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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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  • Save Razenbull/e4264d273520be07a50f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Mixin to align vertically an element relative to its first positioned parent
* Mixin to align vertically an element relative to its first positioned parent
* @params $position-type
* @params $align
* @use @include vertical-align;
* or @include vertical-align($position-type: absolute, $align: bottom);
* to override defaults
@mixin vertical-align($position-type: relative, $align: middle) {
$translate: 0% !default;
$y: 0% !default;
position: $position-type;
@if $align == middle {
$translate: 50%;
$y: 50%;
} @else if $align == bottom {
$translate: 100%;
$y: 100%;
} @else if $align == over-the-top {
$translate: 100%;
$y: 0%;
} @else {
@if $position-type != relative and $position-type != absolute and $position-type != static {
@warn 'unknown $position-type: ' + $position-type;
} @else if $align != over-the-top and $align != bottom and $align != middle {
@warn 'unknown $align: ' + $align;
@include transform(translateY(-$translate));
top: $y;
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