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Created October 9, 2020 13:45
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I attempted to use parcel to bundle a commonJS project.

Example code

For example

const assert = require('assert')

const MyWebComponent = require('./my-web-component')

async function main () {
  const comp = new MyWebComponent()
  assert(comp.tagName, 'is component')



What I tried

I tried compiling this with parcel

parcel build src/index.js -d src -o bundle.js

I was suprised that when running it complained about regenerator ( parcel-bundler/parcel#2128 ).

I was frustrated that parcel used babel to "compile" my async function when my browser support async/await.

I could not find a parcel --no-babel flag.

Trying node / commonJS

I did however find a parcel --target node --bundle-node-modules option.

This worked great until i got a runtime exception related to cannot find module assert.

My browser environment needs to be bundled. I could not find any CLI flags that said polyfill builtin node modules.

I did find this documentation but there was no CLI flag to turn node emulation on.

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