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Created March 16, 2013 18:32
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In order to get a resource from the standalone jar and run directly when development, I have to use following code to get the true file path. I wonder if there is some better way…
(ns my.utils
(:use [clojure.string :only (split)])
(import ( ZipFile))
(import ( File
;; find the path of the jar. via:
(defn this-jar
"utility function to get the name of jar in which this function is invoked"
(-> (class *ns*)
.getProtectionDomain .getCodeSource .getLocation .getPath))
; copy file from one file to another
(defn copy-file [input-stream output-stream]
(with-open [in (BufferedInputStream. input-stream)
out (BufferedOutputStream. output-stream)]
(loop [buf (make-array Byte/TYPE 1024)]
(let [len (.read in buf)]
(when (pos? len)
(.write out buf 0 len)
(recur buf))))))
; get path with the file name.
; deal with the condition when the file is in a jar.
(defn get-path [file-name]
(let [jar-file (ZipFile. (File. (this-jar)))]
(if-let [file-entry (.getEntry (ZipFile. (File. (this-jar))) file-name)]
(let [splitted (split file-name #"\.")
prefix (first splitted)
suffix (str "." (second splitted))
temp (File/createTempFile prefix suffix)]
(.deleteOnExit temp)
(with-open [input-stream (.getInputStream jar-file (.getEntry jar-file file-name))
output-stream (FileOutputStream. temp)]
(copy-file input-stream output-stream))
(.getAbsolutePath temp))
(.getFile ( file-name)))))
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