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Created January 17, 2012 14:24
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Save Raynos/1626796 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function (modules) {
var getBuild = function (build) {
return function (ignore, module) {
module.exports = build.exports;
var getModule = function (scope, tree, path) {
var name, dir, exports = {}, module = { exports: exports }, require, build;
path = path.split('/');
name = path.pop();
while ((dir = path.shift())) {
if (dir === '..') {
scope = tree.pop();
} else if (dir !== '.') {
scope = scope[dir];
require = getRequire(scope, tree);
build = scope[name];
scope[name] = getBuild(module);, exports, module, require);
return module.exports;
var require = function (scope, tree, path) {
var name;
if (path.charAt(0) !== '.') {
name = path.split('/', 1)[0];
path = path.slice(name.length + 1);
scope = modules[name];
tree = [];
if (!path) {
path = scope[':mainpath:'];
return getModule(scope, tree, path);
var getRequire = function (scope, tree) {
return function (path) {
return require(scope, [].concat(tree),
(path.slice(-3) === '.js') ? path.slice(0, -3) : path);
return getRequire(modules['.'], []);
".": {
".": {
"lib": {
"index": function (exports, module, require) {
window.NodeComposite = require("./nodecomposite.js"); },
"nodecomposite": function (exports, module, require) {
var ClassList = require("./classlist.js"),
Style = require("./style.js");
var isSimple = /^[#.]?\w+$/,
toArray = [][].slice);
/* set {
classList: manipulates classes in every element in the set
style: manipulate the CSS style of every element in the set
parentNode, parentElement, previousSibling, etc: all return new sets of the collective operation
normalize: normalizes all elements
cloneNode: returns a set of clones of all elements
getElementsByX, querySelector, querySelectorAll: returns a new set of the result applied to all nodes
forEach, map, filter, reduce, etc: run the array methods on the nodes property
var NodeComposite = Object.create(Array.prototype);
NodeComposite.$ = $;
NodeComposite.add = add;
NodeComposite.constructor = add;
NodeComposite.make = make;
Object.defineProperties(NodeComposite, {
classList: {
get: function getClassList() {
return Object.create(ClassList).constructor(this);
configurable: true
style: {
get: function getStyle() {
return Object.create(Style).constructor(this);
configurable: true
module.exports = NodeComposite;
function make(nodes) {
return Object.create(NodeComposite).add(nodes);
function $(selector) {
return make(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
function add() {
for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
var val = arguments[i];
if (val.length !== undefined) {
this.add.apply(this, toArray(val));
} else if (val !== null) {
return this;
function addGetterToNodeComposite(name) {
Object.defineProperty(NodeComposite, name, {
get: function getName() {
return make(;
function toName(el) {
return el[name];
configurable: true
function addReturningOperationToNodeComposite(name) {
NodeComposite[name] = operateOnNodeComposite;
function operateOnNodeComposite() {
var args = arguments;
return make(;
function byOperation(el) {
return el[name].apply(el, args);
function addOperationToNodeComposite(name) {
NodeComposite[name] = operateOnNodeComposite;
function operateOnNodeComposite() {
var args = arguments;
function doOperation(el) {
el[name].apply(el, args);
function addBatchOperationToNodeComposite(name) {
NodeComposite[name] = batchOperateOnNodeComposite;
function batchOperateOnNodeComposite(node, child) {
var args = [];
return child || node;
function batchOperate(element, index) {
function getIndex(index) {
return getIndex;
function getIndex(element) {
return element[index];
function addArrayMethodToNodeComposite(name) {
NodeComposite[name] = arrayMethod;
function arrayMethod() {
var arr = Array.prototype[name].apply(this, arguments);
return Object.create(NodeComposite).constructor(arr);
} },
"classlist": function (exports, module, require) {
var ClassList = {
constructor: function constructor(nodes) {
this.classLists =;
return this;
function toClassList(element) {
return element.classList;
contains: function contains() {
var args = arguments;
return this.classLists.some(containsClass);
function containsClass(classList) {
return classList.contains.apply(classList, args);
["add", "remove", "toggle"].forEach(addToClassList);
module.exports = ClassList;
function addToClassList(name) {
ClassList[name] = proxy;
function proxy() {
var args = arguments;
function applyMethod(classList) {
classList[name].apply(classList, args);
} },
"style": function (exports, module, require) {
var Style = {
constructor: function constructor(nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
return this;
module.exports = Style;
function addToStyle(name) {
Object.defineProperty(Style, name, {
configurable: true,
set: function set(value) {
function setValue(node) {[name] = value;
} }
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