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Created April 6, 2023 23:29
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Example of the references.go for EC2 RouteTable
// Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the
// License is located at
// or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
// express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Code generated by ack-generate. DO NOT EDIT.
package route_table
import (
corev1 ""
ackv1alpha1 ""
ackerr ""
acktypes ""
svcapitypes ""
func (rm *resourceManager) ClearResolvedReferences(res acktypes.AWSResource) acktypes.AWSResource {
ko := rm.concreteResource(res).ko.DeepCopy()
for f0idx, _ := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].GatewayRef != nil {
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].GatewayID = nil
for f0idx, _ := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].NATGatewayRef != nil {
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].NATGatewayID = nil
for f0idx, _ := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].TransitGatewayRef != nil {
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].TransitGatewayID = nil
for f0idx, _ := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].VPCEndpointRef != nil {
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].VPCEndpointID = nil
if ko.Spec.VPCRef != nil {
ko.Spec.VPCID = nil
return &resource{ko}
// ResolveReferences finds if there are any Reference field(s) present
// inside AWSResource passed in the parameter and attempts to resolve
// those reference field(s) into the resolved reference cache within the
// resource manager. No fields are modified within the resource itself.
func (rm *resourceManager) ResolveReferences(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
res acktypes.AWSResource,
) (acktypes.AWSResource, bool, error) {
namespace := res.MetaObject().GetNamespace()
ko := rm.concreteResource(res).ko
resourceHasReferences := false
err := validateReferenceFields(ko)
if fieldHasReferences, err := rm.resolveReferenceForRoutes_GatewayID(ctx, apiReader, namespace, ko); err != nil {
return &resource{ko}, (resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences), err
} else {
resourceHasReferences = resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences
if fieldHasReferences, err := rm.resolveReferenceForRoutes_NATGatewayID(ctx, apiReader, namespace, ko); err != nil {
return &resource{ko}, (resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences), err
} else {
resourceHasReferences = resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences
if fieldHasReferences, err := rm.resolveReferenceForRoutes_TransitGatewayID(ctx, apiReader, namespace, ko); err != nil {
return &resource{ko}, (resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences), err
} else {
resourceHasReferences = resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences
if fieldHasReferences, err := rm.resolveReferenceForRoutes_VPCEndpointID(ctx, apiReader, namespace, ko); err != nil {
return &resource{ko}, (resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences), err
} else {
resourceHasReferences = resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences
if fieldHasReferences, err := rm.resolveReferenceForVPCID(ctx, apiReader, namespace, ko); err != nil {
return &resource{ko}, (resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences), err
} else {
resourceHasReferences = resourceHasReferences || fieldHasReferences
return &resource{ko}, resourceHasReferences, err
// validateReferenceFields validates the reference field and corresponding
// identifier field.
func validateReferenceFields(ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable) error {
for _, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.GatewayRef != nil && f0iter.GatewayID != nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceAndIDNotSupportedFor("Routes.GatewayID", "Routes.GatewayRef")
for _, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.NATGatewayRef != nil && f0iter.NATGatewayID != nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceAndIDNotSupportedFor("Routes.NATGatewayID", "Routes.NATGatewayRef")
for _, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.TransitGatewayRef != nil && f0iter.TransitGatewayID != nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceAndIDNotSupportedFor("Routes.TransitGatewayID", "Routes.TransitGatewayRef")
for _, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.VPCEndpointRef != nil && f0iter.VPCEndpointID != nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceAndIDNotSupportedFor("Routes.VPCEndpointID", "Routes.VPCEndpointRef")
if ko.Spec.VPCRef != nil && ko.Spec.VPCID != nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceAndIDNotSupportedFor("VPCID", "VPCRef")
if ko.Spec.VPCRef == nil && ko.Spec.VPCID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceOrIDRequiredFor("VPCID", "VPCRef")
return nil
// resolveReferenceForRoutes_GatewayID reads the resource referenced
// from Routes.GatewayRef field and sets the Routes.GatewayID
// from referenced resource. Returns a boolean indicating whether a reference
// contains references, or an error
func (rm *resourceManager) resolveReferenceForRoutes_GatewayID(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
namespace string,
ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable,
) (hasReferences bool, err error) {
for f0idx, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.GatewayRef != nil && f0iter.GatewayRef.From != nil {
hasReferences = true
arr := f0iter.GatewayRef.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return hasReferences, fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty: Routes.GatewayRef")
obj := &svcapitypes.InternetGateway{}
if err := getReferencedResourceState_InternetGateway(ctx, apiReader, obj, *arr.Name, namespace); err != nil {
return hasReferences, err
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].GatewayID = (*string)(obj.Status.InternetGatewayID)
return hasReferences, nil
// getReferencedResourceState_InternetGateway looks up whether a referenced resource
// exists and is in a ACK.ResourceSynced=True state. If the referenced resource does exist and is
// in a Synced state, returns nil, otherwise returns `ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor` or
// `ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor` depending on if the resource is in a Terminal state.
func getReferencedResourceState_InternetGateway(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
obj *svcapitypes.InternetGateway,
name string, // the Kubernetes name of the referenced resource
namespace string, // the Kubernetes namespace of the referenced resource
) error {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
refResourceSynced = true
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if refResourceTerminal {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if !refResourceSynced {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
namespace, name)
if obj.Status.InternetGatewayID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
namespace, name,
return nil
// resolveReferenceForRoutes_NATGatewayID reads the resource referenced
// from Routes.NATGatewayRef field and sets the Routes.NATGatewayID
// from referenced resource. Returns a boolean indicating whether a reference
// contains references, or an error
func (rm *resourceManager) resolveReferenceForRoutes_NATGatewayID(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
namespace string,
ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable,
) (hasReferences bool, err error) {
for f0idx, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.NATGatewayRef != nil && f0iter.NATGatewayRef.From != nil {
hasReferences = true
arr := f0iter.NATGatewayRef.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return hasReferences, fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty: Routes.NATGatewayRef")
obj := &svcapitypes.NATGateway{}
if err := getReferencedResourceState_NATGateway(ctx, apiReader, obj, *arr.Name, namespace); err != nil {
return hasReferences, err
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].NATGatewayID = (*string)(obj.Status.NATGatewayID)
return hasReferences, nil
// getReferencedResourceState_NATGateway looks up whether a referenced resource
// exists and is in a ACK.ResourceSynced=True state. If the referenced resource does exist and is
// in a Synced state, returns nil, otherwise returns `ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor` or
// `ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor` depending on if the resource is in a Terminal state.
func getReferencedResourceState_NATGateway(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
obj *svcapitypes.NATGateway,
name string, // the Kubernetes name of the referenced resource
namespace string, // the Kubernetes namespace of the referenced resource
) error {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
refResourceSynced = true
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if refResourceTerminal {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if !refResourceSynced {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
namespace, name)
if obj.Status.NATGatewayID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
namespace, name,
return nil
// resolveReferenceForRoutes_TransitGatewayID reads the resource referenced
// from Routes.TransitGatewayRef field and sets the Routes.TransitGatewayID
// from referenced resource. Returns a boolean indicating whether a reference
// contains references, or an error
func (rm *resourceManager) resolveReferenceForRoutes_TransitGatewayID(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
namespace string,
ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable,
) (hasReferences bool, err error) {
for f0idx, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.TransitGatewayRef != nil && f0iter.TransitGatewayRef.From != nil {
hasReferences = true
arr := f0iter.TransitGatewayRef.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return hasReferences, fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty: Routes.TransitGatewayRef")
obj := &svcapitypes.TransitGateway{}
if err := getReferencedResourceState_TransitGateway(ctx, apiReader, obj, *arr.Name, namespace); err != nil {
return hasReferences, err
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].TransitGatewayID = (*string)(obj.Status.TransitGatewayID)
return hasReferences, nil
// getReferencedResourceState_TransitGateway looks up whether a referenced resource
// exists and is in a ACK.ResourceSynced=True state. If the referenced resource does exist and is
// in a Synced state, returns nil, otherwise returns `ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor` or
// `ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor` depending on if the resource is in a Terminal state.
func getReferencedResourceState_TransitGateway(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
obj *svcapitypes.TransitGateway,
name string, // the Kubernetes name of the referenced resource
namespace string, // the Kubernetes namespace of the referenced resource
) error {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
refResourceSynced = true
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if refResourceTerminal {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if !refResourceSynced {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
namespace, name)
if obj.Status.TransitGatewayID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
namespace, name,
return nil
// resolveReferenceForRoutes_VPCEndpointID reads the resource referenced
// from Routes.VPCEndpointRef field and sets the Routes.VPCEndpointID
// from referenced resource. Returns a boolean indicating whether a reference
// contains references, or an error
func (rm *resourceManager) resolveReferenceForRoutes_VPCEndpointID(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
namespace string,
ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable,
) (hasReferences bool, err error) {
for f0idx, f0iter := range ko.Spec.Routes {
if f0iter.VPCEndpointRef != nil && f0iter.VPCEndpointRef.From != nil {
hasReferences = true
arr := f0iter.VPCEndpointRef.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return hasReferences, fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty: Routes.VPCEndpointRef")
obj := &svcapitypes.VPCEndpoint{}
if err := getReferencedResourceState_VPCEndpoint(ctx, apiReader, obj, *arr.Name, namespace); err != nil {
return hasReferences, err
ko.Spec.Routes[f0idx].VPCEndpointID = (*string)(obj.Status.VPCEndpointID)
return hasReferences, nil
// getReferencedResourceState_VPCEndpoint looks up whether a referenced resource
// exists and is in a ACK.ResourceSynced=True state. If the referenced resource does exist and is
// in a Synced state, returns nil, otherwise returns `ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor` or
// `ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor` depending on if the resource is in a Terminal state.
func getReferencedResourceState_VPCEndpoint(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
obj *svcapitypes.VPCEndpoint,
name string, // the Kubernetes name of the referenced resource
namespace string, // the Kubernetes namespace of the referenced resource
) error {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
refResourceSynced = true
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if refResourceTerminal {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if !refResourceSynced {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
namespace, name)
if obj.Status.VPCEndpointID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
namespace, name,
return nil
// resolveReferenceForVPCID reads the resource referenced
// from VPCRef field and sets the VPCID
// from referenced resource. Returns a boolean indicating whether a reference
// contains references, or an error
func (rm *resourceManager) resolveReferenceForVPCID(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
namespace string,
ko *svcapitypes.RouteTable,
) (hasReferences bool, err error) {
if ko.Spec.VPCRef != nil && ko.Spec.VPCRef.From != nil {
hasReferences = true
arr := ko.Spec.VPCRef.From
if arr.Name == nil || *arr.Name == "" {
return hasReferences, fmt.Errorf("provided resource reference is nil or empty: VPCRef")
obj := &svcapitypes.VPC{}
if err := getReferencedResourceState_VPC(ctx, apiReader, obj, *arr.Name, namespace); err != nil {
return hasReferences, err
ko.Spec.VPCID = (*string)(obj.Status.VPCID)
return hasReferences, nil
// getReferencedResourceState_VPC looks up whether a referenced resource
// exists and is in a ACK.ResourceSynced=True state. If the referenced resource does exist and is
// in a Synced state, returns nil, otherwise returns `ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor` or
// `ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor` depending on if the resource is in a Terminal state.
func getReferencedResourceState_VPC(
ctx context.Context,
apiReader client.Reader,
obj *svcapitypes.VPC,
name string, // the Kubernetes name of the referenced resource
namespace string, // the Kubernetes namespace of the referenced resource
) error {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
err := apiReader.Get(ctx, namespacedName, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
var refResourceSynced, refResourceTerminal bool
for _, cond := range obj.Status.Conditions {
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeResourceSynced &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
refResourceSynced = true
if cond.Type == ackv1alpha1.ConditionTypeTerminal &&
cond.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if refResourceTerminal {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceTerminalFor(
namespace, name)
if !refResourceSynced {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceNotSyncedFor(
namespace, name)
if obj.Status.VPCID == nil {
return ackerr.ResourceReferenceMissingTargetFieldFor(
namespace, name,
return nil
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