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Created June 23, 2015 21:02
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Focus is weird
(ns ^:figwheel-always derpanet.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[figwheel.client :as fw :include-macros true]
[cljs.core.async :refer [chan close!]])
[cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]]))
(defn number-box [number text-color]
[:p {:style {:border-color "black"
:float "left"
:border-style "solid"
:border-width "1px"
:padding "1px"
:text-align "center"
:color text-color
:display "inline"}} (str number)])
(defn timeout [ms]
(let [c (chan)]
(js/setTimeout (fn [] (close! c)) ms)
(defn cells-around [cell-pointer cells] (drop (- cell-pointer 10) (take (+ cell-pointer 10) cells)))
;; Interpreter start ---------------------------------------------
(defn initialize-cells [number] (vec (repeat number 0)))
(defn out-of-upper-sourcecode-bounds? [interpreter-state]
(= (:reader-position interpreter-state) (count (:src interpreter-state)))) ;;TODO currently only checks for upper bounds
(defn retrieve-current-symbol [interpreter-state]
(nth (:src interpreter-state) (:reader-position interpreter-state)))
(defn looping-forward? [interpreter-state]
(= :looping-forward (:movement interpreter-state)))
(defn brackets-balanced? [interpreter-state]
(= (:nested-left-brackets interpreter-state) (:nested-right-brackets interpreter-state)))
(defn looping-backward? [interpreter-state]
(= :looping-backward (:movement interpreter-state)))
(defn step [interpreter-state]
(let [{:keys [src
nested-right-brackets]} interpreter-state]
(if (out-of-upper-sourcecode-bounds? interpreter-state) (assoc interpreter-state :terminated-due-to :reached-upper-sourcecode-bounds)
(let [current-symbol (retrieve-current-symbol interpreter-state)] ;; Read the current symbol
(looping-forward? interpreter-state) (if (= \] current-symbol)
(if (brackets-balanced? interpreter-state)
;; stop looping and start moving forward normally - reset nested brackets
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward
:nested-left-brackets 0
:nested-right-brackets 0)
;; continue looping and add nested right bracket
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :looping-forward
:nested-right-brackets (inc nested-right-brackets)))
(if (= \[ current-symbol)
;; continue looping and add nested left bracket
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :looping-forward
:nested-left-brackets (inc nested-left-brackets))
;; continue looping
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :looping-forward)))
(looping-backward? interpreter-state) (if (= \[ current-symbol)
(if (brackets-balanced? interpreter-state)
;; stop looping and start moving forward normally - reset nested brackets
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward
:nested-left-brackets 0
:nested-right-brackets 0)
;; continue looping and add nested left bracket
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (dec reader-position)
:movement :looping-backward
:nested-left-brackets (inc nested-left-brackets)))
(if (= \] current-symbol)
;; continue looping and add nested right bracket
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (dec reader-position)
:movement :looping-backward
:nested-right-brackets (inc nested-right-brackets))
;; continue looping
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (dec reader-position)
:movement :looping-backward)))
(= \+ current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:cells (assoc cells cell-pointer (inc (nth cells cell-pointer)))
:movement :moving-forward)
(= \- current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:cells (assoc cells cell-pointer (dec (nth cells cell-pointer)))
:movement :moving-forward)
(= \> current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:cell-pointer (inc cell-pointer)
:movement :moving-forward)
(= \< current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:cell-pointer (dec cell-pointer)
:movement :moving-forward)
(= \. current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward
:printedchars (apply str (:printedchars interpreter-state) (char (nth cells cell-pointer))))
(= \[ current-symbol) (if (= 0 (nth cells cell-pointer))
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :looping-forward)
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward))
(= \] current-symbol) (if (not (= 0 (nth cells cell-pointer)))
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (dec reader-position)
:movement :looping-backward)
(assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward))
(= \, current-symbol) (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:cells (assoc cells cell-pointer (int (first "Replace this with a reading function")))
:movement :moving-forward)
:else (assoc interpreter-state
:reader-position (inc reader-position)
:movement :moving-forward)))))) ;; Moves reader-position forward if the current character is unknown
(defn interpret [state]
(let [src (:src (:interpreter-state @state))
interpreter-state (assoc (:interpreter-state @state) :src src :running true)]
(loop [interpreter-state interpreter-state]
(if (not (nil? (:terminated-due-to interpreter-state)))
(swap! state assoc :interpreter-state (assoc interpreter-state :running false))
(<! (timeout (:delay @state)))
(swap! state assoc :interpreter-state interpreter-state)
(recur (step interpreter-state))))))))
;; Interpreter end ---------------------------------------------
(def initial-interpreter-state {:src ""
:reader-position 0
:cells (initialize-cells 200)
:cell-pointer 50
:movement :moving-forward
:nested-left-brackets 0
:nested-right-brackets 0
:printedchars ""
:terminated-due-to nil
:running false})
(defonce state (r/atom { :sourcecode ""
:delay 1
:interpreter-state initial-interpreter-state}))
(defn display-running-sourcecode []
[:div {:style {:resize "none"
:font-size "2em"
:width "100%"
:height "100%"
:visibility (not (:running (:interpreter-state @state)))}}
(let [source (:src (:interpreter-state @state))
position (:reader-position (:interpreter-state @state))]
[:div {:style {:list-style-type "none"
:overflow-y "auto"
:width "100%"
:height "100%"
:word-break "break-all"
:word-wrap "break-word"}}
[:div {:style {:display "inline"
:width "100%"}} (take position source)]
[:div {:style {:background-color "turquoise"
:display "inline"
:width "100%"}} (str (nth source position))]
[:div {:style {:background-color "white"
:display "inline"
:width "100%"}} (drop (+ position 1) source)]])])
;; [:div (take position source)])])
(defn display-editable-textbox []
[:textarea {:style {:resize "none"
:word-wrap "break-word"
:word-break "break-all"
:font-size "2em"
:width "100%"
:height "100%"
:font-family "Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace"
:visibility (not (:running (:interpreter-state @state)))}
:disabled (:running (:interpreter-state @state))
:value (:sourcecode @state)
:on-change #(do
(let [new-value (-> % .-target .-value)]
(swap! state assoc :sourcecode new-value)))}])
(defn project-root []
(let [sourcecode-input-disabled (:sourcecode-input-disabled @state)
cells-for-display (cells-around (:cell-pointer (:interpreter-state @state)) (:cells (:interpreter-state @state)))]
[:div {:style {:margin-left "auto"
:margin-right "auto"
:width "500px"
:font-family "Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif"}}
[:div {:style {:text-align "right"}}
[:p [:input {:type "range"
:min "5"
:max "1000"
:value (:delay @state)
:on-change #(swap! state assoc :delay (-> % .-target .-value))}]
(:delay @state)]]
[:p "Write your Brainfuck sourcecode here: " ]
[:div {:type "text"
:id "sourcecode-box"
:style {:width "100%"
:height "200px"
:font-family "Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace"
:box-shadow "0px 7px 5px #888888, 3px 7px 5px #888888, -3px 7px 5px #888888"
:-moz-box-shadow "none"
:-webkit-box-shadow "none"
:border-color "#cccccc" }}
(if (:running (:interpreter-state @state))
[:p {:style {:padding-top "10px"}}
[:button {:type "button"
:disabled (:running (:interpreter-state @state))
:on-click #(do (swap! state assoc :interpreter-state initial-interpreter-state)
(swap! state assoc :interpreter-state (assoc (:interpreter-state @state) :src (:sourcecode @state)))
(interpret state))}
[:p "The result of the sourcecode:" ]
[:p {:style {
:word-wrap "break-word"
:overflow "auto"
:font-family "Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace"
}} (:sourcecode @state)]
[:p "should appear here!" ]
[:p (:printedchars (:interpreter-state @state))]
[:p "And here is the ongoing value of the cells around the active cell: " ]
[:div (interpose " " (take 10 cells-for-display)) " " [:span {:style {:color "red"}} (nth cells-for-display 10)] " " [:span (interpose " " (drop 11 cells-for-display))]]
[:p "Here is some Brainfuck that prints \"derpa\": "]
[:p "++++++++++[>++++++++++<-]>.+.+++++++++++++.--.---------------."]
[:div {:style {:float "left"}}
(let [focus 1]
[:div (map #(number-box % "black") (take focus cells-for-display))]
[:div (number-box (nth cells-for-display focus) "red")]
[:div (map #(number-box % "black") (drop (+ focus 1) cells-for-display))])] ]))
(defn start []
(.getElementById js/document "root")))
(println "Edits to this text should show up in your developer console. LOL")
(defn on-js-reload []
;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
;; your application
(swap! state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)
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