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Last active August 25, 2019 22:15
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Setup Instructions for Razen's Account Tracker (updated 25 august 2019)

Razen's Simple CS:GO Account Tracker

Since some people asked for it, i decided to share it
You can contact me on telegram for any question other than those already answered in the FAQ

Shoutout to the cathook team :^)


Detailed Setup Instructions

  1. First of all, visit this link
  2. Login to your Google account if you haven't already
  3. Navigate to File → Make a copy
  4. Your new spreadsheet should open automatically, it may also be accessed from your Google Sheets projects
  5. On your spreadsheet, navigate to Tools → Script Editor
  6. You should already have 2 scripts called and, if not then please read the FAQ
  7. Visit this link, hover the correct spreadsheet and open up the triple dot menu
  8. Navigate to Triggers → Add a trigger (bottom right)
  9. Select the function called triggerAutoRefresh, set the event source to Time driven and set it to Every 30 minutes
  10. Create a trigger that calls errorHandler every 5 minutes
  11. Create a trigger that calls todaysDate every minutes (i explained why i do it that way in the FAQ)
  12. Go back to your spreadsheet, and copy/paste your Steam API key to the E3 cell
  13. Right click on the refresh bans button (top right), open up the triple dot menu, click Assign a script and write triggerAutoRefresh before pressing OK
  14. Assign the script called deleteAcc to the button called delete an account.

You should be done ! Keep reading the following parts to acknowledge known issues, basic rules, and useful informations.

Columns Explanations and Examples

Column Feature Meaning
B Account IDs Self explanatory
C Occupied Dropdown Used when multiple users share the same spreadsheet, indicates which accounts are occupied (you can add users like this : Select C6:C30 and navigate to Data → Data Validation)
D Friend Code CS:GO Friend Code
E Login name The account's Steam login name
F Password The account's Steam password
G Wins CS:GO Matchmaking wins
H Steam URL Steam URL (supports both custom and id64 urls)
I Cooldown Type Dropdown Select the length of the cooldown you wish to apply, default is 21 hours (usual matchmaking cooldown)
J Cooldown start Here goes the date of when the cooldown started, please use this format : D/M H:m Example : 23/07 02:53 (you can copy/paste the date from the Current time cell)
K (Hidden) Cooldown Factor Can be ignored, used to calculate the remaining times of the applied cooldowns
L CS:GO Status - ETA Shows if the account can be played on, also tells you if you forgot to provide some required info


  1. When moving accounts in the array, please be careful not to copy/paste the CS:GO Status row, as mentionned below, this will copy the cell's formula, and break your sheets with it (though i protected the whole row with a warning so it shouldn't happen)
  2. When copy/pasting anything in the array, select what you want to copy, press CTRL+C, press ESCAPE, then finally paste your values by pressing CTRL+V
  3. When an account gets banned, you may only clean the Notes, Friend code, Login name, Password, Wins, Cooldown start, and the Steam URL cells, do NOT Right click → Delete row
  4. For those who use the Current time cell to copy/paste dates, you may paste them by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+V, so it doesn't copy the format and fuck up the occupied highlighting (try it to understand)


  • If you have hundreds of accounts, you can make the scrolling bar scroll only for array content.

    To do so, drag the horizontal grey bar over the rows to the desired spot :

    Screenshot Screenshot2 Screenshot3

    (suggested by @ColinTheShark)

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

I get an "steam api error" in the CS:GO Status column, what is it ?

This might be because your entered steam api key is incorrect
If not, this might be caused by the Steam Web API thinking we are spamming calls due to the way our ImportJSON function works (i made an error handler to get rid of those automatically so they shouldn't annoy you that often)
If this isn't the error you're getting, please contact me and i'll be happy to help

I have no scripts in my Script Editor, can I add them manually ?

Yes, here are the links : and

Why do you call the time function from Google Scripts instead of using NOW() ?

It makes it easier to copy the current date when adding a cooldown.
Copy-pasting in Google Sheets can sometimes be pretty annoying because it selects the cell's formulas instead of values
If i used the now() function instead, we would copy =NOW() everytime which is clearly not optimal

Can I add rows for more accounts slots ?

You surely can, just unhide the hidden column, select the very last row, and drag it down till you are satisfied
You may need to reset the alternating colors but i'll let you handle the esthetics

I want to move the Current time and/or the Last updated boxes, can I do it ?

You can do so, but don't forget to update the cells where those values are updated from the script editor

  1. To do it, navigate to Tools → Script Editor and open the script
  2. Let's say you want the current date to appear in the F3 cell, you simply need to set CurrentTimeCell like so :
var CurrentTimeCell = "F3";

I don't need a certain feature, should I remove it ?

I don't recommend it, unless you have a good reason you should simply right click the column and click Hide column

I want to suggest a feature or I found a bug, can I contact you ?

Yes, contact me on telegram by visiting the link at the top

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