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Created November 25, 2012 16:28
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Mandelbrot Generator
import numpy as np
from scipy import misc
import math
import time
by Josiah Beverton
Many Thanks to:
def m_member(complex,iterations=40):
If a complex value escapes from the boundary 2 after infinite iterations over
Z**2+Z0 then it is not a member of the set.
Z = complex
#Iterate over the complex number till it escapes the bounds.
#Return an RGB triple of 0,0,0 or 255,0,0 dependent on whether or not it escapes
for i in xrange(1,iterations+1):
if np.absolute(Z)>2:
r,g,b = 0,0,0
return np.array([r,g,b], dtype=np.uint8)
Z = Z**2 + complex
return np.array([255,0,0],dtype=np.uint8)
def nsmooth(n,zn):
#Incomplete implementation of the colour grading algorithm
#Literally no idea how to implement this
a = n+1 - math.log(math.log(np.absolute(zn)))/math.log(2)
r= int((a/40)*255)
return int((1-r/40)*255)
def generate_map(realrange, complexrange, realstep = 0.05, complexstep = 0.05):
- realrange: The Range of values over which the function should calculate.
- Tuple of size 2
- complexrange: The Range of values over which the function should calculate.
- Tuple of size 2
Returns a numpy array of complex numbers
width = np.arange(realrange[0],realrange[1],realstep)
height = np.arange(complexrange[0],complexrange[1],complexstep)
#Create an empty numpy array over which to calculate
map = np.zeros((len(width),len(height)),dtype=complex)
for index, value in np.ndenumerate(map):
x,y = index
#Propagate through with values of complex numbers over which to calculate
map[index[::-1]] = np.complex(width[x],height[y])
return map
def calculate_set(generated_map, func):
#Takes a map of complex numbers
#Generate a function to take this map and replace with an RGB triple based on a supplied function
mapper = np.vectorize(func, otypes = [np.ndarray])
img = mapper(generated_map)
nimg = np.empty((img.shape[0],img.shape[1],3),dtype=np.uint8)
#Transform into a proper NxMx3 Array instead of NxM filled with 1x3 arrays
for key, triple in np.ndenumerate(img):
nimg[key] = triple
if __name__ == "__main__":
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