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Created April 25, 2022 15:04
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  • Save RedMindZ/cda8d487fc0057a171fd4628c3ca15ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RedMindZ/cda8d487fc0057a171fd4628c3ca15ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parsing libraries...
Parsed 'qpdf.lib'
Parsing code...
Parsed 'qpdf\QPDF.hh'
Processing code...
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ResolveIncompleteDeclsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.IgnoreSystemDeclarationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MatchParamNamesWithInstantiatedFromPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.EqualiseAccessOfOverrideAndBasePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FlattenAnonymousTypesToFields'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
Typedef 'FILE' was ignored due to ignored type
Decl '_Alty' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Alty_traits' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Scary_val' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Alty' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Scary_val' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
Function 'unparse' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::JSON::JSON_value>::element_type*'
Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Decl 'supports_retry' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PipelineAccessor' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'pipeline' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'TokenFilter::pipeline' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'handleToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'writeToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'TokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'contentSize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ParserCallbacks' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Factory' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ObjAccessor' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ReleaseResolver' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'oh' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Decl 'keys' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::keys' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>'
Decl 'iter' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::iter' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>::iterator'
Decl 'is_end' was ignored due to invalid access
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Decl 'm' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::Members>'
Decl 'ivalue' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'oh' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDFDictItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'oh' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Decl 'item_number' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'is_end' was ignored due to invalid access
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Decl 'm' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::Members>'
Decl 'ivalue' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'oh' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDFArrayItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'initialized' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Decl 'objid' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'generation' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'obj' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::obj' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Decl 'reserved' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'QPDFObjectHandle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Typedef 'object_type_e' was ignored due to ignored type
Function 'getTypeCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'wrapInArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parseContentStream' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeContentStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parsePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addContentTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parseAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'newNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInteger' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newName' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newUnicodeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newOperator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInlineImage' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReserved' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setObjectDescription' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsNumber' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'aitems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>, 1>'
Function 'getArrayAsVector' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ditems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKey' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKeyIfDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, ::std::_Iterator_base0>::_Nodeptr'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getKeys' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getDictAsMap' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeResourcesIndirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getResourceNames' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'unique_id' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'tokenizer' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::tokenizer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFTokenizer'
Decl 'file' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Decl 'last_object_description' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'provided_password_is_hex_key' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'ignore_xref_streams' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'suppress_warnings' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'out_stream' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::out_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Decl 'err_stream' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::err_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Decl 'attempt_recovery' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encp' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Decl 'pdf_version' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'xref_table' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::xref_table' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Decl 'deleted_objects' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::deleted_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Decl 'obj_cache' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::obj_cache' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Decl 'resolving' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::resolving' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Decl 'trailer' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::trailer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Decl 'all_pages' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::all_pages' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'pageobj_to_pages_pos' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::pageobj_to_pages_pos' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, int, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Decl 'pushed_inherited_attributes_to_pages' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'warnings' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::warnings' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFExc, ::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>>'
Decl 'object_copiers' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::object_copiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier, ::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Decl 'copied_streams' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::copied_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider>'
Decl 'copied_stream_data_provider' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::copied_stream_data_provider' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider*'
Decl 'reconstructed_xref' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'fixed_dangling_refs' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'immediate_copy_from' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'in_parse' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'parsed' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'resolved_object_streams' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::resolved_object_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Decl 'ever_replaced_objects' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'first_xref_item_offset' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'uncompressed_after_compressed' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'lindict' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::lindict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Decl 'linp' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Decl 'page_offset_hints' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::page_offset_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HPageOffset'
Decl 'shared_object_hints' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::shared_object_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HSharedObject'
Decl 'outline_hints' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::outline_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Decl 'c_linp' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::c_linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Decl 'c_page_offset_data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::c_page_offset_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHPageOffset'
Decl 'c_shared_object_data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::c_shared_object_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHSharedObject'
Decl 'c_outline_data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::c_outline_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Decl 'part4' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::part4' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'part6' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::part6' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'part7' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::part7' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'part8' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::part8' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'part9' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::part9' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Decl 'obj_user_to_objects' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::obj_user_to_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Decl 'object_to_obj_users' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::object_to_obj_users' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Decl 'encrypted' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encryption_initialized' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encryption_V' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encryption_R' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encrypt_metadata' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'crypt_filters' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'EncryptionParameters::crypt_filters' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Decl 'cf_stream' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Decl 'cf_string' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_string' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Decl 'cf_file' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_file' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Decl 'provided_password' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'user_password' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encryption_key' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'cached_object_encryption_key' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'cached_key_objid' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'cached_key_generation' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'user_password_matched' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'owner_password_matched' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ObjCache::object' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Field 'ObjCopier::object_map' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::to_copy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::visiting' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Decl 'destination_qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::destination_qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Decl 'foreign_streams' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Decl 'foreign_stream_data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_stream_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Virtual method 'QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored base 'StreamDataProvider'
Decl 'encp' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ForeignStreamData::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Decl 'file' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ForeignStreamData::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Decl 'foreign_objid' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'foreign_generation' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'offset' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'length' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'local_dict' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ForeignStreamData::local_dict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'HPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_numerators' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'CHSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'ObjUser::ou_type' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser::user_e'
Decl 'V' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'R' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'Length_bytes' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'P' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'O' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'U' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'OE' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'UE' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'Perms' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'id1' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'encrypt_metadata' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'EncryptionData' was ignored due to ignored param
Copy constructor 'QPDF::EncryptionData::EncryptionData' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Writer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Resolver' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamCopier' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ParseGuard::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Function 'ParseGuard' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Pipe' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'StringDecrypter::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Decl 'objid' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'gen' was ignored due to invalid access
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::~StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::decryptString' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Decl 'qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ResolveRecorder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Decl 'og' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ResolveRecorder::og' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Finder' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'qpdf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'PatternFinder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Decl 'checker' was ignored due to invalid access
Virtual method 'QPDF::PatternFinder::check' was ignored due to ignored base 'Finder'
Variable 'qpdf_version' was ignored due to ignored decl
Decl 'm' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDF::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::Members>'
Function 'processFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processMemoryFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processInputSource' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setPasswordIsHexKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'registerStreamFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setOutputStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setIgnoreXRefStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setSuppressWarnings' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setAttemptRecovery' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setImmediateCopyFrom' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl '_Data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_exception_data'
Decl 'error_code' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'QPDFExc::error_code' was ignored due to ignored type '::qpdf_error_code_e'
Decl 'filename' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'object' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'offset' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'message' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'QPDFExc' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getErrorCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFExc::QPDFExc' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>, 1>'
Function 'getWarnings' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'warn' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'major_version' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'minor_version' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'extension_level' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'PDFVersion' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'updateIfGreater' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getVersion' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getVersionAsPDFVersion' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getTrailer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRoot' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'obj' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'gen' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFObjGen' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'type' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'field1' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'field2' was ignored due to invalid access
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFXRefEntry'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>::_Nodeptr'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getXRefTable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeIndirectObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByID' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'swapObjects' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceReserved' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'copyForeignObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_data_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_O_U' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_parameters_V5' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'fixDanglingReferences' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getAllObjects' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getAllPages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPageAt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'removePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDF' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getOwningQPDF' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'shallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'unsafeShallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'copyStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeDirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayFromVector' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'insertItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'appendItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceOrRemoveKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setFilterOnWrite' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'own_memory' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'size' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'buf' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl 'm' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Buffer::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::Buffer::Members>'
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'PointerHolder::data' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::Buffer>::Data*'
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'get' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRawStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceDict' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl 'value' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Members::value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field 'JSON_dictionary::members' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_dictionary::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Field 'JSON_array::elements' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_array::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_string::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_number::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_bool::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_null::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Decl 'm' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'JSON::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::JSON::Members>'
Function 'makeDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addDictionaryMember' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addArrayElement' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeInt' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNumber' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachDictItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'JSON' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getJSON' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageImages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageContents' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'rotatePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'warnIfPossible' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isImage' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
Field '_List_node::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_List_node::_Prev' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCache'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCopier'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::value_type'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Iosarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Field '_Fnarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Decl '_Mystate' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Except' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Fmtfl' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Prec' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Wide' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Arr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ios_base::_Arr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Decl '_Calls' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ios_base::_Calls' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Decl '_Ploc' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'ios_base::_Ploc' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Decl '_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to internal type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Mysb*'
Decl '_Tiestr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Myos*'
Decl '_Fillch' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Mysb*'
Decl '_Tiestr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Myos*'
Decl '_Fillch' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Gfirst' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Pfirst' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IGfirst' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IPfirst' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Gnext' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Pnext' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IGnext' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IPnext' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Gcount' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Pcount' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IGcount' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_IPcount' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'basic_streambuf::_Plocale' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field 'Data::pointer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ForeignStreamData*'
Decl 'data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'PointerHolder::data' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>::Data*'
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'get' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_List_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_List_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Function '_Decref' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl '_Myrefs' was ignored due to invalid access
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Incref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Decref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Decl '_Facetvec' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Locimp::_Facetvec' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::facet**'
Decl '_Facetcount' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Catmask' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Xparent' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Name' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Locimp::_Name' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Yarn<char>'
Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'locale::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::_Locimp*'
Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Function 'setDecodeParms' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl 'next' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'Pipeline::next' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'Pipeline' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getNext' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'Pipeline::Pipeline' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getDecodePipeline' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFStreamFilter::QPDFStreamFilter' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::QPDFStreamFilter>::element_type*'
Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Decl '_Uses' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Weaks' was ignored due to invalid access
Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
Decl '_Data' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
Decl '_Myptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Nul' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Myptr' was ignored due to invalid access
Decl '_Nul' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<int>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<bool>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<::std::shared_ptr<::QPDFStreamFilter>>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<int>::_Storage'
Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MarkUsedClassInternalsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.TrimSpecializationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAmbiguousFunctions'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GenerateSymbolsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
Typedef 'FILE' was ignored due to ignored type
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
Field '_Iosarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Field '_Fnarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Arr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Calls' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Ploc' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to incomplete type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Mysb*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Myos*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Mysb*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Myos*'
Field 'basic_streambuf::_Plocale' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
Field '_List_node::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_List_node::_Prev' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Function 'unparse' was ignored due to ignored param
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::JSON::JSON_value>::element_type*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFXRefEntry'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCache'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>'
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFObjGen' was ignored due to ignored param
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PipelineAccessor' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'TokenFilter::pipeline' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'handleToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'writeToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'TokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'contentSize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ParserCallbacks' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Factory' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ObjAccessor' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ReleaseResolver' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Field 'Members::keys' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>'
Field 'Members::iter' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>::iterator'
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::Members>'
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFDictItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::Members>'
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFArrayItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::obj' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Function 'QPDFObjectHandle' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Typedef 'object_type_e' was ignored due to ignored type
Function 'getTypeCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'wrapInArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parseContentStream' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeContentStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parsePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addContentTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parseAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'newNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInteger' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newName' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newUnicodeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newOperator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInlineImage' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReserved' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setObjectDescription' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsNumber' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'aitems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>, 1>'
Function 'getArrayAsVector' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ditems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKey' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKeyIfDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, ::std::_Iterator_base0>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getKeys' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getDictAsMap' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeResourcesIndirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getResourceNames' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'Members::tokenizer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFTokenizer'
Field 'Members::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Field 'Members::out_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Field 'Members::err_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Field 'Members::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Field 'Members::xref_table' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Field 'Members::deleted_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'Members::obj_cache' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Field 'Members::resolving' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field 'Members::trailer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'Members::all_pages' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::pageobj_to_pages_pos' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, int, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Field 'Members::warnings' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFExc, ::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>>'
Field 'Members::object_copiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier, ::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Field 'Members::copied_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider>'
Field 'Members::copied_stream_data_provider' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider*'
Field 'Members::resolved_object_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'Members::lindict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'Members::linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Field 'Members::page_offset_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HPageOffset'
Field 'Members::shared_object_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HSharedObject'
Field 'Members::outline_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Field 'Members::c_linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Field 'Members::c_page_offset_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHPageOffset'
Field 'Members::c_shared_object_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHSharedObject'
Field 'Members::c_outline_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Field 'Members::part4' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part6' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part7' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part8' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part9' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::obj_user_to_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Field 'Members::object_to_obj_users' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::crypt_filters' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_string' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_file' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'ObjCache::object' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Field 'ObjCopier::object_map' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::to_copy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::visiting' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::destination_qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_stream_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Virtual method 'QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored base 'StreamDataProvider'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::local_dict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'HPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_numerators' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'CHSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'ObjUser::ou_type' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser::user_e'
Function 'EncryptionData' was ignored due to ignored param
Copy constructor 'QPDF::EncryptionData::EncryptionData' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Writer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Resolver' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamCopier' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'ParseGuard::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Function 'ParseGuard' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Pipe' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'StringDecrypter::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::~StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::decryptString' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Field 'ResolveRecorder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Field 'ResolveRecorder::og' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Finder' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'PatternFinder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Virtual method 'QPDF::PatternFinder::check' was ignored due to ignored base 'Finder'
Variable 'qpdf_version' was ignored due to ignored decl
Field 'QPDF::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::Members>'
Function 'processFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processMemoryFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processInputSource' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setPasswordIsHexKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'registerStreamFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setOutputStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setIgnoreXRefStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setSuppressWarnings' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setAttemptRecovery' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setImmediateCopyFrom' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_exception_data'
Field 'QPDFExc::error_code' was ignored due to ignored type '::qpdf_error_code_e'
Function 'QPDFExc' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getErrorCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFExc::QPDFExc' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>, 1>'
Function 'getWarnings' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'warn' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PDFVersion' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'updateIfGreater' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getVersion' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getVersionAsPDFVersion' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getTrailer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRoot' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'getXRefTable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeIndirectObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByID' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'swapObjects' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceReserved' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'copyForeignObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_data_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_O_U' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_parameters_V5' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'fixDanglingReferences' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getAllObjects' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getAllPages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPageAt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'removePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDF' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getOwningQPDF' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'shallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'unsafeShallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'copyStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeDirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayFromVector' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'insertItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'appendItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceOrRemoveKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setFilterOnWrite' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'Buffer::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::Buffer::Members>'
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'Buffer' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'PointerHolder::data' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::Buffer>::Data*'
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'get' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRawStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceDict' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'Members::value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field 'JSON_dictionary::members' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_dictionary::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Field 'JSON_array::elements' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_array::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_string::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_number::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_bool::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_null::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Field 'JSON::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::JSON::Members>'
Function 'makeDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addDictionaryMember' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addArrayElement' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeInt' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNumber' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachDictItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'JSON' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getJSON' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageImages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageContents' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'rotatePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'warnIfPossible' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isImage' was ignored due to ignored param
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCopier'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::value_type'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field 'Data::pointer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ForeignStreamData*'
Field 'PointerHolder::data' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>::Data*'
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'get' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>, 1>'
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_List_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_List_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Function '_Decref' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Incref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Decref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Field '_Locimp::_Facetvec' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::facet**'
Field '_Locimp::_Name' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Yarn<char>'
Field 'locale::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::_Locimp*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setDecodeParms' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'Pipeline::next' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'Pipeline' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getNext' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'Pipeline::Pipeline' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getDecodePipeline' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFStreamFilter::QPDFStreamFilter' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::QPDFStreamFilter>::element_type*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<int>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<bool>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<::std::shared_ptr<::QPDFStreamFilter>>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<int>::_Storage'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MoveFunctionToClassPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ValidateOperatorsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FindSymbolsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckMacroPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckStaticClass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAmbiguousFunctions'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ConstructorToConversionOperatorPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MarshalPrimitivePointersAsRefTypePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckOperatorsOverloadsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckVirtualOverrideReturnCovariance'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CleanCommentsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAbiParameters'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CleanInvalidDeclNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.FastDelegateToDelegatesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FieldToPropertyPass'
Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Buf
Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Ptr
Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Alias
Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Buf
Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Ptr
Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Alias
Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Dummy1
Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Dummy2
Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Ptrs
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
Typedef 'FILE' was ignored due to ignored type
Property '_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Property '_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type
Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
Field '_Iosarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Field '_Fnarray::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Arr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Iosarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Calls' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ios_base::_Fnarray*'
Field 'ios_base::_Ploc' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to incomplete type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Mysb*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios<char, ::std::char_traits<char>>::_Myos*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Mystrbuf' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Mysb*'
Field 'basic_ios::_Tiestr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::basic_ios::_Myos*'
Field 'basic_streambuf::_Plocale' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale*'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
Field '_List_node::_Next' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_List_node::_Prev' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Function 'unparse' was ignored due to ignored param
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::JSON::JSON_value>::element_type*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFXRefEntry'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCache'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>'
Function 'QPDFObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamDataProvider' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'PipelineAccessor' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'PipelineAccessor' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'TokenFilter::pipeline' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'TokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'handleToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'writeToken' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'TokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'handleObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'contentSize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ParserCallbacks' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ParserCallbacks' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Rectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Matrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Factory' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Factory' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ObjAccessor' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ObjAccessor' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ReleaseResolver' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ReleaseResolver' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Field 'Members::keys' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>'
Field 'Members::iter' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<void*>>::iterator'
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::Members>'
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFDictItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFDictItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFDictItems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'Members::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle&'
Typedef 'T' was ignored due to ignored type
Field 'iterator::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::Members>'
Field 'iterator::ivalue' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle::QPDFArrayItems::iterator::value_type'
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator++' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator--' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator!=' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'iterator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFArrayItems::oh' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'begin' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'end' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFArrayItems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Field 'QPDFObjectHandle::obj' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Function 'QPDFObjectHandle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFObjectHandle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Typedef 'object_type_e' was ignored due to ignored type
Function 'getTypeCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'wrapInArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'parseContentStream' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeContentStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parsePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipePageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addContentTokenFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'filterAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parseAsContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'newNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInteger' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newName' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newUnicodeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newOperator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newInlineImage' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newFromMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'newReserved' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setObjectDescription' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsUInt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getValueAsNumber' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'aitems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsVector' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsRectangle' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getArrayAsMatrix' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'ditems' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKey' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKeyIfDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getKeys' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getDictAsMap' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeResourcesIndirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'mergeResources' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getResourceNames' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getUniqueResourceName' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'Members::tokenizer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFTokenizer'
Field 'Members::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Field 'Members::out_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Field 'Members::err_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::ostream*'
Field 'Members::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Field 'Members::xref_table' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>'
Field 'Members::deleted_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'Members::obj_cache' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>'
Field 'Members::resolving' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field 'Members::trailer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'Members::all_pages' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::pageobj_to_pages_pos' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, int, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Field 'Members::warnings' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFExc, ::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>>'
Field 'Members::object_copiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier, ::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Field 'Members::copied_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider>'
Field 'Members::copied_stream_data_provider' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider*'
Field 'Members::resolved_object_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<int, ::std::less<int>, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'Members::lindict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'Members::linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Field 'Members::page_offset_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HPageOffset'
Field 'Members::shared_object_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HSharedObject'
Field 'Members::outline_hints' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Field 'Members::c_linp' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::LinParameters'
Field 'Members::c_page_offset_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHPageOffset'
Field 'Members::c_shared_object_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::CHSharedObject'
Field 'Members::c_outline_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::HGeneric'
Field 'Members::part4' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part6' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part7' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part8' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::part9' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'Members::obj_user_to_objects' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Field 'Members::object_to_obj_users' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::crypt_filters' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_stream' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_string' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'EncryptionParameters::cf_file' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::encryption_method_e'
Field 'ObjCache::object' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDFObject>'
Field 'ObjCopier::object_map' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::to_copy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field 'ObjCopier::visiting' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::destination_qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_streams' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field 'CopiedStreamDataProvider::foreign_stream_data' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Virtual method 'QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::provideStreamData' was ignored due to ignored base 'StreamDataProvider'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::encp' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::EncryptionParameters>'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::file' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::InputSource>'
Field 'ForeignStreamData::local_dict' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field 'HPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HPageOffsetEntry::shared_numerators' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'HSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffset::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Field 'CHPageOffsetEntry::shared_identifiers' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<int, ::std::allocator<int>>'
Field 'CHSharedObject::entries' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field 'ObjUser::ou_type' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser::user_e'
Function 'EncryptionData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDF::EncryptionData::EncryptionData' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Writer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Writer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Resolver' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Resolver' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamCopier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'StreamCopier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'ParseGuard::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Function 'ParseGuard' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Pipe' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Pipe' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'StringDecrypter::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::~StringDecrypter' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Virtual method 'QPDF::StringDecrypter::decryptString' was ignored due to ignored base 'StringDecrypter'
Field 'ResolveRecorder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF*'
Field 'ResolveRecorder::og' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Function 'Finder' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'Finder' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'PatternFinder::qpdf' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF&'
Virtual method 'QPDF::PatternFinder::check' was ignored due to ignored base 'Finder'
Variable 'qpdf_version' was ignored due to ignored decl
Field 'QPDF::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::Members>'
Function 'QPDF' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'processFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processMemoryFile' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'processInputSource' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setPasswordIsHexKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'registerStreamFilter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setOutputStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setIgnoreXRefStreams' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setSuppressWarnings' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setAttemptRecovery' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setImmediateCopyFrom' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getWarnings' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'warn' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getVersionAsPDFVersion' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getTrailer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRoot' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getXRefTable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeIndirectObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getObjectByID' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceObject' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'swapObjects' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceReserved' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'copyForeignObject' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isEncrypted' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_data_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_key' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_O_U' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'compute_encryption_parameters_V5' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'fixDanglingReferences' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getAllObjects' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'optimize' was ignored due to ignored param
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFObjectHandle>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>, 1>'
Function 'getAllPages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'findPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'addPageAt' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'removePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDF' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getOwningQPDF' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'shallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'unsafeShallowCopy' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'copyStream' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeDirect' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'setArrayFromVector' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'insertItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'appendItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceOrRemoveKey' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getDict' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setFilterOnWrite' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getRawStreamData' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'pipeStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceDict' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'replaceStreamData' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getObjGen' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getJSON' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageImages' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPageContents' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addPageContents' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'rotatePage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'warnIfPossible' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'isImage' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFObjectHandle>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>'
Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_exception_data'
Field 'QPDFExc::error_code' was ignored due to ignored type '::qpdf_error_code_e'
Function 'QPDFExc' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getErrorCode' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFExc::QPDFExc' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjCopier'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ObjUser'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>'
Field 'pair::first' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjGen'
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>'
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>::value_type'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>'
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field 'pair::second' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDFObjectHandle'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDF::encryption_method_e>>>, 1>, 1>'
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'QPDFXRefEntry' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFXRefEntry>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDF::ObjCache>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<void*, ::std::map<void*, void*, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, void*>>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned long long>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned long long, ::QPDF::ObjCopier>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::QPDFObjectHandle>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field 'Data::pointer' was ignored due to ignored type '::QPDF::ForeignStreamData*'
Field 'PointerHolder::data' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>::Data*'
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'PointerHolder' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator==' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'operator<' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'get' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getPointer' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator*' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator->' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::PointerHolder<::QPDF::ForeignStreamData>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDFObjGen, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDFObjGen>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::set<::QPDFObjGen, ::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::allocator<::QPDFObjGen>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::QPDF::ObjUser, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::QPDF::ObjUser>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<::QPDFObjGen>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const ::QPDFObjGen, ::std::set<::QPDF::ObjUser, ::std::less<::QPDF::ObjUser>, ::std::allocator<::QPDF::ObjUser>>>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const int, int>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const int, int>>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<int>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<int, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<int>>, 1>, 1>'
Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, ::std::_Iterator_base0>::_Nodeptr'
Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<void*>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<void*>>, 1>, 1>'
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_List_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>::_Nodeptr'
Field 'list::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_List_node<void*, void*>>, ::std::_List_val<::std::_List_simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
Function '_Decref' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Incref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Virtual method 'std::locale::facet::_Decref' was ignored due to ignored base '_Facet_base'
Field '_Locimp::_Facetvec' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::facet**'
Field '_Locimp::_Name' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Yarn<char>'
Field 'locale::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::locale::_Locimp*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'QPDFStreamFilter' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'setDecodeParms' was ignored due to ignored param
Field 'Pipeline::next' was ignored due to ignored type '::Pipeline*'
Function 'Pipeline' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'write' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'getNext' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'Pipeline::Pipeline' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getDecodePipeline' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Copy constructor 'QPDFStreamFilter::QPDFStreamFilter' was ignored due to being deleted
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::QPDFStreamFilter>::element_type*'
Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDFExc>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDFExc>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<int>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<int>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::HSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHPageOffsetEntry>>, 1>'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>::pointer'
Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::QPDF::CHSharedObjectEntry>>, 1>'
Property '_Dummy1' was ignored due to ignored decl
Property '_Dummy2' was ignored due to ignored decl
Property '_Ptrs' was ignored due to ignored decl
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
Field 'Members::value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>'
Field 'JSON_dictionary::members' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::less<void*>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<void*, ::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_dictionary::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Field 'JSON_array::elements' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>, ::std::allocator<::std::shared_ptr<::JSON::JSON_value>>>'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_array::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_string::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_number::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_bool::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Virtual method 'JSON::JSON_null::unparse' was ignored due to ignored base 'JSON_value'
Field 'JSON::m' was ignored due to ignored type '::PointerHolder<::JSON::Members>'
Function 'makeDictionary' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addDictionaryMember' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeArray' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'addArrayElement' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeString' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeInt' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeReal' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNumber' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeBool' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'makeNull' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'getBool' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachDictItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'forEachArrayItem' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'checkSchema' was ignored due to ignored param
Function 'parse' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'JSON' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored return decl
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<bool>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<::std::shared_ptr<::QPDFStreamFilter>>::_Storage'
Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<int>::_Storage'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckFlagEnumsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MakeProtectedNestedTypesPublicPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GenerateAbstractImplementationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MultipleInheritancePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.DelegatesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GetterSetterToPropertyPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.StripUnusedSystemTypesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.SpecializationMethodsWithDependentPointersPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ParamTypeToInterfacePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckDuplicatedNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CaseRenamePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckKeywordNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.HandleVariableInitializerPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.MarkEventsWithUniqueIdPass'
Generating code...
Generated 'Std.cs'
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