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Daniel Klug RedForty

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  • California
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RedForty /
Created March 30, 2019 21:02
Resets the camera behavior in Maya.
# Reset the cameras
from maya import mel
mel.eval("resetTool tumbleContext;")
mel.eval("resetTool trackContext;")
mel.eval("resetTool dollyContext;")
mel.eval("resetTool boxZoomContext;")
import maya.api.OpenMaya as api
from functools import partial
def reportCallbackEventNames(c, *args):
print c
# install
cbs = api.MEventMessage.getEventNames()
installed_cbs = []
for c in cbs:
RedForty / Custom GE colors
Created March 9, 2020 02:58
Sets my custom GE colors
# =========================================================================== #
# Custom GE colors
# List the currently defined custom curve colors
# curve_colors = cmds.curveRGBColor( list=True )
curve_colors = [ 'rotateZ 0 1 1'
, 'translateY 0 1 0'
, 'scaleZ 0.519899 0 0.965517'
, 'translateX 1 0 0'
, 'rotateY 1 1 0'
, 'scaleX 0.82 0 0.82'
RedForty /
Last active November 19, 2020 05:45
Lerp, Inv_lerp, remap
# Thank you Freya Holmer | Neat Corp
def lerp(a, b, t):
return ((1.0 - t) * a + b * t)
def inv_lerp(a, b, v):
return ((v - a) / (b - a))
def remap(iMin, iMax, oMin, oMax, v):
RedForty / set_my_preferences.mel
Last active May 16, 2022 18:07
My preferred preferences in Maya
// My preferred prefences
// Interfaces
optionVar -intValue showHighlightNewFeaturesWindowOnStartup false;
whatsNewHighlight -showStartupDialog false;
// Manipulators
mouse -enableScrollWheel false;
optionVar -iv useMultiTouchGestures false; multiTouch -gestures false;
manipOptions -rememberActiveHandleAfterToolSwitch 0;
RedForty /
Created September 1, 2021 23:31
Get distance between two vectors
from math import pow, sqrt
def distance_between_vectors(a, b):
# Feed two vectors of type list3
# example: a = [0, 1, 2]
# Distance formula : ?((x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2 + (z2 - z1)2)
distance = sqrt(pow(a[0] - b[0], 2) + pow(a[1] - b[1], 2) + pow(a[2] - b[2], 2))
return distance
from maya import cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import math
def get_rotation_from_matrix(matrix_list, rot_order):
# Create an empty MMatrix:
mMatrix = om.MMatrix() # MMatrix
# And populate the MMatrix object with the matrix list data:
RedForty /
Last active November 12, 2021 22:12
Select Source of Constrained Object
# Select source of selected constrained object
from maya import cmds
selection =
new_selection = []
for item in selection:
constraint = cmds.listConnections( item + '.parentInverseMatrix[0]', destination=1, source=0, type='constraint')
if constraint:
src = cmds.listConnections(constraint[0] + '.target[0].targetParentMatrix', destination=0, source=1)
if src:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This scriptjob will turn off the default material option on each viewport
from maya import cmds, mel
def turnOffDefaultMaterial(*args, **kwargs):
allIconTextCheckBoxes = cmds.lsUI( type=['iconTextCheckBox'],l=True )
for iconCheckBox in allIconTextCheckBoxes:
if 'UseDefaultMaterialBtn' in iconCheckBox:
cmds.iconTextCheckBox(iconCheckBox, e=True, value=False)
string $currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`;
int $state = `isolateSelect -q -state $currentPanel`;
if ($state) {
enableIsolateSelect $currentPanel false;
} else {
enableIsolateSelect $currentPanel true;
$allMeshObjs = `ls -typ mesh`;
for ($eachObject in $allMeshObjs) {
isolateSelect -addDagObject $eachObject $currentPanel;