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Created January 9, 2014 20:39
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Save RaymondLim/8341583 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified Emmet main.js
['emmet', 'editor', 'preferences', 'file', 'text!keymap.json', 'text!snippets.json'],
function(emmet, editorProxy, preferences, file, keymap, snippets) {
var r = emmet.require;
var _ = r('_');
var isEnabled = true;
var lineBreakSyntaxes = {'html': 1, 'xml': 1, 'xsl': 1};
var _services;
emmet.define('file', file);
var CommandManager = brackets.getModule('command/CommandManager'),
KeyBindingManager = brackets.getModule('command/KeyBindingManager'),
Menus = brackets.getModule('command/Menus'),
EditorManager = brackets.getModule('editor/EditorManager'),
Dialogs = brackets.getModule("widgets/Dialogs"),
skippedActions = ['update_image_size', 'encode_decode_data_url'];
* The following function included from Brackets to handle Tab key
* when abbreviation cannot be expanded (
* @private
* Handle Tab key press.
* @param {!CodeMirror} instance CodeMirror instance.
function _handleTabKey(instance) {
// Tab key handling is done as follows:
// 1. If the selection is before any text and the indentation is to the left of
// the proper indentation then indent it to the proper place. Otherwise,
// add another tab. In either case, move the insertion point to the
// beginning of the text.
// 2. If the selection is after the first non-space character, and is not an
// insertion point, indent the entire line(s).
// 3. If the selection is after the first non-space character, and is an
// insertion point, insert a tab character or the appropriate number
// of spaces to pad to the nearest tab boundary.
var from = instance.getCursor(true),
to = instance.getCursor(false),
line = instance.getLine(from.line),
indentAuto = false,
insertTab = false;
if (from.line === to.line) {
if (\S/) > || === 0) {
indentAuto = true;
if (indentAuto) {
var currentLength = line.length;
// If the amount of whitespace didn't change, insert another tab
if (instance.getLine(from.line).length === currentLength) {
insertTab = true; = 0;
} else if (instance.somethingSelected()) {
} else {
insertTab = true;
if (insertTab) {
if (instance.getOption("indentWithTabs")) {
} else {
var i, ins = "", numSpaces = _indentUnit;
numSpaces -= % numSpaces;
for (i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++) {
ins += " ";
instance.replaceSelection(ins, "end");
function runAction(action) {
var df = new $.Deferred();
if (!isEnabled) {
return df.reject().promise();
var editor = EditorManager.getFocusedEditor();
if (editor) {
editorProxy.setupContext(editor._codeMirror, editor.document.file.fullPath);
// do not handle Tab key for unknown syntaxes
if ( == 'expand_abbreviation_with_tab') {
var syntax = editorProxy.getCMSyntax();
if (!preferences.getPreference('tab') || !r('resources').hasSyntax(syntax)) {
return df.reject().promise();
if (editorProxy.getSelection()) {
var extraKeys = editor._codeMirror.getOption('extraKeys');
if (extraKeys && extraKeys.Tab) {
} else {
return df.resolve().promise();
if ( == 'insert_formatted_line_break') {
// handle Enter key for limited syntaxes only
if (!(editorProxy.getCMSyntax() in lineBreakSyntaxes)) {
return df.reject().promise();
if (editor && r("actions").run(, editorProxy)) {
} else {
return df.promise();
function loadExtensions() {
var extPath = preferences.getPreference('extPath');
if (extPath) {
var bootstrap = r('bootstrap');
brackets.fs.readdir(extPath, function(err, list) {
if (err) {
return console.error('Unable to read extensions from "%s" folder. Make sure this folder exists and readable.', extPath);
console.log('Loading Emmet extensions from', extPath);
var sep = ~brackets.platform.indexOf('win') ? '\\' : '/';
if (extPath.charAt(extPath.length - 1) != sep) {
extPath += sep;
bootstrap.loadExtensions( {
return extPath + f;
// load default snippets
r('resources').setVocabulary(JSON.parse(snippets), 'system');
// register all commands
var menu = Menus.addMenu("Emmet", "io.emmet.EmmetMainMenu");
keymap = JSON.parse(keymap);
r("actions").getList().forEach(function(action) {
if (_.include(skippedActions,
var id = "io.emmet." +;
var shortcut = keymap[];
CommandManager.register(action.options.label, id, function() {
return runAction(action);
if (!action.options.hidden) {
menu.addMenuItem(id, shortcut);
} else if (shortcut) {
KeyBindingManager.addBinding(id, shortcut);
// Allow enable and disable Emmet
var cmdEnable = CommandManager.register('Enable Emmet', 'io.emmet.enabled', function() {
$(cmdEnable).on('checkedStateChange', function() {
isEnabled = cmdEnable.getChecked();
// Add Preferences
var cmdPreferences = CommandManager.register('Preferences...', 'io.emmet.preferences', function() {
preferences.showPreferencesDialog(_services).done(function(id) {
if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK) {
var load = function (services) {
_services = services;
exports.load = load;
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