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Last active November 14, 2022 05:00
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@use "sass:meta";
@use "sass:list";
@use "sass:string";
@use "_var.scss";
* {
# Here we're assigning values, which later can be referenced as var.Use(background)
$background: hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 1),
$color: hsla(0, 0%, 84%, 1),
$color: hsla(0, 0%, 84%, 1),
$accent: hsla(216, 83%, 56%, 1);
# Result
--color-background-h: 0;
--color-background-s: 0%;
--color-background-l: 10%;
--color-background-a: 1;
--color-background: hsla(
--color-color-h: 0;
--color-color-s: 0%;
--color-color-l: 84%;
--color-color-a: 1;
--color-color: hsla(...);
--color-accent-h: 216;
--color-accent-s: 83%;
--color-accent-l: 56%;
--color-accent-a: 1;
--color-accent: hsla(...);
# Here we're referencing previous values, to new values.
@include var.colors(
$accent-contrast: (accent, accent, var.L(accent, '-' 10%), accent)
# Result
--color-accent-contrast-h: var(--color-accent-h);
--color-accent-contrast-s: var(--color-accent-s);
--color-accent-contrast-l: calc(var(--color-accent-l) - 10%);
--color-accent-contrast-a: var(--color-accent-a);
--color-accent-contrast: hsla(...);
# Getting a color variable
var.Color(accent); # -> var(--color-accent);
# Getting relative values
var.H(accent, '+' 25); # -> calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 25);
var.S(accent, '-' 10%); # -> calc(var(--color-accent-s) - 10%);
var.L(accent); # -> var(--color-accent-l);
var.A(accent); # -> var(--color-accent-a);
# Getting a variable, with tweaked value
## When using '+' or '-', the value will be relative to the original variable
var.Hue(accent, '+' 25); # -> hsla(calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 25), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
## Otherwise, it will just set a new value
var.Saturation(accent, 10%); # -> hsla(var(--color-accent-s), 10%, var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
var.Lightness(accent, 10%);
var.Alpha(accent, 0.5);
$primary: hsla(0,0,0,0),
$accent: hsla(0,0,0,0),
$accent-opaque: (accent, accent, accent, 0.5),
$accent-copy: (accent),
@mixin colors($args...) {
@each $name, $c in meta.keywords($args) {
@if list.length($c) == 1 {
@if meta.type-of($c) == 'color' {
@include color($name, $c);
@else {
@include ref($name,
list.nth($c, 1),
list.nth($c, 1),
list.nth($c, 1),
list.nth($c, 1)
@else {
@include ref($name,
list.nth($c, 1),
list.nth($c, 2),
list.nth($c, 3),
if(list.length($c) == 4, list.nth($c, 4), 1)
// *
// * Get singular value
// *
/// Returns hue-value relative to variable
/// @access public
/// @example var.H(accent, '+' 5);
/// @example var.H(accent, '-' 11);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 5deg);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-h) - 11deg);
@function H($variable, $h: '+'0deg) {
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@if not (ends-with (#{$h}, deg)) {
$h: #{$h}deg;
@if ($h == ('+'0deg)) {
@return var(#{$variable}-h);
$h: getValidValue($variable, $h, h, false);
@return $h;
/// Returns saturation-value relative to variable
/// @access public
/// @example var.S(accent, '+' 5%);
/// @example var.S(accent, '-' 11%);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-s) + 5%);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-s) - 11%);
@function S($variable, $s: '+'0%) {
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@if ($s == ('+'0%)) {
@return var(#{$variable}-s);
$s: getValidValue($variable, $s, s);
@return $s;
/// Returns lightness-value relative to variable
/// @access public
/// @example var.L(accent, '+' 5%);
/// @example var.L(accent, '-' 11%);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-l) + 5%);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-l) - 11%);
@function L($variable, $l: '+'0%) {
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@if ($l == ('+'0%)) {
@return var(#{$variable}-l);
$l: getValidValue($variable, $l, l);
@return $l;
/// Returns alpha-value relative to variable
/// @access public
/// @example var.A(accent, '+' .1);
/// @example var.A(accent, '-' .4);
/// @example var.A(accent, .75);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-a) + .1);
/// @return calc(var(--color-accent-a) - .4);
/// @return .75;
@function A($variable, $a: '+'0) {
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@if ($a == ('+'0)) {
@return var(#{$variable}-a);
$a: getValidValue($variable, $a, a, false);
@return $a;
// *
// * Set specific value
// *
/// Returnes a variable, where hue is replaced with value - or relative value.
/// @access public
/// @example var.Hue(accent, '+' 11);
/// @example var.Hue(accent, '-' 34);
/// @example var.Hue(accent, 128);
/// @return hsla(calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 11deg), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(calc(var(--color-accent-h) - 34deg), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(128deg, var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
@function Hue($variable, $h) {
$h: H($variable, $h);
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@return #{'hsla(#{$h}, var(#{$variable}-s), var(#{$variable}-l), var(#{$variable}-a))'};
/// Returnes a variable, where saturation is replaced with value - or relative value.
/// @access public
/// @example var.Saturation(accent, '+' 4%);
/// @example var.Saturation(accent, '-' 11%);
/// @example var.Saturation(accent, 25%);
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), calc(var(--color-accent-s) + 4%), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), calc(var(--color-accent-s) - 11%), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), 25%, var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
@function Saturation($variable, $s) {
$s: S($variable, $s);
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@return #{'hsla(var(#{$variable}-h), #{$s}, var(#{$variable}-l), var(#{$variable}-a))'};
/// Returnes a variable, where lightness is replaced with value - or relative value.
/// @access public
/// @example var.Lightness(accent, '+' 4%);
/// @example var.Lightness(accent, '-' 11%);
/// @example var.Lightness(accent, 25%);
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), calc(var(--color-accent-l) + 4%), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), calc(var(--color-accent-l) - 11%), var(--color-accent-a));
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), 25%, var(--color-accent-a));
@function Lightness($variable, $l) {
$l: L($variable, $l);
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@return #{'hsla(var(#{$variable}-h), var(#{$variable}-s), #{$l}, var(#{$variable}-a))'};
/// Returnes a variable, where alpha is replaced with value - or relative value.
/// @access public)
/// @example var.Alpha(accent, '+' .1);
/// @example var.Alpha(accent, '-' .4);
/// @example var.Alpha(accent, .7);
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), calc(var(--color-accent-a) + .1 );
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), calc(var(--color-accent-a) - .4 );
/// @return hsla(var(--color-accent-h), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), .7 );
@function Alpha($variable, $a) {
$a: A($variable, $a);
$variable: getValidVariable($variable);
@return #{'hsla(var(#{$variable}-h), var(#{$variable}-s), var(#{$variable}-l), #{$a})'};
@function Color($variable) {
@if not (starts-with(#{$variable}, '--')) {
$variable: --color-#{$variable};
@return var(#{$variable});
/// Makes a color variable
/// @access private
@mixin color($variable, $hsla) {
$h: --color-#{$variable}-h;
$s: --color-#{$variable}-s;
$l: --color-#{$variable}-l;
$a: --color-#{$variable}-a;
#{$h}: #{hue($hsla)};
#{$s}: #{saturation($hsla)};
#{$l}: #{lightness($hsla)};
#{$a}: #{alpha($hsla)};
--color-#{$variable}: #{'hsla(#{var($h)}, #{var($s)}, #{var($l)}, #{var($a)})'};
/// Makes a reference variable
/// @access private
@mixin ref($variable, $hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha: 1) {
$h: --color-#{$variable}-h;
$s: --color-#{$variable}-s;
$l: --color-#{$variable}-l;
$a: --color-#{$variable}-a;
@if (type-of($hue) == 'string') {
@if (starts-with($hue, '--color')) {
$hue: #{$hue}-h;
@else if not (starts-with($hue, '--')) and not (starts-with($hue, 'calc(')) {
$hue: --color-#{$hue}-h;
@if not (starts-with($hue, 'calc(')) {
$hue: var(#{$hue});
@if (type-of($saturation) == 'string') {
@if (starts-with($saturation, '--')) {
$saturation: #{$saturation}-s;
@else if not (starts-with($saturation, '--')) and not (starts-with($saturation, 'calc(')) {
$saturation: --color-#{$saturation}-s;
$saturation: var(#{$saturation});
@if (type-of($lightness) == 'string') {
@if (starts-with($lightness, '--')) {
$lightness: #{$lightness}-l;
@else if not (starts-with($lightness, '--')) and not (starts-with($lightness, 'calc(')) {
$lightness: --color-#{$lightness}-l;
$lightness: var(#{$lightness});
@if (type-of($alpha) == 'string') {
@if (starts-with($alpha, '--')) {
$alpha: #{$alpha}-a;
@else if not (starts-with($alpha, '--')) and not (starts-with($alpha, 'calc(')) {
$alpha: --color-#{$alpha}-a;
$alpha: var(#{$alpha});
#{$h}: #{$hue};
#{$s}: #{$saturation};
#{$l}: #{$lightness};
#{$a}: #{$alpha};
--color-#{$variable}: #{'hsla(#{var($h)}, #{var($s)}, #{var($l)}, #{var($a)})'};
/// @access private
@function str-remove-whitespace($str) {
@while (str-index($str, ' ') != null) {
$index: str-index($str, ' ');
$str: "#{str-slice($str, 0, $index - 1)}#{str-slice($str, $index + 1)}";
@return $str;
/// @access private
@function ends-with($string, $find) {
@if (str-index($string, $find) == (str-length($string) - str-length($find) + 1)) {
@return true;
} @else {
@return false;
/// @access private
@function starts-with($string, $find) {
@if (type-of($string) == 'number') {
@return false;
@if (str-index($string, $find) == 1) {
@return true;
} @else {
@return false;
/// @access private
@function getValidVariable($variable) {
@if not (starts-with(#{$variable}, '--')) {
$variable: --color-#{$variable};
@return $variable;
/// @access private
@function getValidValue($variable, $s, $extension, $percentage: true) {
@if ($percentage == true) and not (ends-with(#{$s}, '%')) {
$s: #{str-remove-whitespace(#{$s'%'})};
@if (starts-with(#{$s}, '+')) or (starts-with(#{$s}, '-')) {
$s: calc(var(#{$variable}-#{$extension}) #{$s});
@return $s;
@use "./var";

* {
    // * Here we're assigning values, which later can be referenced as var.Use(background)
        $background: hsla(0, 0%, 10%, 1),
        $color: hsla(0, 0%, 84%, 1),
        $color: hsla(0, 0%, 84%, 1),
        $accent: hsla(216, 83%, 56%, 1);

    // Result

    --color-background-h: 0;
    --color-background-s: 0%;
    --color-background-l: 10%;
    --color-background-a: 1;
    --color-background: hsla(
    --color-color-h: 0;
    --color-color-s: 0%;
    --color-color-l: 84%;
    --color-color-a: 1;
    --color-color: hsla(...);
    --color-accent-h: 216;
    --color-accent-s: 83%;
    --color-accent-l: 56%;
    --color-accent-a: 1;
    --color-accent: hsla(...);

    // * Here we're referencing previous values, to new values.
    @include var.colors(
        $accent-contrast: (accent, accent, var.L(accent, '-' 10%), accent)

    // Result
    --color-accent-contrast-h: var(--color-accent-h);
    --color-accent-contrast-s: var(--color-accent-s);
    --color-accent-contrast-l: calc(var(--color-accent-l) - 10%);
    --color-accent-contrast-a: var(--color-accent-a);
    --color-accent-contrast: hsla(...);

    // * Getting a color variable
    var.Color(accent);             // -> var(--color-accent);

    // * Getting relative values
    var.H(accent, '+' 25);         // -> calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 25);
    var.S(accent, '-' 10%);        // -> calc(var(--color-accent-s) - 10%);
    var.L(accent);                 // -> var(--color-accent-l);
    var.A(accent);                 // -> var(--color-accent-a);

    // * Getting a variable, with tweaked value
    // When using '+' or '-', the value will be relative to the original variable
    var.Hue(accent, '+' 25);       // -> hsla(calc(var(--color-accent-h) + 25), var(--color-accent-s), var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
    // Otherwise, it will just set a new value
    var.Saturation(accent, 10%);   // -> hsla(var(--color-accent-s), 10%, var(--color-accent-l), var(--color-accent-a));
    var.Lightness(accent, 10%);
    var.Alpha(accent, 0.5);
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