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Created February 14, 2020 12:55
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scala speed test
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.Duration
import scala.util.Random
import scala.math.abs
import scala.math.pow
object Main extends App {
val LEN = 10_000
val r = new Random()
val l = List.tabulate(LEN)(el => r.between(-5000, 5000)).sorted
println("starting method 1...")
val start1 =
val sorted1 = _1(l)
val end1 =
val time1 = Duration.between(start1, end1).toMillis
println("starting method 2...")
val start2 =
val sorted2 = _2(l, List())
val end2 =
val time2 = Duration.between(start2, end2).toMillis
println("starting method 3...")
val start3 =
val sorted3 = _3(l)
val end3 =
val time3 = Duration.between(start3, end3).toMillis
println(s"method 1: $time1 ms, method 2: $time2 ms, method 3: $time3 ms")
def _1(l: List[Int]): List[Double] = { => pow(el, 2)).sorted
def _2(l: List[Int], accum: List[Double]): List[Double] = {
if(l.length == 0) accum
else {
val first = pow(l.head, 2)
val last = pow(l.last, 2)
if(first > last)
_2(l.tail, ( List(first):::accum ))
_2(l.dropRight(1), ( List(last):::accum ))
def _3(l: List[Int]): List[Double] = {
var ret = List.tabulate(LEN)(el => 0d)
var targetIndex = ret.length - 1
var firstIndex = 0
var lastIndex = ret.length - 1
while(targetIndex != -1) {
if(l(firstIndex) > l(lastIndex)) {
ret = ret.updated(targetIndex, pow(l(firstIndex), 2))
firstIndex += 1
targetIndex -= 1
} else {
ret = ret.updated(targetIndex, pow(l(lastIndex), 2))
lastIndex -= 1
targetIndex -= 1
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