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Created May 15, 2018 00:19
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 7 23:34:58 2018
@author: admin
from sklearn import linear_model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import rgb_to_hsv
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb
import numpy as np
import sys
import numpy.random as npr
class Processor:
def __init__(self, h, filename):
assert(h % 2 == 1)
self.h = h
self.optimizer = linear_model.Lasso(alpha = 0.1)
def load_img(self, filename):
#print((plt.imread(filename)[ : , : , : 3 ]))
self.img = rgb_to_hsv((plt.imread(filename)[ : , : , : 3 ] / 255)) - 0.5
#print(hsv_to_rgb(np.array(self.img[0][0])) * 255)
def patch_as_vector(self, patch):
h, w, _ = patch.shape
return np.reshape(patch, (h * w, 3))
def vector_as_patch(self, vec):
return np.reshape(vec, (self.h, self.h, 3))
def create_void_patch(self):
return np.full((self.h, self.h, 3), None)
def replace_patch(self, i, j, patch):
h_half = int(self.h / 2)
self.img[i - h_half : i + h_half + 1, j - h_half : j + h_half + 1] = patch
def noise_img(self, portion):
h_half = int(self.h / 2)
h, w, _ = self.img.shape
h_ratio = int(h / self.h)
w_ratio = int(h / self.h)
total = h_ratio * w_ratio
total_to_remove = int(total * portion)
for _ in range(total_to_remove):
i = int(npr.random() * h_ratio - sys.float_info.epsilon) * self.h + h_half
j = int(npr.random() * w_ratio - sys.float_info.epsilon) * self.h + h_half
print(i, j)
#print(self.get_patch(i, j))
while np.all(np.isnan(self.get_patch(i, j)[0][0])):
i = int(npr.random() * h_ratio - sys.float_info.epsilon) * self.h + h_half
j = int(npr.random() * w_ratio - sys.float_info.epsilon) * self.h + h_half
#self.img[i][j] = [None, None, None]
self.replace_patch(i, j, self.create_void_patch())
def retrieve_dico(self, stepping):
complete = []
h_half = int(self.h / 2)
h, w, _ = self.img.shape
h_ratio = int(h / stepping)
w_ratio = int(w / stepping)
for i in range(w_ratio):
for j in range(h_ratio):
patch = self.get_patch(i + h_half, j + h_half)
if not np.any(np.isnan(patch)):
return complete
def show_img(self):
plt.imshow((hsv_to_rgb(self.img + 0.5) * 255).astype(np.uint8))
def get_patch(self, i, j):
h_half = int(self.h / 2)
#print(i, j)
return self.img[i - h_half : i + h_half + 1, j - h_half : j + h_half + 1]
def approximate_patch(self, dic, patch, alpha):
if np.any(np.isnan(patch)):
y = []
x = []
expressed_pixels = np.logical_not(np.isnan(patch))
expressed_patch = patch[expressed_pixels]
if expressed_patch.size == 0:
for p in expressed_patch:
for elem in dic:
new_x = elem[expressed_pixels]
#x.append(np.reshape(new_x, (int(new_x.size / 3), 3)))
model = linear_model.Lasso(alpha)
#print(len(x)), len(x)), np.array(y))
c = model.coef_
#dic = np.array(dic)
#dic = dic.reshape(int(dic.size / 3), 3)
for ix in range(self.h):
for jx in range(self.h):
if np.any(expressed_pixels[ix, jx] == False):
new_pixel = [0, 0, 0]
#print("fixing", ix, jx)
for k in range(len(dic)):
#print(y[ix * jx] - c[k*3] * dic[k][ix][jx][0])
new_pixel[0] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][0]
new_pixel[1] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][1]
new_pixel[2] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][2]
print((hsv_to_rgb(np.array(new_pixel)) + 0.5) * 255)
def process(self, stepping, alpha = 0.1):
dic = self.retrieve_dico(stepping)
h_half = int(self.h / 2)
h, w, _ = self.img.shape
for i in range(h - self.h):
for j in range(w - self.h):
patch = self.get_patch(i + h_half, j + h_half)
if np.any(np.isnan(patch)):
y = []
x = []
print("frame : ", i, j)
print(w - h_half - 1)
expressed_pixels = np.logical_not(np.isnan(patch))
expressed_patch = patch[expressed_pixels]
if expressed_patch.size == 0:
for p in expressed_patch:
for elem in dic:
new_x = elem[expressed_pixels]
#x.append(np.reshape(new_x, (int(new_x.size / 3), 3)))
model = linear_model.Lasso(alpha)
#print(len(x)), len(x)), np.array(y))
c = model.coef_
#dic = np.array(dic)
#dic = dic.reshape(int(dic.size / 3), 3)
for ix in range(self.h):
for jx in range(self.h):
if np.any(expressed_pixels[ix, jx] == False):
new_pixel = [0, 0, 0]
#print("fixing", ix, jx)
for k in range(len(dic)):
#print(y[ix * jx] - c[k*3] * dic[k][ix][jx][0])
new_pixel[0] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][0]
new_pixel[1] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][1]
new_pixel[2] += c[k] * dic[k][ix][jx][2]
print((hsv_to_rgb(np.array(new_pixel)) + 0.5) * 255)
self.img[ix + i][jx + j] = np.array(new_pixel)
pr = Processor(7, "Lenna.jpg")
pr.process(5, 0.005)
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