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Last active December 15, 2016 20:52
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FsAdvent 2016 Code
let application =
// Create our forest, wrapped in a mutable with an atomic update function
let forest = new AsyncMutable<_>(Forest.empty)
// Create our 3 functions for the application framework
// Start with the function to create our model (as an ISignal<'a>)
let createModel () : ISignal<_> = forest :> _
// Create a function that updates our state given a message
// Note that we're just taking the message, passing it directly to our model's update function,
// then using that to update our core "Mutable" type.
let update (msg : ForestMessage) : unit = Forest.update msg |> forest.Update |> ignore
// An init function that occurs once everything's created, but before it starts
let init () : unit =
// Handle pruning of the forest -
// Once per second, send a prune message to remove a tree if there are more than max
let rec pruneForever max update =
async {
do! Async.Sleep 500
Prune max |> update
do! pruneForever max update
// Start prune loop in the background asynchronously
pruneForever 10 update |> Async.Start
// Start our application
Framework.application createModel init update forestComponent
// Our main forest model
type Forest = Tree list
// Update types allowed on a forest
type ForestMessage =
| Add of Location // Add new tree at a location
| UpdateTree of msg : TreeMessage * tree : Tree // Update an existing tree
| Prune of maxTrees : int // Prune the trees
// Module with allowed operations on a forest
module Forest =
let private rnd = System.Random()
let empty : Forest = []
// Prune one tree if we're over the max size
let private prune max (forest : Forest) : Forest =
let l = List.length forest
if max < l then
// Remove an "older" tree, from the 2nd half of the list
let indexToRemove = rnd.Next ( l / 2, l)
|> List.mapi (fun i t -> (i <> indexToRemove, t))
|> List.filter fst
|> snd
let update msg forest =
match msg with
| Add(location) -> Tree.create location :: forest
| UpdateTree(msg, tree) -> Tree.update msg tree :: List.except [ tree ] forest
| Prune(maxTrees) -> prune maxTrees forest
// Create binding for entire application. This will output all of our messages.
let forestComponent source (model : ISignal<Forest>) =
// Bind our collection to "Forest"
let forest = BindingCollection.toView source "Forest" model treeComponent
// Map Decorate messages in the treeComponent to UpdateTree messages
forest |> UpdateTree
// Create a command that routes to Add messages
source |> Binding.createMessageParam "Add" Add
<Path Canvas.ZIndex="2" DataContext="{Binding Tree}" Visibility="{Binding Lit, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}" Fill="White" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="2"
Title="FsAdvent 2016 - Decorate Some Trees!"
<local:LocationConverter x:Key="locationConverter" />
<fsx:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="boolToVis" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="TreeTemplate">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonDown">
<fsxb:EventToCommand Command="{Binding Decorate}" />
<Path DataContext="{Binding Tree}" Fill="DarkGreen" Stroke="DarkGreen" StrokeThickness="1" Data="M 0 -50 L -15 40 L -2 40 L -2 50 L 2 50 L 2 40 L 15 40 Z" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" >
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.15" ScaleY="0.1" />
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding Height}" ScaleY="{Binding Height}" />
<TranslateTransform X="{Binding Position.X}" Y ="{Binding Position.Y}"/>
<Path DataContext="{Binding Tree}" Visibility="{Binding Decorated, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}" Fill="Red" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="4" Data="M -6 -30 L 6 -28 M -12 0 L 12 3 M -16 30 L 16 34" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" >
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.15" ScaleY="0.1" />
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding Height}" ScaleY="{Binding Height}" />
<TranslateTransform X="{Binding Position.X}" Y ="{Binding Position.Y}"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center">Click to add a Tree - Click on a tree to decorate it.</TextBlock>
Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
ItemsSource="{Binding Forest}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TreeTemplate}"
<Canvas HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Background="Gray" ClipToBounds="True" >
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonDown">
<fsxb:EventToCommand Command="{Binding Add}" FilterOptionEventArgs="True" EventArgsConverter="{StaticResource locationConverter}" />
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseRightButtonDown">
<fsxb:EventToCommand Command="{Binding Light}" />
// Our tree types
type Location = { X: float; Y: float }
type Tree = { Position : Location ; Height : float ; Decorated : bool }
// Update types allowed on a tree
type TreeMessage = | Decorate
// Module showing allowed operations on an existing tree
module Tree =
let private rnd = System.Random()
let private makeHeight () = 8.0 + rnd.NextDouble() * 4.0
let create location =
{ Position = location ; Height = makeHeight () ; Decorated = false }
let update msg tree =
match msg with
| Decorate -> { tree with Decorated = true }
// Add "Lit"
type Tree = { Position : Location ; Height : float ; Decorated : bool ; Lit : bool }
// Add Light message
type TreeMessage = | Decorate | Light
// In module Tree
// Handle new message here
let update msg tree =
match msg with
| Decorate -> { tree with Decorated = true }
| Light -> { tree with Lit = true }
// Create binding for a single tree. This will output Decorate messages
let treeComponent source (model : ISignal<Tree>) =
// Bind the tree itself to the view
model |> Binding.toView source "Tree"
// Create a command that turns into the Decorate message
source |> Binding.createMessage "Decorate" Decorate
let treeComponent source (model : ISignal<Tree>) =
model |> Binding.toView source "Tree"
source |> Binding.createMessage "Decorate" Decorate
// Add one line here to add a new command that maps to the light message
source |> Binding.createMessage "Light" Light
module internal MouseConverters =
// Create a converter from mouse clicks on a Canvas to Some(location), and clicks elsewhere to None
let locationConverter (args : MouseEventArgs) =
match args.OriginalSource with
| :? Canvas ->
let source = args.OriginalSource :?> IInputElement
let pt = args.GetPosition(source)
Some { X = pt.X; Y = pt.Y }
| _ -> None
// Create our converter from MouseEventArgs -> Location
type LocationConverter() = inherit EventArgsConverter<MouseEventArgs, Location option>(MouseConverters.locationConverter, None)
// Create our Window
type MainWindow = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">
module Main =
let main _ =
// Run using the WPF wrappers around the basic application framework
Gjallarhorn.Wpf.Framework.runApplication System.Windows.Application MainWindow Program.application
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