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Last active August 27, 2020 19:27
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Batch script to update Plex Pre Rolls to include all videos in specified locations.
@Echo off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Description: This script will include all video files in specified directories and update the
registry value for Plex.
Run by scheduled task. This needs to be executed by the user Plex Media Server is installed
for. Arguments should be path locations of directories that include your Pre Roll videos.
Must have atleast one argument.
You can import the "Update_Plex_PreRolls.xml" file to Task Scheduler and modify as necessary.
At a minimum you need to modify the command location (full path and file name of this file),
arguments (full paths of pre roll directories), and working directory (full path excluding
file name of this file).
Example for single location:
Update_Plex_PreRolls.bat "C:\Plex Media\Pre Rolls"
Example for multiple locations:
Update_Plex_PreRolls.bat "C:\Plex Media\Pre Rolls 01" "E:\Plex Media\Pre Rolls 02"
Known Issues:
-Network paths have not been tested.
x. PreRoll Directories
Modification History
Date By Description
------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
082620 Archer Initial Version
082720 Archer Support for ! in filenames added
082720 Archer Removed txt file extension
set "reg_data="
set extensions=3g2:3gp:avi:flv:h264:m4v:mkv:mov:mp4:mpg:mpeg:rm:swf:vob:wmv
FOR %%a IN (%*) do (
set "my_dir=%%a"
for %%x in (%extensions::= %) do (
set "my_ext=%%x"
call :add_files_to_list
call :update_reg
goto eof
cd /d %my_dir%
for %%G in ("*.%my_ext%") do (Echo "%%~fG"^|%%~xG
if not defined reg_data (Set "reg_data=%%~fG") else (
for /F "Tokens=1*Delims==" %%H in ('set reg_data'
) do set "reg_data=%%I;%%~fG"))
goto end_function
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set reg_path=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Plex, Inc.\Plex Media Server
set reg_key=CinemaTrailersPrerollID
set reg_type=REG_SZ
REG ADD "!reg_path!" /v "!reg_key!" /t !reg_type! /d "!reg_data!" /f
goto end_function
exit /b 0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.4" xmlns="">
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments>"E:\Pre Roll"</Arguments>
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