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Last active January 7, 2021 20:06
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Test compiler speeds!

This script generates long repetitive programs in various languages (statically typed ones that target native code) and measures the time taken to compile them.

Every program is roughly of the form:

main() {
    var x = 0
    {% n*2 times: %}
    x = 2
    x = 3
    {% end %}

Compilers tested:

  • C (Apple clang 12.0.0)
  • D (dmd 2.095.0)
  • LLVM IR (llc 12.0.0, release build with assertions)
  • OCaml (ocamlopt 4.09.0)
  • Nim (nim 1.4.2)
  • Rust (rustc 1.48.0)
  • V (v 0.2 f713597)
  • Zig (zig 0.7.1)

Included are timings on my machine for selected values of n. My tentative ranking of compilation speed on these benchmarks is something like C > V ≈ LLVM IR > Nim > OCaml > D > Rust > Zig. Note that this is not representative of what most code looks like in practice, however.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
langs = {"c", "d", "ll", "ml", "nim", "rs", "v", "zig"}
snippets = {
"head": {
'#include <stdio.h>\n'
'int main() {'
'int x = 0;',
'import std.stdio;'
'void main() {'
'int x = 0;',
'@fmt = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"%d\\0a\\00"\n'
'declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture, ...) nounwind\n'
'define i32 @main() {\n'
'%fmt = getelementptr [4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @fmt, i32 0, i32 0\n'
'%x = alloca i32\n',
'let x = ref 0\n'
'let () = ',
'var x = 0\n',
'fn main() {'
'let mut x: u8;',
'fn main() {\n'
'mut x := 0\n',
'const print = @import("std").debug.print;'
'pub fn main() void {'
'var x: u8 = 0;',
"content": {
"c": 'x = $VAL; printf("%d\\n", x);',
"d": 'x = $VAL; writefln("%d", x);',
"ll": 'store i32 $VAL, i32* %x\n'
'%tmp$IDX = load i32, i32* %x\n'
'call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* %fmt, i32 %tmp$IDX)\n',
"ml": 'x := $VAL; print_endline (string_of_int !x);',
"nim": 'x = $VAL; echo $x;',
"rs": 'x = $VAL; println!("{}", x);',
"v": "x = $VAL\nprintln('$x')\n",
"zig": 'x = $VAL; print("{}\\n", .{x});',
"end": {
"c": '}',
"d": '}',
"ll": 'ret i32 0\n}',
"ml": '',
"nim": '',
"rs": '}',
"v": '}',
"zig": '}',
"compile": {
"c": 'cc main.c',
"d": 'dmd main.d',
"ll": 'llc --filetype=obj -O=0 main.ll && cc main.o',
"ml": 'ocamlopt',
"nim": 'nim compile main.nim',
"rs": 'rustc',
"v": 'v main.v',
"zig": 'zig build-exe main.zig',
"clean": {
"c": 'rm main.c a.out',
"d": 'rm main.d main.o main',
"ll": 'rm main.ll main.o a.out',
"ml": 'rm main.cmi main.cmx main.o a.out',
"nim": 'rm main.nim main',
"rs": 'rm main',
"v": 'rm main.v main',
"zig": 'rm -r zig-cache main.zig main',
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("usage: {} <language> <num. of statements>".format(sys.argv[0]))
lang = sys.argv[1]
iters = int(sys.argv[2])
if lang not in langs:
print("no such language: {}".format(lang))
print("generating...", end=" ", flush=True)
def snippet(name):
return snippets[name].get(lang, "")
filename = "main." + lang
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for i in range(iters):
s = snippet("content") \
.replace("$VAL", str(i % 2 + 2)) \
.replace("$IDX", str(i + 1))
print("wrote to {}".format(filename))
import os, time
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("total time: {}s".format(end - start))
print("cleaning up...")
lang lines time
c 10 0.11
c 100 0.11
c 1000 0.16
c 10000 0.49
c 100000 4.29
c 1000000 58.7
d 10 0.60
d 100 0.55
d 1000 0.68
d 2000 0.86
d 5000 2.22
d 10000 13.3
d 20000 92.5
ll 10 0.10
ll 100 0.09
ll 1000 0.11
ll 10000 0.43
ll 100000 13.5
ll 200000 72.8
ml 10 0.21
ml 100 0.29
ml 1000 0.46
ml 2000 0.79
ml 5000 1.70
ml >10000 <err>
nim 10 0.39
nim 100 0.46
nim 1000 0.58
nim 2000 0.83
nim 5000 1.25
nim 10000 2.19
nim 20000 4.31
nim 50000 13.6
nim 100000 31.3
rs 10 0.43
rs 100 0.48
rs 200 0.71
rs 500 1.21
rs 1000 2.80
rs 2000 7.78
rs 5000 50.8
v 10 0.65
v 100 0.54
v 1000 0.67
v 10000 1.55
v 20000 2.47
v 50000 5.42
v 100000 10.2
v 200000 22.7
zig 10 1.73
zig 100 2.20
zig 200 2.79
zig 500 4.46
zig 1000 7.53
zig 2000 17.6
zig 5000 81.8
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