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Last active December 11, 2023 04:56
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because of the new APX stuff i got to thinking about different changes to x86 over time and how they affect code, like general code not just the manual intrinsics case...

VEX was part of AVX and introduced ternaries which shorted the encoding.

; pre-VEX
movaps xmm1, xmm2
subss xmm1, xmm3
vsubss xmm1, xmm2, xmm3 ; less bytes mostly

BMI added popcount as an instruction so we no longer need to emulate it:

; pre-BMI
mov     eax, edi
shr     eax
and     eax, 1431655765
sub     edi, eax
mov     eax, edi
and     eax, 858993459
shr     edi, 2
and     edi, 858993459
add     edi, eax
mov     eax, edi
shr     eax, 4
add     eax, edi
and     eax, 252645135
imul    eax, eax, 16843009
shr     eax, 24
popcnt  eax, edi

BMI-2 introduced new shift ops which means we don't need to use CL to do shifts (the shift immediate case didn't use CL but the rest did):

; pre BMI-2
mov cl, si
mov rax, [rdi]
shl rax, cl ; forced use of CL, clobbers FLAGS
; BMI-2
shlx rax, [rdi], rsi ; ternary and allowed to use other registers, doesn't update FLAGS

we can now do conditional loads which don't fault on failure so even thought rdi would have a NULL pointer in it, the segfault is suppressed.

return a ? *a : 0

; pre-APX
  test rdi, rdi
  je   .damn
  mov  eax, dword ptr [rdi]
  xor  eax, eax
  xor rax, rax
  test rdi, rdi
  cfcmovne rax, [rdi]

This would've been cool but APX doesn't support byte cmov stores, couldve made for nice conditional card marking in concurrent GCs:

Obj* rdi = ...;
if (card[rdi >> 9] != 0) card[rdi >> 9] = 0;
rdi->some_field = rcx

  mov r11, CARD_TABLE
  mov r9, rdi
  shr r9, 9
  add r11, r9
+ xor r9, r9                  ; r9 expired, we can reuse it
  cmp byte [r11], 0
+ cfcmovne byte [r11], r9     ; not possible... :(
- je skip
- ; don't write the card if it's already written to avoid contention
- mov byte [r11], 0
- skip:
  ; pointer.some_field = rcx;
  mov [rdi + 16], rcx
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