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Last active May 14, 2018 20:03
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  • Save RealityRipple/a0e695ec6d0d074cc3785f46f9f6bea8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PHP Script for updating MantisBT. Designed for use in a Cron job.
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Encoding: none;');
$cron = $argv[1];
if ($cron != 'cron')
return('This needs to be run from CRON.');
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* mantisUpdate.php *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* * v1.1 June 6, 2017 *
* Andrew Sachen <> *
* *
* +Added serverType variable *
* #Skipped readme and config sample files *
* *
* * v1.0 May 23, 2017 *
* Andrew Sachen <> *
* *
* /Conceived and written *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* siteURL
* =======
* Address of your MantisBT installation.
* This value is used in the link to /admin/install.php
* which is used in the message returned by this script.
* This is the only path without a trailing slash!
$siteURL = '';
* htDir
* =====
* Root web directory. Not used in script.
* This is just useful for all the other directory values.
$htDir = '/var/www';
* saveDir1
* ========
* MantisBT directory. Active installation location.
$saveDir1 = $htDir.'bugs/';
* saveDir2
* ========
* MantisBT data directory. Active installation location.
* This location will house the "core", "lang", "library",
* and "api" directories. If this is not the same as
* saveDir1, then a "core" directory will be created in
* saveDir1, and the constant_inc.php file from saveDir2
* will be copiedto saveDir1's "core" directory.
$saveDir2 = '/var/.bugdata/';
* tempDir
* =======
* Temporary storage directory.
* The MantisBT zip file will be downloaded and extracted
* to this directory. Make sure no file called ""
* is ever created in this directory. It's unlikely a
* directory with the same name as the latest MantisBT
* version would exist, but to be on the safe side, don't
* let any directories that start with "mantisbt-" exist
* in this directory either.
$tempDir = '/usr/tmp/mantis/';
* tempDir1
* ========
* Temporary storage directory for MantisBT installation.
* This directory will be completely deleted, so don't
* use an existing directory under any circumstances.
$tempDir1 = $tempDir.'bugs/';
* tempDir2
* ========
* Temporary storage directory for MantisBT data.
* This directory will be completely deleted, so don't
* use an existing directory under any circumstances.
* This must be the same as tempDir1 if saveDir2 is also
* the same as saveDir1, and must be different from
* tempDir1 if saveDir2 is different from saveDir1.
$tempDir2 = $tempDir.'.bugdata/';
* specialFiles[]
* ==============
* Array of files which should be kept.
* Do not remove the config/config_inc.php file or you
* will lose all your configuration data in the upgrade.
$specialFiles = array();
$specialFiles[] = 'config/config_inc.php';
$specialFiles[] = 'images/favicon.ico';
$specialFiles[] = 'images/mantis_logo.gif';
$specialFiles[] = 'images/mantis_logo.png';
$specialFiles[] = 'images/mantis_logo_notext.png';
//Add below this line for safety.
* specialDirs[]
* =============
* Array of directories which should be kept.
* This is particularly useful for plugins. No directory
* needs to be kept through upgrades by default.
$specialDirs = array();
* verbose
* =======
* Print out every stage of the operation.
* Errors will always be displayed.
$verbose = true;
* serverType
* ==========
* Choose the type of webserver MantisBT is hosted on.
* This script will remove files that are not necessary
* for this type of server.
* > "Apache" deletes "Web.config" files
* > "ASP.NET" deletes ".htaccess" files
* > Any other value deletes both types of files.
* You will need to configure your folders another way.
$serverType = 'Apache';
//$serverType = 'ASP.NET';
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
function compareVersions($sVerA, $sVerB)
$aV = explode('.', $sVerA);
$bV = explode('.', $sVerB);
if (count($aV) < count($bV))
for ($i = count($aV); $i < count($bV); $i++)
$aV[$i] = '0';
else if (count($aV) > count($bV))
for ($i = count($bV); $i < count($aV); $i++)
$bV[$i] = '0';
$segments = count($aV);
for ($i = 0; $i < $segments; $i++)
if (intval($aV[$i]) > intval($bV[$i]))
return 1;
if ($i == $segments - 1)
if (intval($aV[$i]) == intval($bV[$i]))
return 0;
else if (intval($aV[$i]) < intval($bV[$i]))
return -1;
function copyDir($src, $dest)
$dir = opendir($src);
while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if (($file == '.') || ($file == '..'))
$fPath = "$src/$file";
$fDest = "$dest/$file";
if (is_dir($fPath))
copyDir($fPath, $fDest);
copy($fPath, $fDest);
function deleteDir($src)
$dir = opendir($src);
while(($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if (($file == '.') || ($file == '..'))
$fPath = "$src/$file";
if (is_dir($fPath))
$time_start = microtime(true);
$unique = true;
if ($tempDir1 == $tempDir2 && $saveDir1 == $saveDir2)
$unique = false;
else if ($tempDir1 != $tempDir2 && $saveDir1 != $saveDir2)
$unique = true;
else if ($tempDir1 != $tempDir2)
die('tempDir1 and tempDir2 must be the same because the saveDirs are the same.');
die('tempDir1 and tempDir2 must be different because the saveDirs are different.');
if (file_exists($tempDir.''))
if (file_exists($tempDir1))
if ($unique)
if (file_exists($tempDir2))
$myVer = '0.0.0';
if (file_exists($saveDir1.'core/constant_inc.php'))
$verFile = file_get_contents($saveDir1.'core/constant_inc.php');
if (strpos($verFile, 'MANTIS_VERSION') !== false)
$verFile = substr($verFile, strpos($verFile, 'MANTIS_VERSION') + 14);
$verFile = substr($verFile, strpos($verFile, ' \'') + 2);
$myVer = substr($verFile, 0, strpos($verFile, '\''));
$feedFile = simplexml_load_file('');
$feedJSON = json_encode($feedFile);
$feed = json_decode($feedJSON, true);
$dList = $feed['channel']['item'];
$betterV = array();
foreach ($dList as $dEl)
$dElLink = $dEl['link'];
if (strpos($dElLink, 'mantis-stable') === false)
if (strpos($dElLink, '.zip/download') === false)
$dElVer = substr($dElLink, strpos($dElLink, 'mantis-stable') + 14);
$dElVer = substr($dElVer, 0, strpos($dElVer, '/'));
if (compareVersions($myVer, $dElVer) > -1)
$bEl = array();
$bEl['ver'] = $dElVer;
$bEl['url'] = $dElLink;
$betterV[] = $bEl;
if (count($betterV) == 0)
$getFile = '';
$bestVer = $myVer;
if (count($betterV) == 1)
$bestVer = $betterV[0]['ver'];
$getFile = $betterV[0]['url'];
foreach ($betterV as $betterEl)
if (compareVersions($bestVer, $betterEl['ver']) > -1)
$bestVer = $betterEl['ver'];
$getFile = $betterEl['url'];
if ($getFile == '')
die('Unable to determine URL for new MantisBT Version!');
if ($verbose)
echo "Downloading new MantisBT Version..."; ob_flush(); flush();
$gh = fopen($getFile, 'r');
file_put_contents($tempDir.'', $gh);
if ($verbose)
echo(" Complete!\n"); ob_flush(); flush();
$z = new ZipArchive;
if ($z->open($tempDir.'') !== true)
die('Failed to open MantisBT ZIP');
copy ($saveDir1.'mantis_offline.php.sample', $saveDir1.'mantis_offline.php');
if ($unique)
if ($verbose)
echo("Extracting Files..."); ob_flush(); flush();
$zipRoot = '';
for ($i=0; $i < $z->numFiles; $i++)
$zippedName = $z->getNameIndex($i);
$zippedDir = substr($zippedName, 0, strrpos($zippedName, '/') + 1);
if (substr($zippedDir, 0, 9) == 'mantisbt-')
if ($zipRoot == '')
$zipRoot = substr($zippedDir, 0, strpos($zippedDir, '/'));
$zippedDir = substr($zippedDir, strpos($zippedDir, '/') + 1);
$zippedFName = substr($zippedName, strrpos($zippedName, '/') + 1);
if (strpos(strtolower($zippedName), 'core/constant_inc.php') !== false)
$z->extractTo($tempDir, $zippedName);
if (!file_exists($tempDir1.$zippedDir))
rename($tempDir.$zippedName, $tempDir1.$zippedDir.$zippedFName);
if ($unique)
if (!file_exists($tempDir2.$zippedDir))
copy($tempDir1.$zippedDir.$zippedFName, $tempDir2.$zippedDir.$zippedFName);
else if (strpos(strtolower($zippedName), '/') !== false)
// skip the readme file
else if (strpos(strtolower($zippedName), '/config/config_inc.php.sample') !== false)
// skip the sample config
else if (strpos(strtolower($zippedName), '.htaccess') !== false && strtolower($serverType) != 'apache')
// skip .htaccess files if not running Apache
else if (strpos(strtolower($zippedName), 'web.config') !== false && strtolower($serverType) != '')
// skip Web.config files if not running ASP.NET
else if (substr(strtolower($zippedDir), 0, 5) == 'core/' || substr(strtolower($zippedDir), 0, 5) == 'lang/' || substr(strtolower($zippedDir), 0, 8) == 'library/' || substr(strtolower($zippedDir), 0, 4) == 'api/')
$z->extractTo($tempDir, $zippedName);
if (!file_exists($tempDir2.$zippedDir))
rename($tempDir.$zippedName, $tempDir2.$zippedDir.$zippedFName);
else if (substr(strtolower($zippedDir), 0, 4) == 'doc/')
// skip the doc folder
$z->extractTo($tempDir, $zippedName);
if (!file_exists($tempDir1.$zippedDir))
rename($tempDir.$zippedName, $tempDir1.$zippedDir.$zippedFName);
if ($zipRoot != '')
if ($verbose)
echo("Complete!\n"); ob_flush(); flush();
if ($verbose)
echo("Upgrading MantisBT Files..."); ob_flush(); flush();
copy ($tempDir1.'mantis_offline.php.sample', $tempDir1.'mantis_offline.php');
if (isset($specialDirs) && count($specialDirs) > 0)
foreach ($specialDirs as $specialDir)
copyDir($saveDir1.$specialDir, $tempDir1.$specialDir);
if (isset($specialFiles) && count($specialFiles) > 0)
foreach ($specialFiles as $specialFile)
copy($saveDir1.$specialFile, $tempDir1.$specialFile);
if ($unique)
copyDir($tempDir1, $saveDir1);
if ($unique)
copyDir($tempDir2, $saveDir2);
if ($unique)
if ($verbose)
echo(" Complete!\n"); ob_flush(); flush();
$time_end = microtime(true);
if ($verbose)
echo("Completed in ".($time_end - $time_start)." seconds.\n");
echo("Your MantisBT installation has been upgraded from v$myVer to v$bestVer.\n");
echo("Please visit <$siteURL/admin/install.php> to complete the installation.\n");
echo("If you would like to see the changes in this version, please visit <$bestVer>.");
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