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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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NSUserDefaults abstraction
// Storage.swift
// Created by Martin Conte Mac Donell (
import Foundation
This struct is the base for Storage Keys. This way we enforce all keys to be in a container to avoid typos
when using strings that are evaluated at runtime.
public struct StorageKey: RawRepresentable {
public var rawValue: String
public init(rawValue value: String) {
self.rawValue = value
public init(_ value: String) {
self.rawValue = value
This struct serves as a wrapper to NSUserDefaults. The idea is to abstract the device storage in order to
make storing data more flexible and modular. All keys should be set on the struct above.
public struct Storage {
Returns the object associated with the first occurrence of the specified key or the defaultValue if the
key is not found.
:param: key A key from the StorageKey enum.
:param: defaultValue The default value that is going to be returned if the key is not found.
:returns: The object associated with the specified key, or defaultValue if the key was not found.
public static func get<T>(key: StorageKey, defaultValue: T) -> T {
return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(key.rawValue) as? T ?? defaultValue
Returns the object associated with the first occurrence of the specified key.
:param: key A key from the StorageKey enum.
:returns: The object associated with the specified key, or nil if the key was not found.
public static func get<T>(key: StorageKey) -> T? {
return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(key.rawValue) as? T
Sets the value of the specified default key in the standard application domain.
:param: value The object to store in the defaults database if nil the key will get removed.
:param: key The key (from the StorageKey enum) with which to associate with the value.
public static func set(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: StorageKey) {
if value == nil {
return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().removeObjectForKey(key.rawValue)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(value, forKey: key.rawValue)
Writes any modifications to the persistent domains to disk and updates all unmodified persistent
domains to what is on disk.
public static func sync() {
Removes all keys and values stored in the application domain (all of them).
public static func removeAll() {
let appDomain = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!
// MARK: - Example
extension StorageKey {
static let KeyA = StorageKey("A")
static let KeyB = StorageKey("B")
static let KeyC = StorageKey("C")
Storage.set(1, forKey: .KeyA)
println(Storage.get(.KeyA) as Int?)
println(Storage.get(.KeyB, defaultValue: 0))
Storage.set([1, 2, 3], forKey: .KeyB)
println(Storage.get(.KeyB) as [Int]?)
Storage.set(NSData(), forKey: .KeyC)
println(Storage.get(.KeyC) as NSData?)
// Output:
// Optional(1)
// 0
// Optional([1, 2, 3])
// Optional(<>)
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