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Last active January 20, 2024 01:54
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Export Macro
//! An export macro for Rust.
//! This is my first procedural macro!
//! Feel free to use this however you like.
//! I am developing a better version on the side.
// Macro usages
extern crate proc_macro_error;
// Usages
use proc_macro::TokenStream as PTokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Ident, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use quote::TokenStreamExt;
// Macros
/// # export
/// A quick `#[export]` macro.
/// Exports all or a set list of things from the given `mod` statement.
/// ## Examples:
/// ```rust
/// #[export] // Exports all items declared in `thing_1`.
/// pub mod thing_1;
/// #[export(utility_1, utility_2)] // Exports only `utility_1` and `utility_2` from `thing_3`.
/// pub mod thing_3;
/// ````
pub fn export(attr: PTokenStream, item: PTokenStream) -> PTokenStream {
let attr = TokenStream::from(attr);
let item = TokenStream::from(item);
let item_iter = item.clone().into_iter().collect::<Vec<TokenTree>>();
let mut pub_ = None;
let mut pub_suffix = None;
let mut is_mod = false;
let mut mod_idx = 0;
let mut name = String::new();
if let Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = item_iter.get(0) {
if Ident::new("pub", ident.span()).eq(ident) {
pub_ = Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident.clone()));
mod_idx = 1;
if let Some(TokenTree::Group(group)) = item_iter.get(1) {
if group.delimiter().eq(&Delimiter::Parenthesis) {
mod_idx = 2;
pub_suffix = Some(TokenTree::Group(group.clone()));
if let Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = item_iter.get(mod_idx) {
if Ident::new("mod", ident.span()).eq(ident) {
is_mod = true;
if !is_mod {
"The provided input is not a `[pub|pub(crate)|pub(super)] mod` statement!"
if let Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = item_iter.get(mod_idx + 1) {
name = ident.to_string();
if name == String::new() {
abort_call_site!("Could not get a mod name! Expected: not nothing, got: nothing");
let name_i = Ident::new(&name, Span::call_site());
let new_item = quote! {
#pub_ #pub_suffix mod #name_i;
let attr = attr.into_iter().collect::<Vec<TokenTree>>();
let attr_content = attr
.split(|v| {
if let TokenTree::Punct(p) = v {
p.as_char() == ','
} else {
.map(|v| v.clone())
let mut stream = TokenStream::new();
if attr_content.len() == 0 {
stream.append_all(quote! {
pub use #name_i :: *;
} else {
for item in attr_content {
stream.append_all(quote! {
pub use #name_i :: #item;
PTokenStream::from(quote! {
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