# ==================== RPi.GPIO Development Polyfill ==================== |
# A handy little polyfill to aid in development with RPi.GPIO in Python. |
from typing import Callable, TypeAlias |
HIGH = 1 |
LOW = 0 |
IN = 1 |
OUT = 0 |
HARD_PWM = 43 |
SERIAL = 40 |
I2C = 42 |
SPI = 41 |
UNKNOWN = -1 |
BOARD = 10 |
BCM = 11 |
PWM = 43 |
PUD_OFF = 0 |
PUD_UP = 2 |
PUD_DOWN = 1 |
RISING = 31 |
FALLING = 31 |
BOTH = 33 |
NumberingMode: TypeAlias = BOARD | BCM |
GPIOFunction: TypeAlias = IN | OUT | PWM | SERIAL | I2C | SPI |
IODirection: TypeAlias = IN | OUT |
PUDValue: TypeAlias = PUD_OFF | PUD_UP | PUD_DOWN |
IOValue: TypeAlias = 0 | 1 | True | False | HIGH | LOW |
Edge: TypeAlias = RISING | FALLING | BOTH |
VERBOSE = False |
def setup(channel: int, direction: IODirection, pull_up_down: PUDValue = PUD_OFF, initial: any = "") -> None: |
""" |
Set up a GPIO channel or list of channels with a direction and (optional) pull/up down control |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
Either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
direction : IODirection |
IN or OUT. |
[pull_up_down] : PUDValue |
PUD_OFF (default), PUD_UP or PUD_DOWN |
[initial] : any |
Initial value for an output channel |
""" |
print("Setup called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Direction: {direction}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> P/U/D: {pull_up_down}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Initial: {initial}") if VERBOSE else None |
def cleanup(channel: int | list[int] | tuple[int, int] = 0) -> None: |
""" |
Clean up by resetting all GPIO channels that have been used by this program to INPUT with no pullup/pulldown and no event detection |
Parameters |
---------- |
[channel] : int | list[int] | tuple[int, int] |
individual channel or list/tuple of channels to clean up. Default - clean every channel that has been used. |
""" |
print("Cleanup called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel(s): {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
def output(channel: int, value: IOValue) -> None: |
""" |
Output to a GPIO channel or list of channels |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
value : int |
0 / 1 or False / True or LOW / HIGH |
""" |
print("Output called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Value: {value}") if VERBOSE else None |
def input(channel: int) -> IOValue: |
""" |
Input from a GPIO channel. |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
Returns |
------- |
int |
HIGH = 1 = True |
-- or -- |
LOW = 0 = False |
""" |
print("Input called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
def setmode(mode: NumberingMode): |
""" |
Set up numbering mode to use for channels. |
Parameters |
---------- |
mode : int |
BOARD - Use Raspberry Pi board numbers |
BCM - Use Broadcom GPIO 00..nn numbers |
""" |
print("SetMode called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Mode: {mode}") if VERBOSE else None |
def getmode() -> NumberingMode: |
""" |
Get numbering mode used for channel numbers. |
Returns |
------- |
int |
BOARD, BCM, or None |
""" |
print("GetMode called!") if VERBOSE else None |
def add_event_detect(channel: int, edge: int, callback: Callable[[], None] | None = None, bouncetime: int = 0) -> None: |
""" |
Enable edge detection events for a particular GPIO channel. |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
edge : int |
[callback] : Callable[[], None] | None |
A callback function for the event (optional) |
[bouncetime] : int |
Switch bounce timeout in ms for callback |
""" |
print("AddEventDetect called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Edge: {edge}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Callback: {callback}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> BounceTime: {bouncetime}") if VERBOSE else None |
def remove_event_detect(channel: int) -> None: |
""" |
Remove edge detection for a particular GPIO channel |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
""" |
print("RemoveEventDetect called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
def event_detected(channel: int) -> bool: |
""" |
Returns True if an edge has occurred on a given GPIO. |
You need to enable edge detection using add_event_detect() first. |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
Returns |
------- |
bool |
True if an edge has occured on a given GPIO. |
""" |
print("EventDetected called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
def add_event_callback(channel: int, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None: |
""" |
Add a callback for an event already defined using add_event_detect() |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
callback : Callable[[], None] |
a callback function |
""" |
print("AddEventCallback called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Callback: {callback}") if VERBOSE else None |
def wait_for_edge(channel: int, edge: Edge, bouncetime: int = 0, timeout: int = 0) -> int | None: |
""" |
Wait for an edge. |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
edge : Edge |
[bouncetime] : int |
time allowed between calls to allow for switchbounce |
[timeout] : int |
timeout in ms |
Returns |
------- |
int | None |
The channel number or None on timeout. |
""" |
print("WaitForEdge called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Edge: {edge}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> BounceTime: {bouncetime}") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Timeout: {timeout}") if VERBOSE else None |
def gpio_function(channel: int): |
""" |
Return the current GPIO function (IN, OUT, PWM, SERIAL, I2C, SPI) |
Parameters |
---------- |
channel : int |
Either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set. |
Returns |
------- |
GPIOFunction |
The current GPIO function. |
""" |
print("GPIOFunction called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> Channel: {channel}") if VERBOSE else None |
def setwarnings(enable: bool) -> None: |
""" |
Enable or disable warning messages |
Parameters |
---------- |
enable : bool |
Enable or disable warning messages. |
""" |
print("SetWarnings called!") if VERBOSE else None |
print(f">> enable: {enable}") if VERBOSE else None |