymodels, echo=FALSE}
# suppress "`summarise()` has grouped output by " messages
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)
```{r other-packages}
library(glue) # for glue()
library(rUM) # needed for the bibliography
library(rio) # for import()
# gtsummary for tbl_summary(), add_n(), add_p(), modify_header(), bold_labels()
```{r load-data}
# If you want to import a dataset which is not an R file, put its name inside
# the "" below. For example:
# raw_data <- import("the_excel.xlsx")
# If your datasets is an Excel file saved in the data folder, add a path like:
# raw_data <- import("data/the_excel.xlsx")
```{r make-analysis}
# preprocess your data and ultimately make a dataset called analysis
analysis <- mtcars |>
mutate(auto_man = if_else(am == 0, "Automatic", "Manual")) |>
select(mpg, auto_man)
# Abstract
# Introduction
# Methods
Analyses were conducted with `r stringr::word(R.Version()$version.string, 1, 3)` with the `tidyverse` (`r packageVersion("tidyverse")`), `rUM` (`r packageVersion("rUM")`), `gtsummary` (`r packageVersion("gtsummary")`) packages used to preprocess and summarize data. [@R-base; @R-tidyverse; @tidyverse2019; @R-rUM; @R-gtsummary]
# Results
```{r tbl-table1}
#| tbl-cap: |
#| Your real caption belongs here. Remember that cross references to tables
#| use labels for the code chunk starting with tbl-.
# To learn how to use tbl_summary look
analysis |>
include = c(everything()), # choose your variables here
# change auto_man to the name of your column variable or delete by = auto_man
by = auto_man, # split table by group
missing = "no" # don't list missing data separately
) %>%
# add_n() %>% # add column with total number of non-missing observations
# add_p() %>% # test for a difference between groups
modify_header(label = "") %>% # update the column header to be blank
As can be seen in @tbl-table1 ....
```{r fig-figure-1}
#| fig-cap: |
#| Your real caption belongs here. Remember that cross references to figures
#| use labels for the code chunk starting with fig-.
# To learn how to use ggplot start here:
analysis |>
ggplot() +
title = "Your short title goes here.",
caption = "Your data sources/citation goes here."
) +
# remove geom_blank() and add details here
As can be seen in @fig-figure-1 ...
# Discussion
# References {.unnumbered}
#| include: false
# automatically create a bib database for loaded R packages & rUM
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drop library(table1)

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change label on make-analysis code block

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change fig and tab caption advice, add fig size and dpi

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