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Created October 4, 2023 15:14
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Interchain test for Quasars ICQ demo
package ibc_test
import (
interchaintest ""
// TestInterchainQueries is a test case that performs basic simulations and assertions around the packet implementation
// of interchain queries. See:
func TestInterchainQueries(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
client, network := interchaintest.DockerSetup(t)
rep := testreporter.NewNopReporter()
eRep := rep.RelayerExecReporter(t)
ctx := context.Background()
dockerImage := ibc.DockerImage{
Repository: "",
Version: "latest",
UidGid: dockerutil.GetHeighlinerUserString(),
// Get both chains
cf := interchaintest.NewBuiltinChainFactory(zaptest.NewLogger(t), []*interchaintest.ChainSpec{
ChainName: "sender",
ChainConfig: ibc.ChainConfig{
Type: "cosmos",
Name: "sender",
ChainID: "sender",
Images: []ibc.DockerImage{dockerImage},
Bin: "icq",
Bech32Prefix: "cosmos",
Denom: "atom",
GasPrices: "0.00atom",
TrustingPeriod: "300h",
GasAdjustment: 1.1,
ChainName: "receiver",
ChainConfig: ibc.ChainConfig{
Type: "cosmos",
Name: "receiver",
ChainID: "receiver",
Images: []ibc.DockerImage{dockerImage},
Bin: "icq",
Bech32Prefix: "cosmos",
Denom: "atom",
GasPrices: "0.00atom",
TrustingPeriod: "300h",
GasAdjustment: 1.1,
ModifyGenesis: modifyGenesisAllowICQQueries([]string{"/"}), // Add the whitelisted queries to the host chain
chains, err := cf.Chains(t.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
chain1, chain2 := chains[0], chains[1]
// Get a relayer instance
r := interchaintest.NewBuiltinRelayerFactory(
relayer.StartupFlags("-b", "100"),
).Build(t, client, network)
// Build the network; spin up the chains and configure the relayer
const pathName = "test1-test2"
const relayerName = "relayer"
ic := interchaintest.NewInterchain().
AddRelayer(r, relayerName).
Chain1: chain1,
Chain2: chain2,
Relayer: r,
Path: pathName,
CreateChannelOpts: ibc.CreateChannelOptions{
SourcePortName: "interquery",
DestPortName: "icqhost",
Order: ibc.Unordered,
Version: "icq-1",
require.NoError(t, ic.Build(ctx, eRep, interchaintest.InterchainBuildOptions{
TestName: t.Name(),
Client: client,
NetworkID: network,
SkipPathCreation: false,
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = ic.Close()
// Fund user accounts, so we can query balances and make assertions.
const userFunds = int64(10_000_000_000)
users := interchaintest.GetAndFundTestUsers(t, ctx, t.Name(), userFunds, chain1, chain2)
chain1User := users[0]
chain2User := users[1]
// Wait a few blocks for user accounts to be created on chain.
err = testutil.WaitForBlocks(ctx, 5, chain1, chain2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Query for the recently created channel-id.
channels, err := r.GetChannels(ctx, eRep, chain1.Config().ChainID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Start the relayer and set the cleanup function.
err = r.StartRelayer(ctx, eRep, pathName)
require.NoError(t, err)
func() {
err := r.StopRelayer(ctx, eRep)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("an error occured while stopping the relayer: %s", err)
// Wait a few blocks for the relayer to start.
err = testutil.WaitForBlocks(ctx, 5, chain1, chain2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Query for the balances of an account on the counterparty chain using interchain queries.
chanID := channels[0].Counterparty.ChannelID
require.NotEmpty(t, chanID)
chain1Addr := chain1User.(*cosmos.CosmosWallet).FormattedAddressWithPrefix(chain1.Config().Bech32Prefix)
require.NotEmpty(t, chain1Addr)
chain2Addr := chain2User.(*cosmos.CosmosWallet).FormattedAddressWithPrefix(chain2.Config().Bech32Prefix)
require.NotEmpty(t, chain2Addr)
cmd := []string{"icq", "tx", "interquery", "send-query-all-balances", chanID, chain2Addr,
"--node", chain1.GetRPCAddress(),
"--home", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--chain-id", chain1.Config().ChainID,
"--from", chain1Addr,
"--keyring-dir", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--keyring-backend", keyring.BackendTest,
_, _, err = chain1.Exec(ctx, cmd, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait a few blocks for query to be sent to counterparty.
err = testutil.WaitForBlocks(ctx, 10, chain1)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check the results from the interchain query above.
cmd = []string{"icq", "query", "interquery", "query-state", strconv.Itoa(1),
"--node", chain1.GetRPCAddress(),
"--home", chain1.HomeDir(),
"--chain-id", chain1.Config().ChainID,
"--output", "json",
stdout, _, err := chain1.Exec(ctx, cmd, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
results := &icqResults{}
err = json.Unmarshal(stdout, results)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, results.Request)
require.NotEmpty(t, results.Response)
type icqResults struct {
Request struct {
Type string `json:"@type"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Pagination struct {
Key interface{} `json:"key"`
Offset string `json:"offset"`
Limit string `json:"limit"`
CountTotal bool `json:"count_total"`
Reverse bool `json:"reverse"`
} `json:"pagination"`
} `json:"request"`
Response struct {
Type string `json:"@type"`
Balances []struct {
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Denom string `json:"denom"`
} `json:"balances"`
Pagination struct {
NextKey interface{} `json:"next_key"`
Total string `json:"total"`
} `json:"pagination"`
} `json:"response"`
func modifyGenesisAllowICQQueries(allowQueries []string) func(ibc.ChainConfig, []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return func(chainConfig ibc.ChainConfig, genbz []byte) ([]byte, error) {
g := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal(genbz, &g); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal genesis file: %w", err)
if err := dyno.Set(g, allowQueries, "app_state", "interchainquery", "params", "allow_queries"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set allowed interchain queries in genesis json: %w", err)
out, err := json.Marshal(g)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal genesis bytes to json: %w", err)
return out, nil
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