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Last active April 4, 2024 01:49
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  • Save RealNeGate/7dd84f7b6ef37affedcbacf27bc4e52f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RealNeGate/7dd84f7b6ef37affedcbacf27bc4e52f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// NBHS - Non-blocking hashset
// You wanna intern lots of things on lots of cores? this is for you. It's
// inspired by Cliff's non-blocking hashmap.
#ifndef NBHS_H
#define NBHS_H
typedef void* (*NBHS_AllocZeroMem)(size_t size);
typedef void (*NBHS_FreeMem)(void* ptr, size_t size);
typedef uint32_t (*NBHS_Hash)(const void* a);
typedef bool (*NBHS_Compare)(const void* a, const void* b);
typedef struct NBHS_Table NBHS_Table;
typedef struct {
NBHS_AllocZeroMem alloc_mem;
NBHS_FreeMem free_mem;
NBHS_Compare compare;
NBHS_Hash hash;
_Atomic(NBHS_Table*) latest;
NBHS nbhs_alloc(size_t initial_cap, NBHS_AllocZeroMem alloc_mem, NBHS_FreeMem free_mem, NBHS_Compare compare, NBHS_Hash hash);
void nbhs_free(NBHS* hs);
void* nbhs_intern(NBHS* hs, void* val);
#endif // NBHS_H
#ifdef NBHS_IMPL
// personal debooging stuff
#if 0
#define NBHS__BEGIN(name)
#define NBHS__END()
#define NBHS__BEGIN(name) spall_auto_buffer_begin(#name, sizeof(#name) - 1, NULL, 0)
#define NBHS__END() spall_auto_buffer_end()
// private constants (idk if i wanna undef these but don't touch i guess?)
#define NBHS_RESERVE_BIT (1ull << 63ull)
struct NBHS_Table {
_Atomic(NBHS_Table*) prev;
uint32_t exp;
// tracks how many entries have
// been moved once we're resizing
_Atomic uint32_t moved;
_Atomic uint32_t move_done;
_Atomic uint32_t count;
_Atomic(uintptr_t) data[];
// single hazard pointer per thread
typedef struct NBHS_HazardEntry {
_Atomic(struct NBHS_HazardEntry*) next;
// normal insertion and work:
// 0 - latest
// 1 - prev
// inside the prev moving code, it does an insert so
// it needs separate hazard entries:
// 2 - latest
// 3 - prev
// misc:
// 4 - temporary
_Atomic(NBHS_Table*) ptr[5];
} NBHS_HazardEntry;
static _Thread_local bool nbhs_hazard_init;
static _Thread_local NBHS_HazardEntry nbhs_hazard;
static _Atomic(NBHS_HazardEntry*) nbhs_hazard_list;
static void* nbhs__alloc_zero_mem(size_t s) { return calloc(1, s); }
static void nbhs__free_mem(void* ptr, size_t s) { free(ptr); }
static void* nbhs_try_entry(NBHS* hs, NBHS_Table* table, int i, void* val, uintptr_t entry) {
void* entry_p = (void*) (entry & ~NBHS_RESERVE_BIT);
if (hs->compare(entry_p, val)) {
if ((entry & NBHS_RESERVE_BIT) == 0) {
// not reserved, yay
return entry_p;
} else {
// either NULL or complete can go thru without waiting
uintptr_t decision;
while (decision = atomic_load(&table->data[i]), decision & NBHS_RESERVE_BIT) {
// idk if i should do a nicer wait than a spin-lock
return (void*) decision;
} else {
return NULL;
static void* nbhs_raw_lookup(NBHS* hs, NBHS_Table* table, uint32_t h, void* val) {
size_t mask = (1 << table->exp) - 1;
size_t first = h & mask, i = first;
do {
uintptr_t entry = atomic_load(&table->data[i]);
if (entry == 0) {
return NULL;
void* k = nbhs_try_entry(hs, table, i, val, entry);
if (k != NULL) {
return k;
i = (i + 1) & mask;
} while (i != first);
return NULL;
static NBHS_Table* nbhs_hazard_access(_Atomic(NBHS_Table*)* table, int slot) {
NBHS_Table* val = atomic_load(table);
for (;;) {
// mark as hazard
nbhs_hazard.ptr[slot] = val;
// check if it's been invalidated since the previous load, if so
// then undo hazard and try load again.
NBHS_Table* after = atomic_load(table);
if (val == after) {
return val;
val = after;
static void* nbhs_raw_intern(NBHS* hs, NBHS_Table* latest, void* val, int hazard_slot) {
// resize on 50% load factor and we're not in the moving process rn
uint32_t threshold = (1 << latest->exp) / 2;
if (latest->count >= threshold && atomic_load(&latest->prev) == NULL) {
// make resized table, we'll amortize the moves upward
size_t new_cap = 1ull << (latest->exp + 1);
NBHS_Table* new_top = hs->alloc_mem(sizeof(NBHS_Table) + new_cap*sizeof(uintptr_t));
new_top->exp = latest->exp + 1;
// CAS latest -> new_table, if another thread wins the race we'll use its table
new_top->prev = latest;
if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&hs->latest, &latest, new_top)) {
hs->free_mem(new_top, sizeof(NBHS_Table) + new_cap*sizeof(uintptr_t));
} else {
latest = new_top;
nbhs_hazard.ptr[hazard_slot] = latest;
// actually lookup & insert
uint32_t h = hs->hash(val);
uintptr_t reserved_form = (uintptr_t)val | NBHS_RESERVE_BIT;
void* result = NULL;
for (;;) {
size_t mask = (1 << latest->exp) - 1;
size_t first = h & mask, i = first;
do {
uintptr_t entry = atomic_load(&latest->data[i]);
if (entry == 0) {
// if we spot a NULL, the entry has never been in this table, that doesn't mean
// it's not appeared already so we'll only reserve the slot until we figure that
// out.
// everyone else will see our pointer marked as reserved and are free to wait on
// us if they match, if not they can move along.
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&latest->data[i], &entry, reserved_form)) {
void* old = NULL;
NBHS_Table* curr = nbhs_hazard_access(&latest->prev, hazard_slot + 1);
if (curr != NULL) {
// should only be one previous table
assert(curr->prev == NULL);
old = nbhs_raw_lookup(hs, curr, h, val);
nbhs_hazard.ptr[hazard_slot + 1] = NULL;
// count doesn't care that it's a migration, it's at least not replacing an existing
// slot in this version of the table.
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&latest->count, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
if (old != NULL) {
atomic_exchange(&latest->data[i], (uintptr_t) old);
result = old;
} else {
// no entry was found, good (reserved -> val)
atomic_exchange(&latest->data[i], (uintptr_t) val);
result = val;
void* k = nbhs_try_entry(hs, latest, i, val, entry);
if (k != NULL) {
return k;
i = (i + 1) & mask;
} while (i != first);
// if the table changed before our eyes, it means someone resized which sucks
// but it just means we need to retry
NBHS_Table* new_latest = nbhs_hazard_access(&hs->latest, 4);
if (latest == new_latest && result != NULL) {
nbhs_hazard.ptr[hazard_slot] = NULL;
nbhs_hazard.ptr[4] = NULL;
return result;
// move to the correct hazard slot
nbhs_hazard.ptr[hazard_slot] = new_latest;
nbhs_hazard.ptr[4] = NULL;
latest = new_latest;
NBHS nbhs_alloc(size_t initial_cap, NBHS_AllocZeroMem alloc_mem, NBHS_FreeMem free_mem, NBHS_Compare compare, NBHS_Hash hash) {
if (alloc_mem == NULL) {
assert(free_mem == NULL);
alloc_mem = nbhs__alloc_zero_mem;
free_mem = nbhs__free_mem;
size_t exp = 64 - __builtin_clzll(initial_cap - 1);
NBHS_Table* table = alloc_mem(sizeof(NBHS_Table) + (1ull << exp)*sizeof(uintptr_t));
table->exp = exp;
return (NBHS){
.alloc_mem = alloc_mem,
.free_mem = free_mem,
.compare = compare,
.hash = hash,
.latest = table
void nbhs_free(NBHS* hs) {
NBHS_Table* curr = hs->latest;
while (curr) {
NBHS_Table* next = curr->prev;
hs->free_mem(curr, sizeof(NBHS_Table) + (1ull*curr->exp)*sizeof(uintptr_t));
curr = next;
void* nbhs_intern(NBHS* hs, void* val) {
if (!nbhs_hazard_init) {
nbhs_hazard_init = true;
// add to hazard list, we never free this because i don't care
NBHS_HazardEntry* old;
do {
old = atomic_load_explicit(&nbhs_hazard_list, memory_order_relaxed); = old;
} while (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&nbhs_hazard_list, &old, &nbhs_hazard));
NBHS_Table* latest = nbhs_hazard_access(&hs->latest, 0);
// if there's earlier versions of the table we can move up entries as we go
// along.
NBHS_Table* prev = nbhs_hazard_access(&latest->prev, 1);
if (prev) {
size_t cap = 1ull << prev->exp;
// snatch up some number of items
uint32_t old, new;
do {
old = atomic_load(&prev->moved);
if (old == cap) { goto skip; }
// cap the number of items to copy... by the cap
new = old + 32;
if (new > cap) { new = cap; }
} while (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&prev->moved, &(uint32_t){ old }, new));
NBHS__BEGIN("copying old");
for (size_t i = old; i < new; i++) {
// either NULL or complete can go thru without waiting
uintptr_t decision;
while (decision = atomic_load(&prev->data[i]), decision & NBHS_RESERVE_BIT) {
// idk if i should do a nicer wait than a spin-lock
if (decision) {
nbhs_raw_intern(hs, latest, (void*) decision, 2);
uint32_t done = atomic_fetch_add(&prev->move_done, new - old);
done += new - old;
assert(done <= cap);
if (done == cap) {
// dettach now
assert(prev->prev == NULL);
latest->prev = NULL;
// wait for all refs to stop holding on (just read the hazards until they don't match)
NBHS_HazardEntry* us = &nbhs_hazard;
for (NBHS_HazardEntry* list = atomic_load(&nbhs_hazard_list); list; list = list->next) {
// mark sure no ptrs refer to prev
if (us != list) for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(list->ptr)/sizeof(void*)); i++) {
while (list->ptr[i] == prev) {
// spin-lock
// no one's referring to it and no one will ever refer to it again
hs->free_mem(prev, sizeof(NBHS_Table) + (1ull<<prev->exp)*sizeof(uintptr_t));
nbhs_hazard.ptr[1] = NULL; // ok it can be freed now
void* result = nbhs_raw_intern(hs, latest, val, 0);
return result;
#endif // NBHS_IMPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "spall_native_auto.h"
// #define spall_auto_buffer_begin(...)
// #define spall_auto_buffer_end(...)
#define NBHS_IMPL
#include "nbhs.h"
static uint32_t my_hash(const void* a) { return (*(const uint32_t*)a * 11400714819323198485ULL) >> 32ull; }
static bool my_cmp(const void* a, const void* b) { return *(const uint32_t*)a == *(const uint32_t*)b; }
uint32_t pcg32_pie(uint64_t *state) {
uint64_t old = *state ^ 0xc90fdaa2adf85459ULL;
*state = *state * 6364136223846793005ULL + 0xc90fdaa2adf85459ULL;
uint32_t xorshifted = ((old >> 18u) ^ old) >> 27u;
uint32_t rot = old >> 59u;
return (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31));
static NBHS test_set;
static _Atomic int inserted, duplicates;
static int attempts; // per thread
static unsigned int test_thread_fn(void* arg) {
uintptr_t starting_id = (uintptr_t) arg;
uint64_t seed = starting_id * 11400714819323198485ULL;
spall_auto_thread_init(starting_id, SPALL_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
spall_auto_buffer_begin("work", 4, NULL, 0);
uint32_t* arr = malloc(attempts * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (int i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
arr[i] = pcg32_pie(&seed) & 0xFFFFF;
if (nbhs_intern(&test_set, &arr[i]) == &arr[i]) {
inserted += 1;
} else {
duplicates += 1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
spall_auto_init((char *)"profile.spall");
spall_auto_thread_init(0, SPALL_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
int threads = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("Testing with %d threads\n", threads);
attempts = 4000000 / threads;
test_set = nbhs_alloc(32, NULL, NULL, my_cmp, my_hash);
HANDLE* arr = malloc(threads * sizeof(HANDLE));
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
arr[i] = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, test_thread_fn, (void*) (uintptr_t) i, 0, 0);
WaitForMultipleObjects(threads, arr, true, INFINITE);
printf("%d + %d = %d (needed %d)\n", inserted, duplicates, inserted + duplicates, attempts*threads);
if (inserted + duplicates != attempts*threads) {
return 0;
// #undef spall_auto_buffer_begin
// #undef spall_auto_buffer_end
#include "spall_native_auto.h"
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