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Created March 11, 2019 10:34
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  • Save Razziell/2ed942b15008e2fef8e36ee11ef4cb61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Razziell/2ed942b15008e2fef8e36ee11ef4cb61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Libraries NOT loaded:
Libraries loaded:
Library audio_pre_processing
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
Noise Suppression / Qualcomm Fluence
UUID: 1d97bb0b-9e2f-4403-9ae3-58c2554306f8
TYPE: 58b4b260-8e06-11e0-aa8e-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00420203
Acoustic Echo Canceler / Qualcomm Fluence
UUID: 0f8d0d2a-59e5-45fe-b6e4-248c8a799109
TYPE: 7b491460-8d4d-11e0-bd61-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00420203
Library offload_bundle
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library proxy
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
Visualizer / The Android Open Source Project
UUID: 1d0a1a53-7d5d-48f2-8e71-27fbd10d842c
TYPE: e46b26a0-dddd-11db-8afd-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400008
Qualcomm Technologies Insert Preset Reverb / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: f3e178d2-ebcb-408e-8357-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 47382d60-ddd8-11db-bf3a-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400088
Qualcomm Technologies Auxiliary Preset Reverb / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: 1b78f587-6d1c-422e-8b84-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 47382d60-ddd8-11db-bf3a-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400001
Qualcomm Technologies Insert Environmental Reverb / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: b707403a-a1c1-4291-9573-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: c2e5d5f0-94bd-4763-9cac-4e234d06839e
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400088
Qualcomm Technologies Auxiliary Environmental Reverb / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: 48404ac9-d202-4ccc-bf84-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: c2e5d5f0-94bd-4763-9cac-4e234d06839e
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400001
Equalizer / NXP Software Ltd.
UUID: c8e70ecd-48ca-456e-8a4f-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 0bed4300-ddd6-11db-8f34-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400048
Qualcomm Technologies Virtualizer / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: d3467faa-acc7-4d34-acaf-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 37cc2c00-dddd-11db-8577-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400290
Qualcomm Technologies Bass Boost / Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
UUID: 14804144-a5ee-4d24-aa88-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 0634f220-ddd4-11db-a0fc-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00400290
Library loudness_enhancer
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
Loudness Enhancer / The Android Open Source Project
UUID: fa415329-2034-4bea-b5dc-5b381c8d1e2c
TYPE: fe3199be-aed0-413f-87bb-11260eb63cf1
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00000008
Library downmix
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
Multichannel Downmix To Stereo / The Android Open Source Project
UUID: 93f04452-e4fe-41cc-91f9-e475b6d1d69f
TYPE: 381e49cc-a858-4aa2-87f6-e8388e7601b2
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00000008
Library visualizer_hw
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library visualizer_sw
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library qcreverb
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library qcvirt
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library qcbassboost
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library reverb
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
(no effects)
Library bundle
path: /vendor/lib/soundfx/
Volume / NXP Software Ltd.
UUID: 119341a0-8469-11df-81f9-0002a5d5c51b
TYPE: 09e8ede0-ddde-11db-b4f6-0002a5d5c51b
apiVersion: 00020000
flags: 00000050
XML effect configuration loaded successfully.
pid: 2380
pid: 19015
pid: 21594
Notification Clients:
pid: 881
pid: 882
pid: 889
pid: 1630
pid: 2112
pid: 2368
pid: 2380
pid: 2806
pid: 7741
pid: 19015
pid: 21594
Global session refs:
session pid count
1041 2380 1
1921 7741 1
2193 21594 1
2209 19015 1
2297 21594 1
2329 882 1
2337 882 1
2345 882 1
2353 19015 1
Hardware status: 0
Standby Time mSec: 3000
Output thread 0xe64839c0, name AudioOut_D, tid 1455, type 0 (MIXER):
I/O handle: 13
Standby: yes
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
HAL frame count: 192
HAL format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
HAL buffer size: 768 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Processing format: 0x5 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT)
Processing frame size: 8 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 960
Last write occurred (msecs): 3637935
Total writes: 1991
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: no
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xe671c000
Mixer buffer: 0xe6efb000
Effect buffer: 0xe6e8a000
Fast track availMask=0xfa
Standby delay ns=3000000000
Frames written: 1911360
Suspended frames: 0
PipeSink frames written: 1911360
Hal stream dump:
Thread throttle time (msecs): 0
AudioMixer tracks: 0x00000007
Master mono: off
FastMixer thread 0xe6403700 tid=1454 FastMixer command=COLD_IDLE writeSequence=19980 framesWritten=1918080
numTracks=1 writeErrors=0 underruns=6 overruns=1
sampleRate=48000 frameCount=192 measuredWarmup=18.6 ms, warmupCycles=5
mixPeriod=4.00 ms
Simple moving statistics over last 3.1 seconds:
wall clock time in ms per mix cycle:
mean=4.00 min=2.48 max=5.86 stddev=0.33
raw CPU load in us per mix cycle:
mean=118 min=0 max=351 stddev=38
Fast tracks: sMaxFastTracks=8 activeMask=0x1
Index Active Full Partial Empty Recent Ready Written
0 yes 734 0 0 full 1152 1910208
1 no 156 0 19 empty 0 9984
2 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
3 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
4 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
5 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
6 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
7 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-7.8, 1:-6, 2:0, 3:-27, 4:-13, 5:0, 6:0, 7:-6, 8:-6, 9:0, 10:-25, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
3 Tracks of which 0 are active
T Name Active Client Session S Flags Format Chn mask SRate ST L dB R dB VS dB Server FrmCnt FrmRdy F Underruns Flushed Main Buf Aux Buf
S 2 no 21594 2297 S 0x604 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00003306 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
F 2 no 2380 1041 I 0x004 00000001 00000001 48000 0 -10 -10 0 00000000 960 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
S 0 no 21594 2193 S 0x604 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00001102 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
0 Effect Chains
Local log:
03-10 18:32:16.611 removeTrack_l (0xe6725300) F 1 no 1630 1193 T 0x600 00000001 00000001 48000 0 -10 -10 0 00002700 960 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-10 18:32:19.586 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:524160 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:524160 monoPipeLeft:1344
03-10 18:32:19.586 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 56499669831606
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 524160 time: 40596120867205
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 521616 time: 40596138658507
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 524160 time: 40596120867205
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 521040 time: 40596126819393
03-10 19:43:45.646 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x1 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
03-11 07:30:01.206 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) new device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
03-11 07:30:01.212 AT::add (0xe5655e00) 0 no 6046 1913 A 0x000 00000001 00000001 48000 4 -inf -inf 0 00000000 13440 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 07:30:14.789 AT::remove (0xe5655e00) 0 no 6046 1913 S 0x601 00000001 00000001 48000 4 0 0 0 0009BDC0 13440 0 f 9616 13440 E671C000 00000000
03-11 07:30:14.801 removeTrack_l (0xe5655e00) 0 no 6046 1913 T 0x601 00000001 00000001 48000 4 0 0 0 0009BDC0 13440 0 f 9616 13440 E671C000 00000000
03-11 07:30:17.723 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:1311360 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:1311360 monoPipeLeft:1344
03-11 07:30:17.723 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 86236312303147
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 1311360 time: 57537557833860
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 1308816 time: 57537562493027
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 1310400 time: 57537537968131
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 1308432 time: 57537554647350
03-11 08:23:08.596 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
03-11 08:23:11.274 removeTrack_l (0xe6725180) 0 no 881 0 T 0x000 00000005 00000003 44100 12 0 0 0 00000000 2652 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 08:54:55.002 removeTrack_l (0xe6725180) 0 no 881 0 T 0x000 00000005 00000003 48000 12 0 0 0 00000000 2880 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:22:41.663 removeTrack_l (0xe6725480) F 1 no 2806 2233 T 0x200 00000001 00000001 48000 2 -15 -15 0 00000000 960 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:22:41.912 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) new device 0x1 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE)
03-11 11:22:42.058 removeTrack_l (0xe6725a80) F 1 no 2806 2241 T 0x200 00000001 00000001 48000 2 -15 -15 0 00000000 960 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:23:35.505 AT::add (0xe6725a80) F 1 no 1630 2249 A 0x000 00000001 00000001 48000 0 -10 -10 0 00000000 960 0 f 0* 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:23:35.889 AT::remove (0xe6725a80) F 1 no 1630 2249 T 0x600 00000001 00000001 48000 0 -10 -10 0 00002700 960 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:23:35.889 removeTrack_l (0xe6725a80) F 1 no 1630 2249 T 0x600 00000001 00000001 48000 0 -10 -10 0 00002700 960 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:23:36.959 removeTrack_l (0xe6725600) F 3 no 2806 2257 T 0x200 00000001 00000001 48000 2 -15 -15 0 00000000 960 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:23:38.884 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:1466880 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:1466880 monoPipeLeft:1920
03-11 11:23:38.884 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 95001081650801
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 1466880 time: 62773795075031
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 1463760 time: 62773814133885
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 1466880 time: 62773795075031
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 1463184 time: 62773802235135
03-11 11:32:40.446 removeTrack_l (0xe5654d80) F 1 no 2806 2265 T 0x200 00000001 00000001 48000 2 -15 -15 0 00000000 960 0 I 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:32:49.480 AT::add (0xe6725600) S 0 no 21594 2193 A 0x000 00000001 00000001 44100 1 0 0 0 00000000 4354 4354 F 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:32:49.484 AT::add (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 A 0x000 00000001 00000001 44100 1 0 0 0 00000000 4354 4354 F 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:32:49.729 AT::remove (0xe6725600) S 0 no 21594 2193 S 0x600 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00001102 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:32:49.748 AT::remove (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 S 0x600 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00001102 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:32:52.678 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:1615680 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:1615680 monoPipeLeft:960
03-11 11:32:52.678 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 95456034239687
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 1615680 time: 62872637178274
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 1613520 time: 62872653862024
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 1615680 time: 62872637178274
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 1613136 time: 62872645881660
03-11 11:34:22.011 AT::add (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 A 0x200 00000001 00000001 44100 1 0 0 0 00001102 4354 0 F 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:34:22.250 AT::remove (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 S 0x600 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00002204 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 11:34:25.179 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:1763520 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:1763520 monoPipeLeft:768
03-11 11:34:25.179 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 95456034239687
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 1763520 time: 62965022449332
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 1761552 time: 62965041706051
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 1763520 time: 62965022449332
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 1760976 time: 62965029724697
03-11 12:02:29.733 AT::add (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 A 0x200 00000001 00000001 44100 1 0 0 0 00002204 4354 0 F 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 12:02:29.955 AT::remove (0xe5654d80) S 2 no 21594 2297 S 0x600 00000001 00000001 44100 1 -inf -inf 0 00003306 4354 0 f 0 0 E671C000 00000000
03-11 12:02:32.885 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:1911360 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:1911360 monoPipeLeft:960
03-11 12:02:32.885 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 96498586655817
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 1911360 time: 63610175487836
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 1909200 time: 63610192483930
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 1911360 time: 63610175487836
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 1908624 time: 63610180498565
03-11 13:29:37.608 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Output thread 0xe61830c0, name AudioOut_15, tid 1459, type 0 (MIXER):
I/O handle: 21
Standby: yes
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
HAL frame count: 192
HAL format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
HAL buffer size: 768 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Processing format: 0x5 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT)
Processing frame size: 8 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 960
Last write occurred (msecs): 66437444
Total writes: 225
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: no
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xe6716000
Mixer buffer: 0xe6723000
Effect buffer: 0xe6e8b000
Fast track availMask=0xfe
Standby delay ns=3000000000
AudioStreamOut: 0xe6eb33b0 flags 0x104 (AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST|AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_RAW)
Frames written: 216000
Suspended frames: 0
PipeSink frames written: 216000
Hal stream dump:
Thread throttle time (msecs): 0
AudioMixer tracks: 0x00000000
Master mono: off
FastMixer thread 0xe6103f80 tid=1458 FastMixer command=COLD_IDLE writeSequence=2250 framesWritten=216000
numTracks=1 writeErrors=0 underruns=0 overruns=0
sampleRate=48000 frameCount=192 measuredWarmup=59.4 ms, warmupCycles=4
mixPeriod=4.00 ms
Simple moving statistics over last 4.5 seconds:
wall clock time in ms per mix cycle:
mean=4.00 min=3.62 max=4.46 stddev=0.06
raw CPU load in us per mix cycle:
mean=109 min=0 max=284 stddev=37
Distribution of mix cycle times in ms for the tails (> ~3 stddev outliers):
left tail: mean=3.62 min=3.62 max=3.62 stddev=nan
right tail: mean=4.46 min=4.46 max=4.46 stddev=nan
Fast tracks: sMaxFastTracks=8 activeMask=0x1
Index Active Full Partial Empty Recent Ready Written
0 yes 97 0 0 full 960 215040
1 no 366 0 7 empty 0 70080
2 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
3 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
4 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
5 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
6 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
7 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-7.8, 1:-6, 2:0, 3:-27, 4:-21, 5:0, 6:0, 7:-6, 8:-6, 9:0, 10:-25, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
0 Tracks
0 Effect Chains
Local log:
03-09 15:34:14.137 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
03-09 15:47:29.912 AT::add (0xe6725600) F 1 no 7875 81 A 0x000 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 00000000 384 0 f 0 0 E6716000 00000000
03-09 15:47:31.466 AT::remove (0xe6725600) F 1 no 7875 81 I 0x400 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 000111C0 384 0 f 0 384 E6716000 00000000
03-09 15:47:34.453 threadLoop_standby: framesWritten:216000 suspendedFrames:0 monoPipeWritten:216000 monoPipeLeft:768
03-09 15:47:34.454 threadLoop_standby: BOOTTIME offset 0
ExtendedTimestamp[0] position: 0 time: -1
ExtendedTimestamp[1] position: 216000 time: 810668845939
ExtendedTimestamp[2] position: 214368 time: 810687497449
ExtendedTimestamp[3] position: 216000 time: 810668845939
ExtendedTimestamp[4] position: 213792 time: 810675484324
03-09 15:47:36.431 removeTrack_l (0xe6725600) F 1 no 7875 81 T 0x600 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 000111C0 384 0 f 0 384 E6716000 00000000
03-10 18:30:05.686 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
03-10 19:43:45.650 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x1 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Output thread 0xe5e83b40, name AudioOut_1D, tid 1460, type 0 (MIXER):
I/O handle: 29
Standby: yes
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
HAL frame count: 1920
HAL format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
HAL buffer size: 7680 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Processing format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
Processing frame size: 4 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 1920
Last write occurred (msecs): 8944458
Total writes: 128461
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: no
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xe6ed7000
Mixer buffer: 0xe6ef4000
Effect buffer: 0xe6ed9000
Fast track availMask=0xfe
Standby delay ns=3000000000
AudioStreamOut: 0xe6eb3340 flags 0x8 (AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER)
Frames written: 246645120
Suspended frames: 0
Hal stream dump:
Thread throttle time (msecs): 1847
AudioMixer tracks: 0x00000000
Master mono: off
No FastMixer
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-7.8, 1:-6, 2:0, 3:-27, 4:-13, 5:0, 6:0, 7:-6, 8:-6, 9:0, 10:-25, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
0 Tracks
0 Effect Chains
Local log:
03-10 20:07:04.381 removeTrack_l (0xe5655680) 0 no 25216 1529 T 0x009 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:09.885 AT::add (0xe5655680) 0 no 25292 1537 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:36.410 AT::remove (0xe5655680) 0 no 25292 1537 T 0x600 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00117EE8 16384 7126 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:36.410 removeTrack_l (0xe5655680) 0 no 25292 1537 T 0x600 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00117EE8 16384 7126 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:44.656 AT::add (0xe6725780) 0 no 25341 1545 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:45.623 AT::remove (0xe6725780) 0 no 25341 1545 A 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:07:46.230 removeTrack_l (0xe6725780) 0 no 25341 1545 T 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:09:52.197 AT::add (0xe6725780) 0 no 25412 1553 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:09:53.162 AT::remove (0xe6725780) 0 no 25412 1553 A 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 13308 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:09:53.919 removeTrack_l (0xe6725780) 0 no 25412 1553 T 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 13308 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:09.400 AT::add (0xe6725000) 0 no 25578 1561 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:10.363 AT::remove (0xe6725000) 0 no 25578 1561 A 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:11.118 removeTrack_l (0xe6725000) 0 no 25578 1561 T 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:24.994 AT::add (0xe5654000) 0 no 25701 1569 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:25.957 AT::remove (0xe5654000) 0 no 25701 1569 A 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:10:26.625 removeTrack_l (0xe5654000) 0 no 25701 1569 T 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:13:53.682 AT::add (0xe5655500) 0 no 25975 1577 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:13:54.647 AT::remove (0xe5655500) 0 no 25975 1577 A 0x009 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:13:55.363 removeTrack_l (0xe5655500) 0 no 25975 1577 T 0x009 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12690 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:00.050 AT::add (0xe5655e00) 0 no 26459 1585 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:01.014 AT::remove (0xe5655e00) 0 no 26459 1585 A 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12867 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:01.654 removeTrack_l (0xe5655e00) 0 no 26459 1585 T 0x008 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 12867 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:26.016 AT::add (0xe5656100) 0 no 26655 1593 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:32.373 AT::remove (0xe5656100) 0 no 26655 1593 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 0003F4EC 16384 6428 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:14:32.373 removeTrack_l (0xe5656100) 0 no 26655 1593 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 0003F4EC 16384 6428 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:16:10.930 AT::add (0xe5655f80) 0 no 26655 1601 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:55:12.989 AT::remove (0xe5655f80) 0 no 26655 1601 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 06277A10 16384 8192 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 20:55:12.990 removeTrack_l (0xe5655f80) 0 no 26655 1601 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 06277A10 16384 8192 f 1768 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 22:30:45.660 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) new device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
03-10 22:30:45.665 AT::add (0xe5654000) 1 no 3000 1793 A 0x000 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 16384 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 22:30:45.744 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
03-10 22:31:30.760 AT::remove (0xe5654000) 1 no 3000 1793 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 001DEE60 16384 8192 f 3536 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-10 22:31:30.760 removeTrack_l (0xe5654000) 1 no 3000 1793 T 0x601 00000001 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 001DEE60 16384 8192 f 3536 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-11 07:46:44.452 AT::add (0xe6725c00) 1 no 24407 2009 A 0x000 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 00000000 3844 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-11 07:46:45.614 AT::remove (0xe6725c00) 1 no 24407 2009 I 0x600 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 0000C300 3844 0 f 1922 1974 E6ED7000 00000000
03-11 07:46:50.459 removeTrack_l (0xe6725c00) 1 no 24407 2009 T 0x600 00000005 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 0000C300 3844 0 f 1922 1974 E6ED7000 00000000
03-11 08:23:08.598 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
03-11 08:23:10.772 removeTrack_l (0xe5655b00) 0 no 19015 1609 T 0x204 00000001 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 00000000 3844 0 f 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
03-11 13:29:37.779 removeTrack_l (0xe5654480) 0 no 19015 2225 T 0x204 00000001 00000003 48000 3 0 0 0 00000000 3844 0 I 0 0 E6ED7000 00000000
Output thread 0xe5d03000, name AudioOut_25, tid 1462, type 0 (MIXER):
I/O handle: 37
Standby: yes
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
HAL frame count: 768
HAL format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
HAL buffer size: 3072 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Processing format: 0x5 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT)
Processing frame size: 8 bytes
Pending config events: none
Output device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 1152
Last write occurred (msecs): 67248117
Total writes: 0
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: no
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xe6ee3800
Mixer buffer: 0xe6ee1000
Effect buffer: 0xe6473400
Fast track availMask=0xfe
Standby delay ns=3000000000
AudioStreamOut: 0xe6eb3490 flags 0 (AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE)
Frames written: 0
Suspended frames: 0
PipeSink frames written: 0
Hal stream dump:
Thread throttle time (msecs): 0
AudioMixer tracks: 0x00000000
Master mono: off
FastMixer thread 0xe5c83000 tid=1461 FastMixer command=COLD_IDLE writeSequence=0 framesWritten=0
numTracks=0 writeErrors=0 underruns=0 overruns=0
sampleRate=0 frameCount=0 measuredWarmup=0 ms, warmupCycles=0
mixPeriod=nan ms
No FastMixer statistics available currently
Fast tracks: sMaxFastTracks=8 activeMask=0
Index Active Full Partial Empty Recent Ready Written
0 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
1 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
2 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
3 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
4 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
5 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
6 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
7 no 0 0 0 full 0 0
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-7.8, 1:-6, 2:0, 3:-27, 4:-13, 5:0, 6:0, 7:-6, 8:-6, 9:0, 10:-25, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
0 Tracks
0 Effect Chains
Local log:
03-09 15:34:14.143 CFG_EVENT_CREATE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x10000 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX) new device 0x10000 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX)
03-10 19:43:45.945 CFG_EVENT_RELEASE_AUDIO_PATCH: old device 0x10000 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX) new device 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Output thread 0xe4355000, name AudioOut_DD, tid 22556, type 1 (DIRECT):
I/O handle: 221
Standby: no
Sample rate: 44100 Hz
HAL frame count: 1792
HAL buffer size: 10752 bytes
Channel count: 2
Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
Processing format: 0x6 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_24_BIT_PACKED)
Processing frame size: 6 bytes
Pending config events: none
Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
Audio source: 0 (default)
Normal frame count: 1792
Last write occurred (msecs): 27
Total writes: 2233
Delayed writes: 0
Blocked in write: yes
Suspend count: 0
Sink buffer : 0xe5a09000
Mixer buffer: 0xe53f3000
Effect buffer: 0xe64de800
Fast track availMask=0xfe
Standby delay ns=80000000
AudioStreamOut: 0xe6a949a0 flags 0x1 (AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)
Frames written: 4001536
Suspended frames: 0
Hal stream dump:
Stream volumes in dB: 0:-21, 1:-27, 2:-20, 3:-10, 4:-13, 5:-20, 6:0, 7:-27, 8:-22, 9:-96, 10:-8.5, 11:0, 12:0
Normal mixer raw underrun counters: partial=0 empty=0
1 Tracks of which 1 are active
T Name Active Client Session S Flags Format Chn mask SRate ST L dB R dB VS dB Server FrmCnt FrmRdy F Underruns Flushed Main Buf Aux Buf
none yes 19015 2353 A 0x000 00000006 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 003D1600 3844 2052 A 0 0 E5A09000 00000000
0 Effect Chains
Local log:
03-11 13:29:37.815 AT::add (0xe5654600) none no 19015 2353 A 0x000 00000006 00000003 44100 3 0 0 0 00000000 3844 0 f 0 0 E5A09000 00000000
USB audio module:
No output streams.
No input streams.
Reroute submix audio module:
route[0] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[1] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[2] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[3] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[4] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[5] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[6] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[7] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[8] rate in=0 out=0, addr=[]
route[9] rate in=48000 out=48000, addr=[]
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