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  • Save RealKindOne/5c1b0dff9f122b4b9f0782de1a16a0c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RealKindOne/5c1b0dff9f122b4b9f0782de1a16a0c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing autovoice module to accept multiple hostmasks.
git head/master, unmodified.
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> There are no users defined
/msg *autovoice adduser adam *!adam@fake.domain #adam
/msg *autovoice adduser Asdf Asdf! #asdf #asdf-123
/msg *autovoice adduser bart *!*@ #bart #fake
/msg *autovoice adduser everyone *!*@* #
/msg *autovoice adduser test *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 #test #testing-123
/msg *autovoice adduser znc-linker *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker #znc #znc-dev
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmask | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | Asdf! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #fake |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
Shutdown znc, place modified in ~/.znc/modules. Start znc.
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | Asdf! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #fake |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
/msg *autovoice addmasks Asdf *!,*!
/msg *autovoice addmasks bart *!*@
/msg *autovoice addmasks bart *!*@
/msg *autovoice addmasks bart *!*@
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #fake |
<*autovoice> | |- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | |- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | `- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------+
/msg *autovoice addchans bart #cake #food #test
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #cake #fake #food #test |
<*autovoice> | |- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | |- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | `- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
/msg *autovoice delchans bart #test
/msg *autovoice delmasks bart *!*@,*!*@
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #cake #fake #food |
<*autovoice> | `- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
/msg *status unloadmod autovoice
/msg *status loadmod autovoice
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | bart | *!*@ | #bart #cake #fake #food |
<*autovoice> | `- | *!*@ | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!*@znc/bot/znc-linker | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------+
/msg *autovoice deluser bart
/msg *autovoice deluser znc-linker
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +----------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +----------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> +----------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
/msg *autovoice adduser znc-linker *!*,*!* #znc #znc-dev
/msg *autovoice listusers
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | User | Hostmasks | Channels |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
<*autovoice> | adam | *!adam@fake.domain | #adam |
<*autovoice> | Asdf | *! | #asdf #asdf-123 |
<*autovoice> | |- | *! | |
<*autovoice> | `- | Asdf! | |
<*autovoice> | everyone | *!*@* | # |
<*autovoice> | test | *!*@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 | #test #testing-123 |
<*autovoice> | znc-linker | *!* | #znc #znc-dev |
<*autovoice> | `- | *!* | |
<*autovoice> +------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------------+
Joining after I am already in the channel:
* test (kindone@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000) has joined #test
* KindOne sets mode: +v test
* test (kindone@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000) has joined #testing-123
* KindOne sets mode: +v test
* test (kindone@2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000) has joined #
* KindOne sets mode: +v test
* znc-linker ( has joined #znc
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker
* znc-linker ( has joined #znc-dev
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker
* znc-linker_ ( has joined #znc
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker_
* znc-linker_ ( has joined #znc-dev
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker_
I join after they are in the channel:
* KindOne (kindone@vhost.) has joined #znc
* [Users #znc]
* [@ChanServ] [ KindOne] [ znc-linker] [ znc-linker_]
* Irssi: #znc: Total of 4 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal]
/who #znc
/cs op #znc
* ChanServ sets mode: +o KindOne
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker
* KindOne sets mode: +v znc-linker_
* KindOne (kindone@vhost.) has joined #
* [Users #]
* [@ChanServ] [ KindOne] [ test]
* Irssi: #: Total of 3 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal]
/who #
/cs op #
* ChanServ sets mode: +o KindOne
* KindOne sets mode: +v KindOne
* KindOne sets mode: +v test
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