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Last active May 31, 2021 17:16
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FAQ for Lumi Lights

Why am I not getting any effects?

Make sure you have installed the pack correctly and that you have changed to pipeline to "Lumi Lights" or "Lumi Shadow".

How do I install it?

The recommended way to install Lumi is to grab it from the releases page on their github. Put the downloaded files into .minecraft > resourcepacks and then load them into your game.

What's a pipeline?

Pipelines are Canvas's shader system. Make sure you get the latest version on github.

I've heard of some config options but I don't see them in pipeline settings, where are they?

This is likely happening because respackopts isn't installed, or it's part of a newer commit. You can find respackopts here.

What is Canvas LTS?

This is spiralhalo's fork of Canvas that adds some small features and bug fixes. Lumi Lights development may depend on it in the future.

Naive Shadow builds are even more unstable than LTS builds. If you want stability, look for releases with "LTS" in the title.

As of recent, spiralhalo has been added as a collaborator on Canvas. It is unlikely that Canvas LTS will be updated in the future.

Why are shadows disappearing?

Proper shadow culling has not been implemented yet, which will cause shadows to phase in and out of existence. There is nothing that can be done to remedy this.

Will Lumi Lights have insert feature?

Whatever is added to Lumi mostly depends on what the developer feels like adding. This is unlikely to change in the future.

Why is my performance so bad?

Reflections, SSAO, and volumetric clouds are the main things that your framerate takes a hit from. Try disabling or lowering the quality of these for a higher framerate.

What are the most optimized settings?

Make sure you are using the "Lumi Lights" pipeline. Turn AO to vanilla, AA to none, volumetric fog and clouds to off, sky to vanilla, reflections to off, disable Lumi PBR, set caustics to off, and set rain puddles to off.

What are the best looking settings?

There is no definitive answer for this. Experiment with the settings and configure the pack in a way that you enjoy.

Kaleidoskopik reflektif metalik blok?

I honestly don't know.

What truly is, a Reese's Puff?


Is Reese's caps lock key always stuck and he has to hold shift to type normally?


Should Matt change his name on the Lumi Lounge?


FAQ created by Reese's Puffs for the Lumi Lounge discord, 5/6/2021

Last updated 5/31/2021

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