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Created October 4, 2023 15:11
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Deprecated intertx module interchaintest
package ibc
import (
chantypes ""
// TestInterchainAccounts is a test case that performs simulations and assertions around some basic
// features and packet flows surrounding interchain accounts. See:
func TestInterchainAccounts(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
client, network := interchaintest.DockerSetup(t)
rep := testreporter.NewNopReporter()
eRep := rep.RelayerExecReporter(t)
ctx := context.Background()
// Get both chains
cf := interchaintest.NewBuiltinChainFactory(zaptest.NewLogger(t), []*interchaintest.ChainSpec{
Name: "icad",
ChainConfig: ibc.ChainConfig{
Images: []ibc.DockerImage{{Repository: "", Version: "v0.5.0", UidGid: "1025:1025"}},
Name: "icad",
ChainConfig: ibc.ChainConfig{
Images: []ibc.DockerImage{{Repository: "", Version: "v0.5.0", UidGid: "1025:1025"}},
chains, err := cf.Chains(t.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
chain1, chain2 := chains[0].(*cosmos.CosmosChain), chains[1].(*cosmos.CosmosChain)
// Get a relayer instance
r := interchaintest.NewBuiltinRelayerFactory(
relayer.RelayerOptionExtraStartFlags{Flags: []string{"-p", "events", "-b", "100"}},
).Build(t, client, network)
// Build the network; spin up the chains and configure the relayer
const pathName = "test-path"
const relayerName = "relayer"
ic := interchaintest.NewInterchain().
AddRelayer(r, relayerName).
Chain1: chain1,
Chain2: chain2,
Relayer: r,
Path: pathName,
require.NoError(t, ic.Build(ctx, eRep, interchaintest.InterchainBuildOptions{
TestName: t.Name(),
Client: client,
NetworkID: network,
SkipPathCreation: true,
// Fund a user account on chain1 and chain2
const userFunds = int64(10_000_000_000)
users := interchaintest.GetAndFundTestUsers(t, ctx, t.Name(), userFunds, chain1, chain2)
chain1User := users[0]
chain2User := users[1]
// Generate a new IBC path
err = r.GeneratePath(ctx, eRep, chain1.Config().ChainID, chain2.Config().ChainID, pathName)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create new clients
err = r.CreateClients(ctx, eRep, pathName, ibc.CreateClientOptions{TrustingPeriod: "330h"})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = testutil.WaitForBlocks(ctx, 2, chain1, chain2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a new connection
err = r.CreateConnections(ctx, eRep, pathName)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = testutil.WaitForBlocks(ctx, 2, chain1, chain2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Query for the newly created connection
connections, err := r.GetConnections(ctx, eRep, chain1.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(connections))
// Start the relayer and set the cleanup function.
err = r.StartRelayer(ctx, eRep, pathName)
require.NoError(t, err)
func() {
err := r.StopRelayer(ctx, eRep)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("an error occurred while stopping the relayer: %s", err)
// Register a new interchain account on chain2, on behalf of the user acc on chain1
chain1Addr := chain1User.(*cosmos.CosmosWallet).FormattedAddressWithPrefix(chain1.Config().Bech32Prefix)
registerICA := []string{
chain1.Config().Bin, "tx", "intertx", "register",
"--from", chain1Addr,
"--connection-id", connections[0].ID,
"--chain-id", chain1.Config().ChainID,
"--home", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--node", chain1.GetRPCAddress(),
"--keyring-backend", keyring.BackendTest,
_, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, registerICA, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
ir := cosmos.DefaultEncoding().InterfaceRegistry
c2h, err := chain2.Height(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
channelFound := func(found *chantypes.MsgChannelOpenConfirm) bool {
return found.PortId == "icahost"
// Wait for channel open confirm
_, err = cosmos.PollForMessage(ctx, chain2, ir,
c2h, c2h+30, channelFound)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Query for the newly registered interchain account
queryICA := []string{
chain1.Config().Bin, "query", "intertx", "interchainaccounts", connections[0].ID, chain1Addr,
"--chain-id", chain1.Config().ChainID,
"--home", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--node", chain1.GetRPCAddress(),
stdout, _, err := chain1.Exec(ctx, queryICA, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
icaAddr := parseInterchainAccountField(stdout)
require.NotEmpty(t, icaAddr)
// Get initial account balances
chain2Addr := chain2User.(*cosmos.CosmosWallet).FormattedAddressWithPrefix(chain2.Config().Bech32Prefix)
chain2OrigBal, err := chain2.GetBalance(ctx, chain2Addr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
icaOrigBal, err := chain2.GetBalance(ctx, icaAddr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Send funds to ICA from user account on chain2
transferAmount := math.NewInt(1000)
transfer := ibc.WalletAmount{
Address: icaAddr,
Denom: chain2.Config().Denom,
Amount: transferAmount,
err = chain2.SendFunds(ctx, chain2User.KeyName(), transfer)
require.NoError(t, err)
chain2Bal, err := chain2.GetBalance(ctx, chain2Addr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, chain2Bal.Equal(chain2OrigBal.Sub(transferAmount)))
icaBal, err := chain2.GetBalance(ctx, icaAddr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, icaBal.Equal(icaOrigBal.Add(transferAmount)))
// Build bank transfer msg
rawMsg, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
"@type": "/",
"from_address": icaAddr,
"to_address": chain2Addr,
"amount": []map[string]any{
"denom": chain2.Config().Denom,
"amount": transferAmount.String(),
require.NoError(t, err)
// Send bank transfer msg to ICA on chain2 from the user account on chain1
sendICATransfer := []string{
chain1.Config().Bin, "tx", "intertx", "submit", string(rawMsg),
"--connection-id", connections[0].ID,
"--from", chain1Addr,
"--chain-id", chain1.Config().ChainID,
"--home", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--node", chain1.GetRPCAddress(),
"--keyring-backend", keyring.BackendTest,
_, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, sendICATransfer, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for tx to be relayed
c1h, err := chain1.Height(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
ackFound := func(found *chantypes.MsgAcknowledgement) bool {
return found.Packet.Sequence == 1 &&
found.Packet.SourcePort == "icacontroller-"+chain1Addr &&
found.Packet.DestinationPort == "icahost"
// Wait for ack
_, err = cosmos.PollForMessage(ctx, chain1, ir, c1h, c1h+10, ackFound)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the funds have been received by the user account on chain2
chain2Bal, err = chain2.GetBalance(ctx, chain2Addr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, chain2Bal.Equal(chain2OrigBal))
// Assert that the funds have been removed from the ICA on chain2
icaBal, err = chain2.GetBalance(ctx, icaAddr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, icaBal.Equal(icaOrigBal))
// Stop the relayer and wait for the process to terminate
err = r.StopRelayer(ctx, eRep)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Send another bank transfer msg to ICA on chain2 from the user account on chain1.
// This message should timeout and the channel will be closed when we re-start the relayer.
_, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, sendICATransfer, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for approximately one minute to allow packet timeout threshold to be hit
time.Sleep(70 * time.Second)
// Restart the relayer and wait for NextSeqRecv proof to be delivered and packet timed out
err = r.StartRelayer(ctx, eRep, pathName)
require.NoError(t, err)
c2h, err = chain2.Height(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
chanCloseFound := func(found *chantypes.MsgChannelCloseConfirm) bool {
return found.PortId == "icahost"
// Wait for channel close confirm
_, err = cosmos.PollForMessage(ctx, chain2, ir, c2h, c2h+30, chanCloseFound)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that the packet timed out and that the acc balances are correct
chain2Bal, err = chain2.GetBalance(ctx, chain2Addr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, chain2Bal.Equal(chain2OrigBal))
icaBal, err = chain2.GetBalance(ctx, icaAddr, chain2.Config().Denom)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, icaBal.Equal(icaOrigBal))
// Assert that the channel ends are both closed
chain1Chans, err := r.GetChannels(ctx, eRep, chain1.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(chain1Chans))
require.Subset(t, []string{"STATE_CLOSED", "Closed"}, []string{chain1Chans[0].State})
chain2Chans, err := r.GetChannels(ctx, eRep, chain2.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(chain2Chans))
require.Subset(t, []string{"STATE_CLOSED", "Closed"}, []string{chain2Chans[0].State})
// Attempt to open another channel for the same ICA
_, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, registerICA, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
c2h, err = chain2.Height(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for channel open confirm
_, err = cosmos.PollForMessage(ctx, chain2, ir,
c2h, c2h+30, channelFound)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert that a new channel has been opened and the same ICA is in use
stdout, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, queryICA, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
newICA := parseInterchainAccountField(stdout)
require.NotEmpty(t, newICA)
require.Equal(t, icaAddr, newICA)
chain1Chans, err = r.GetChannels(ctx, eRep, chain1.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(chain1Chans))
require.Subset(t, []string{"STATE_OPEN", "Open"}, []string{chain1Chans[1].State})
chain2Chans, err = r.GetChannels(ctx, eRep, chain2.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(chain2Chans))
require.Subset(t, []string{"STATE_OPEN", "Open"}, []string{chain2Chans[1].State})
// parseInterchainAccountField takes a slice of bytes which should be returned when querying for an ICA via
// the 'intertx interchainaccounts' cmd and splices out the actual address portion.
func parseInterchainAccountField(stdout []byte) string {
// After querying an ICA the stdout should look like the following,
// interchain_account_address: cosmos1p76n3mnanllea4d3av0v0e42tjj03cae06xq8fwn9at587rqp23qvxsv0j
// So we split the string at the : and then grab the address and return.
parts := strings.SplitN(string(stdout), ":", 2)
icaAddr := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
return icaAddr
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