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Created August 31, 2014 05:43
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Mercury router
module.exports = clickEvent;
function clickEvent(handler, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
return function clickHandler(ev) {
if (!opts.ctrl && ev.ctrlKey) {
if (!opts.meta && ev.metaKey) {
if (!opts.rightClick && ev.which === 2) {
var h = require('mercury').h;
var clickEvent = require('./click-event.js');
var routeAtom = require('./router.js').atom;
module.exports = anchor;
function anchor(props, text) {
var href = props.href;
props.href = '#';
props['ev-click'] = clickEvent(pushState, {
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
rightClick: false
return h('a', props, text);
function pushState() {
var routeMap = require('route-map');
module.exports = routeView;
function routeView(defn, args) {
if (args.base) {
defn = Object.keys(defn)
.reduce(function applyBase(acc, str) {
acc[args.base + str] = defn[str];
return acc;
}, {});
var match = routeMap(defn);
var res = match(args.route);
if (!res) {
throw new Error('router: no match found');
res.params.url = res.url;
return res.fn(res.params);
var mercury = require('mercury');
var source = require('geval/source');
var window = require('global/window');
var document = require('global/document');
var atom = Router.atom =
var mercury = require('mercury');
var h = require('mercury').h;
var anchor = require('mercury-route/anchor');
var routeView = require('mercury-route/route-view');
var Router = require('mercury-route/router');
function State() {
var state = mercury.struct({
route: Router()
return { state: state }
}, State().state, render);
function render(state) {
return h('div', [
'/': renderHome,
'/animals': renderAnimals,
'/animals/:id': renderAnimalItem
}, { route: state.route })
function menu() {
return h('ul', [
h('li', [
href: '/'
}, 'Home')
h('li', [
href: '/animals'
}, 'Animals')
module.exports = Router;
function Router() {
var inPopState = false;
var popstates = popstate();
return { state: atom };
function onPopState(uri) {
inPopState = true;
function onRouteSet(uri) {
if (inPopState) {
inPopState = false;
function pushHistoryState(uri) {
window.history.pushState(undefined, document.title, uri);
function popstate() {
return source(function broadcaster(broadcast) {
window.addEventListener('popstate', onPopState);
function onPopState() {
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Super!!! I'm trying to integrate much of this in a new framework dragonslayer and I plan to document improve docs for the mercury API in the process..

I like playing with this stuff!! Happy to see I've got it spot in :) Very interesting approach. I plan to integrate this approach with the Crossroads router which is more feature complete.
You are amazing!!

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Can you show an example for how to use the RouterComponent as well :)
I would think it could be used as a sort of "base class" for any component that wishes to use the Router?

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@Raynos - I took this gist and converted it into a repo mercury-router - gave you the credit - just wanted a npm module. if you want it under your account, I will be happy to transfer. Thanks again for the mercury framework and this gist!

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